Remove the "Add" functionality in Django admin
Is there a way to remove the "Add" functionality on the Django admin site? For certain entities, I only want the Django admin to be able to view them or change existing ones, but not add new ones. ...
Is there a way to remove the "Add" functionality on the Django admin site? For certain entities, I only want the Django admin to be able to view them or change existing ones, but not add new ones. ...
When I display a form with errors using {{ f.as_p }} , the errorlist ul always comes first then the label and input field. For example: <ul class="errorlist"> <li>This field is required.</li> </ul> <p> <label for="id_content">Content:</label> <textarea id="id_content" class="required error" name="content" cols="80" rows="10"/> </p> I ...
I am getting a token upgrade failed error when i try to create a calendar reminder using google's gdata used in an appengine environment. The code fragment is: def InsertSingleEvent(calendar_service, title=None, content=None, where=None, start_time=None, end_time=None): event = gdata.calendar.Calen...
Hi all, i have many fields in my form i was trying to apply different css to neighbour forms fields like <li class='thiscolor' > <field> </li> <li class='thatcolor' > <field> </li> if there a way like {% for field in form %} **{% if forloop.counter%2 == 0 %}** <li class='thiscolor'> {% else%} <li class='thatcolo...
In a Django view I'm doing something like this.. lists = Stuff.objects.exclude(model2=None) for alist in lists: if == target_id: addSomeStuff The slowness comes from going from model (database row) to model in the if statement. This actually takes nearly a second to run whe...
If I have a django content_type reference (the id of the model.class and the id of the object), what's the best way to get the actual object itself? Sounds trivial but I can't actually see an example anywhere. ...
Probably simple question and I'm just missing something, but I'm stuck out of ideas. I have Django project serving several sites with distinct and completely different ROOT_URLCONFs. One site handles user registration, authentication and profile settings, other site (on another domain) acts as file manager and so on. Sites a...
Im trying to connect a "Information" object to many "Customers" (see code below) When one Information object is updated, I want to send email to each Customer that is connected to the Information. However, when I log the sold_to field that the signal recieves I always get what the data is like BEFORE the save. I'm guessing this is bec...
Hi, does SQLAlchemy have something similar to Django's signal concept? Basically, I'd like to trigger a few functions when I pre-save or post-save some entity objects. Thanks. Edit: I JUST want equivalent of django-signals in SQLAlchemy. ...
I have a python list which holds a few email ids accepted as unicode strings: [u'[email protected]',u'[email protected]',u'[email protected]'] This is assigned to values['Emails'] and values is passed to render as html. The Html renders as this: Emails: [u'[email protected]',u'[email protected]',u'[email protected]'] I would like it to ...
In my Django project, I used to have a single URLConf, at the root of the project. This URLConf included some named URLs using Django's url() function. In several templates, I reference these URLs with the url tag, à la {% url named_url %}. This worked fine. The root became a bit unwieldy, so I split it off into a URLCon...
Upon trying to start a Pinax app, I receive the following error: Error: No module named notification Below are the steps I took svn co pinax cd pinax/pinax/projects/basic_project ./ syncdb Any suggestions? ...
I'm working on a django field validation and I can't figure out why I'm getting a type error for this section: def clean_tid(self): data = self.cleaned_data['tid'] stdout_handel = os.popen("/var/www/nsmweb/jre1.6.0_14/bin/java -jar /var/www/nsmweb/sla.jar -t %s grep -v DAN") % data result = Do I have ...
Hi, I am on OS X + Python 2.6 + django 1.1. I have tried all possible solution available on the net i.e. tried with python 2.5, 2.4 apple-python.. I just can't go past this error after installing scons $ /usr/local/bin/scons scons: *** No SConstruc...
In Django, how do I associate a Form with a Model so that data entered into the form are inserted into the database table associated with the Model? How do I save that user input to that database table? For example: class PhoneNumber(models.Model): FirstName = models.CharField(max_length=30) LastName = models.CharField(max_len...
I have django running through WSGI like this : <VirtualHost *:80> WSGIScriptAlias / /home/ptarjan/django/django.wsgi WSGIDaemonProcess ptarjan processes=2 threads=15 display-name=%{GROUP} WSGIProcessGroup ptarjan Alias /media /home/ptarjan/django/mysite/media/ </VirtualHost> But if in python I do : def handler(request...
I've been trying to get syntax highlighting working in my simple Django (1.1) test app using Markdown (2.0.1) & Pygments (1.0). The idea is to generate HTML from the users input which is in markdown format and store both in the DB so I don't have to do the markdown to html translation during the fetch. So far I have the markdown proce...
I have what seems to be a fairly simple question about implementing a data access client that strictly adheres to REST architectural principles. To start, let's assume I have a well-behaving REST API that I want to consume using a Django application. I'll start by discovering what services are available (edited for follow-up): GET examp...
I'm updating a 0.5.1 complete_project to 0.7beta3 + virtualenv + pip + fabric. I have converted my project into multiple stand-alone applications and I have everything being pulled down by pip from a requirements.txt file. I am now moving the code over and so far can get the Welcome page and perform a log-in, but then it breaks, due, i...
Hi all, I've got a model that looks like this, class PL(models.Model): locid = models.AutoField(primary_key=True) mentionedby = models.ManyToManyField(PRT) class PRT(models.Model): tid = .. The resulting many to many table in mysql is formed as, +------------------+------------+------+-----+---------+----------------+ |...