By default, Django uploads images to the MEDIA_ROOT setting, which is assumed to be a publicly accessible directory.
I don't want users to be able to upload images and to have those images immediately accessible. Instead, I want the images to be uploaded to a non-public tmp directory. Later on, a site moderator will approve images in ...
Hi ,
I was creating a twitter application with Django. I used the twitter lib from for OAuth , as specified in the twitter example pages .
But I am not too sure how to redirect user to my application home page once the authentication with twitter is over .
The code for
so here's the setting:
The whole site is working fine if I remove the application (whose name
is myapp) in the INSTALLED_APPS section in the settings file I added WSGIPythonHome in apache2.conf
I can successfully access the apps via the the interactive python shell in Django (python shell). I can create, update and delete...
Hi all,
I setup some RADIUS backend to allow AD authentication via the 'admin' of django. Alltough i got a problem with some dictionaries, i really don't know what i'm doing wrong. This is the error i got:
IOError at /admin/
Errno 2] No such file or directory: '/home/pl/dictionary.compat'
I installed pyrad, so it should be there and i...
I have a django model (A) which has a ManyToManyField (types) to another model (B). Conceptually the field in A is an 'optionally limit this object to these values'. I have set blank=null and null=True on the ManyToManyField. I have created an object from this model, and set types to some values. All is good.
I want to set it to 'null',...
I'm trying to do a ajax file upload using django. I am trying to make this example work
But strangely I keep getting "None" for my csrf token and even more strange is that I am doing the POST call sending the file but all I get on the server is just th...
Hello, I have a django app that suppose to display invoices and clients. Now for some reasons When I run the Django sever, for some reasons it only displays the invoice data in invoice_list but cannot displays the clients data in clients_list. The clients data does shows up in another view, but not in invoice_details view.
EDIT: I Seem...
NOw i create project by using jython 2.5.2b2 and django1.1.1 (lucid) , after download sqlitejdbc-v056.jar and do some syncdb task its shown "zxJDBC.Error: auth_permission.content_type_id may not be NULL [SQLCode: 0]" but still can runserver, anyone has some great example for this situation?.:)
Hi folks,
I need to dynamically create a class. To go in futher detail I need to dynamically create a subclass of Django's Form class.
By dynamically I intend to create a class based on configuration provided by a user.
I want a class named CommentForm which should subclass the Form class
The class should have a list o...
Hi guys, Django newbie here,
I'm using Django's i18n to translate my website.
My templates get translated just fine using the trans template tag
However, when I try to translate strings in my python files, for instance this form field's label:
from django.utils.translation import gettext as _
class RegForm(forms.Form):
FullCalendar supports taking in a JSON object through AJAX for it's events, this can be done on initialization or later like this:
$('#calendar').fullCalendar('addEventSource', "/{{ user }}/events/" );
The serialization itself in my Django view looks like this:
events = Event.objects.filter(user=request.user, start__gte=start, en...
Hi, i'm learning django so i've many questions, and one is how i can reuse a model? i mean the models live in the application folder, but some models are exactly the same between two differents applications.
So should i rewrite the model every time that i write a new app?
I've changed the language-code from en-us to es-ar and the url's began to fail.
Example: When I click in "Agosto 2010" the URL is "" and the server couldn't finde the page. But if I browse " the server finds and shows the page.
urlpatterns = patterns('django....
I have a requeriment to store images in the database using django, and for that I created a custom field :
from django.db import models
class BlobField(models.Field):
__metaclass__ = models.SubfieldBase
def db_type(self, connection):
#TODO handle other db engines
backend = connection.settings_dict['ENGINE']
I am using django with mysql (InnoDB) and have the following in my django model:
class RowLock(models.Model):
table_name = models.CharField(blank = False, max_length = 30)
locked_row_id = models.IntegerField(null = False)
process_id = models.IntegerField(null = True)
thread_id = models.IntegerField(null = True)
What is location of django Built-in tags and filters? I cant find anywhere... I need it to format datetime so then i can send right formt in JSON by AJAX response.. Or maybe you can suggest me another way to do that...
What i want to do it's import function which determinate filter... and use it to format my datetime in JSON.
Look.. i ...
My problem is a python/django mix. I have a form model that will display some fields. Basing on some parameter of this model, the data sent to metaclass creating this object should differ. But how can I reach this parameter when inside the body of Meta ? Should I use some global var instead of object parameter (as it is introduced only t...
I am wondering if is there a way to compute a field in the admin site based on a concatenation of multiple fields.
Basically I have a Product model with different fields associated to various attributes
(colour, size, length etc).
I would like to compute the code value to be a concatenation of the values of the various attribute field...
Hi all -
I read in a file via HTML5 FileReader and jQuery like so:
holder.ondrop = function(e) {
this.className = '';
var file = e.dataTransfer.files[0],
reader = new FileReader();
reader.onloadend = function(event) {
type: "POST",
How can i go about making list that do this in Django.
I want it to look like:
Item A
Item B
Item C
where items are from Item models. When the add button is clicked, the item will be added to a list model.
I use modelformset so that i could get Item list which is already populated in the Item model. I have...