
need to call non exported functions of DLL

Hello, I need to call(get) non exported functions of DLL. Unlike PE export table, non exports do not have any table having entries for these. More over all disassembler like IDAPro and other debuggers only show exported function names with decorated names(After Shift+F3 incase of IDA) and show all other functions like sub_000FF sorts of...

Dllhell with .NET

Hi, guys. Rather than trying to piece out the individual pains I'm dealing with, I want to give the 10 000 feet overview of it. I learn .NET as I go, and I suspect that there is something obvious that I'm missing here. I'm sitting working overtime on a Sunday and I'd really appreciate if someone would toss in their five cents. Here g...

How to solve this MS runtime DLLs loader runtime error (R6034)

Here is my situation: I have a C project linking with many libraries (I haven't written this application), and it is shipped also with MSVCR71.dll and MSVCP71.dll. Even without those DLLs, the program has run fine on my system, which has MS VS2005 installed (indeed uses MSVCR80.dll and MSVCP80.dll). I've linked this application with ot...

Project References DLL version hell

We're having problems getting visual studio to pick up the latest version of a DLL from one of our projects. We have multiple class library projects (e.g. BusinessLogic, ReportData) and a number of web services, each has a reference to a Connectivity DLL we've written (this ref to the connectivity DLL is the problem). We always point ...

Grouping DLL's for use in Executable

Is there a way to group a bunch of DLL's and still use them at run time (not zipped up). Sorry this question sounds terse and stupid, but I'm not sure what more to ask. I'll explain the situation though: We've had two standalone Windows Applications and now one of our Applications has swelled to such ungainly proportions that the othe...

Programmatically grabbing DLL manifest information with Python or other common scripting language / tool.

Hi, I am having a problem like this one: http://svn.haxx.se/tsvnusers/archive-2008-07/1051.shtml Except that the app is our own (sorry, won't give you confidential details). Although, it is not our fault that SideBySide is so flawed. Anyhow, version X works and version Y bombs right at the start. I am facing the task of walking throug...

Avoiding .NET versioning hell

So sometimes (oftentimes!) you want to target a specific .NET version (say 3.0), but then due to some .NET service packs you get into problems like: Dispatcher.BeginInvoke(Delegate, Object[]) <-- this was added in 3.0 SP2 (3.0.30618 ) System.Threading.WaitHandle.WaitOne(Int32) <-- this was added in 3.5 SP1, 3.0 SP2, 2.0 SP2 Now, thes...

Dependency Walker reports IESHIMS.DLL and WER.DLL missing?

On a Windows XP Professional SP3 with Internet Explorer 8 box, when I run Dependency Walker on an executable of mine it reports that: IESHIMS.DLL and WER.DLL can't be found. Do I need these DLL's? Where can I get them? I believe they are supposed to located in C:\Windows\System32\Wer.dll and C:\Program Files\Internet Explorer\Iesh...

How to automatically fix MISSING reference in a dll when a referenced library is broken in VB6?

What do you do when you break compatibility on a common library used by many other libraries on your development machine? What i usually do is: For every dll that reference the broken one Checkout dll Checkout vbp project Open vpb project with VB6 Ide Click on References button Uncheck MISSING reference and OK Click on Reference...

Referencing both an old version and new version of the same DLL (VB.Net)

Consider the following situation: WidgetCompany produced a .NET DLL in 2006 called Widget.dll, version 1.0. I consumed this Widget.dll file throughout my VB.Net application. Over time, WidgetCompany has been updating Widget.dll, I never bothered to keep up, continuing to ship version 1.0 of Widget.dll with my software. It's now 2010,...

Can I someone point to me what I did wrong? Trying to map VB to Java using JNA to access the library

Original Working VB_Code Private Declare Function ConnectReader Lib "rfidhid.dll" () As Integer Private Declare Function DisconnectReader Lib "rfidhid.dll" () As Integer Private Declare Function SetAntenna Lib "rfidhid.dll" (ByVal mode As Integer) As Integer Private Declare Function Inventory Lib "rfidhid.dll" (ByRef tagdata As Byte, By...

Loading a dll from a dll ?

What's the best way for loading a dll from a dll ? My problem is I can't load a dll on process_attach, and I cannot load the dll from the main program, because I don't control the main program source. And therefore I cannot call a non-dllmain function, too. ...

Visual C++ overrides/mock objects for unit testing?

When I'm running unit tests, I want to be able to "stub out" or create a mock object, but I'm running into DLL Hell. For example: There are two DLL libraries built: A.dll and B.dll -- Classes in A.dll have calls to classes in B.dll so when A.dll was built, the link line was using B.lib for the defintions. My test driver (Foo.exe) is te...

Customers angry, fighting unknown DLL dependencies

I'm a one man show developing a C++ Windows application for a customer. Over the past several months we've been running to the same problems with missing DLL dependencies on customer machines. Despite my best efforts something keeps going wrong and we get angry emails back. My boss and my boss's boss are angry with me and the customer...

Using regsvr32, do you need to unregister a dll or ocx before registering it again?

Using regsvr32, do you need to unregister a dll or ocx before registering it again? Or will registering it do that anyway? ...

Why would an OCX or DLL file need to be unregistered then re-registered?

Why would an OCX or DLL file need to be unregistered then re-registered? Why would this happen on machine on not others? ...

If a DLL or OCX is registered by a non-administrator user and regsvr32 says it succeeds, could it still fail to be registered properly?

If a DLL or OCX is registered by a non-adminstrator user and regsvr32 says it succeeds, could it still fail to be registered properly? ...

Ignoring build number when referencing dll

I have one solution with a .NET 4.0 project (C#) that produces a delayed signed dll, that I dotfuscate and sign. EDIT: This is how I version the dll: [assembly: AssemblyVersion("0.7.0.*")] [assembly: AssemblyFileVersion("")] I have another solution with a .NET 4.0 project (C++/CLI) that references the signed dll and produces a...

Why use "DLLSelfRegister" in VB deployment package?

Why would you use DLLSelfRegister in a VB deployment package? I am trying to sort out possible conflict problems with a calendar control: msacal70.ocx. Apparently there is a conflict with newer Office calendar controls. This might be the cause of Automation Error showing after the package is deployed to some machines. I noticed the s...

MS C++ 2010 and mspdb100.dll

Microsoft's C++ compiler and linker seem to have an odd relationship with mspdb100.dll. When run from the IDE, of course, the compiler and linker work fine. When running either one from the command line, I get the following error: No problem, I located the DLL and copied it to the directory. Now the compiler works fine, but the linker...