
Compiling .NET component that uses a non specific required version of a 3rd Party Vendor component

If someone were to develop a .NET component that relied on non specific versions of a vendor DLL - let's say it worked with My3rdPartyComponent.dll which is a .NET assembly, but it didn't matter which version. Some instances of classes found in this component would need to be passed into my component. Developers would reference my comp...

Where can I get the Microsoft.SqlServer.Mso.dll & Microsoft.SqlServer.ConnectionInfo?

I can't seem to find these anywhere, I want to do some SMO stuff. I am using VS 2010 Ultimate and SQL Express 2008; thank you. ...

DDB unknown file

I have a .ddb file that is used as a telephone directory for an application written in flash/VB.net (i guess). The problem is that the application is crashing and my only was to access the application is through the mysterious (*.ddb) file (99% of the application size.) The application contains an also mysterious dll (NK_SQLite.dll). S...

VB6 Error 50003 Unexpected Error: is the solution to re-register DLLs?

If the above error is shown during the execution of a VB6 app, is the solution to re-register DLLs that it might be accessing at the time? Or is this an issue about versions of DLLs not being correct? ...

Replacement for the DLL Help website?

The DLL Help site was really helpful in determining distribution needs. Now it's been retired. Is there a replacement for it somewhere? I can't seem to find it. ...

VB6: what can I do to ensure my application uses specific versions of MS controls and DLLs?

What can I do to ensure my application uses specific versions of MS controls and DLLs? Can I put the correct versions of the DLLs and OCXs in the application directory? ...

Why loading Ntdll from local folder produces exception?

Hi, My exe depends on ntdll, user32 and kernel32. I save these dlls as a local copy and change the first letter as "V". I then edit the exe's Import dll name as Vernel32.dll from kernel32. The application works fine by loading vernel32.dll in local space. Next i edit the exe's import dll spec as vtdll as ntdll, the process loads vtdll...

Tips for fixing dll version problems in .NET.

Hi all I've just got to grips with the basics of NHibernate, and while refactoring my data access and domain layers I thought I might as well get cute and start using dependency injection for the data access layer. Unit testing here we come! I thought since NHibernate uses loads of Castle dlls I might as well use Castle Windsor for th...

Infernal Libraries (aka DLL Hell)

In a Project of mine, I use a Delphi Application which dynamically loads a wrapper DLL (exporting C-Style functions) which in turn is statically link against a bunch of 3rd party DLLs. It works fine on my test machines, but on my customers computer it failed to initialize with an error Message like "Couldn't find entrypoint _somefunctio...

How can I avoid "DLL Hell" with WiX?

I have an application that apparently needs some obscure DLLs. I reference a 3rd party COM object within it, which is what I believe is causing the issue. I downloaded a program called Depends.exe, and when I point it at my application, it says I need things like IESHIMS.DLL, IEFRAME.DLL, and SHLWAPI.DLL. I'm told these are things that ...

msvcp90d.dll is missing msvcr90d.dll

I had a DLL project on one machine, and copied it to another with freshly installed VS2008. The project builds, but I cannot debug it. Dependecy Walker shows that my DLL sees msvcr90d.dll, but msvcp90d.dll does not see the same DLL. But if I open msvcp90d.dll in separate window then msvcr90d.dll is visible to msvcp90d.dll. This is obviou...

Are there reasons why DLL redirection won't work other than the presence of a manifest?

We have a legacy VB6 application that uses Crystal Reports XI to generate printed reports. We've found through experience that the Crystal Reports print engine crashes if it picks up the wrong version of usp10.dll (the Windows Uniscribe library). One customer is consistently having printing issues on their Windows 7 machines (running W...

How can I edit the "Public Key or Token" field of the Manifest embedded in a DLL or EXE file?

I'm trying to resolve the following problem: [.Net 2.0, CLR 2.5.something, 64 bit machine, all DLLs and EXEs appear compiled for "Any CPU" according to corflags ] I maintain a legacy application which uses a 3rd party DLL. Out of the blue (as far as I can tell) the functionality depending on the DLL stopped working on one of the mach...

LoadLibrary Module Not Found - DLL Hell After Office 2007 Install

Unfortunately this is going to be a pretty open-ended question, but I am at my wit's ends and I thought I would reach out for some advice. This is a Visual C++ MFC app using Visual Studio 2008 SP1. A coworker and I both had Office 2007 installed and we have both had strange DLL loading problems with our app since. Specifically, LoadL...

Multiple Boost.Thread Instances OK in a C++ application?

I have an application with a plug-in architecture that is using Boost.Threads as a DLL (specifically, a Mac OS X framework). I am trying to write a plug-in that uses Boost.Threads as well, and would like to link in the library statically. Everything builds fine but the application quickly crashes in my plug-in, deep within the Boost.Thre...

Can more than .DLL of the same name be registered on a machine?

Can more than .DLL of the same name be registered on a machine? Eg. If I have MyDLL.dll in both c:\ and c:\MyDLLs, is it possible to register both MyDLL.dll files? If I do this, which MyDLL.dll will be used if an application tries to access MyDLL.dll? ...

How can I proctect my .NET application agsinst DLL Hijacking?

We have a .NET 3.5 application with registered extensions. How can we protect it against DLL Hijacking attacks? Because of legacy & design problems strong naming/signing is not an option right now Extra Information if you don't know what DLL Hijacking is: What's DLL Hijacking - SO DLL hijacking vulnerabilities ...

Dot Local file to deal with DLL Hell issues?

I've read that placing an empty file named <AppName>.exe.local in the application directory will cause the application to look in that directory first for DLLs and OCXs so as to avoid issues with conflicting DLLs and OCXs found elsewhere on the system. But doesn't the application first look in the application directory anyway? What eff...

How to upgrade older app without DLL issues?

At a customer's site I have an .EXE sitting on a server share which is accessed via a mapped drive on all user machines. (Yes, I know there should be an MSI which would distribute the application but I am stuck with how it is at present.) Sometimes there are some issues with OCXs that stop working on a user machine if I upgrade the .EX...

Can you use a manifest file to tell a VB6 app .EXE to access certain versions of OCXs?

I have a VB6 app .EXE which uses Microsoft-created OCXs such as RICHTX32.OCX and MSACAL70.OCX. I experience problems with both these OCXs. Essentially this is a DLL-Hell problem. If I use a .manifest file for the .EXE, can I instruct the .EXE to access specific copies of these OCXs in the application directory, thereby avoiding any is...