
Where can I find good Flex documentation?

I'm using the Adobe livedocs for learning and looking up on Flex development, specifically the Flex 3 Help, the Flex Language reference and the AIR developer's guide. While these provide a good starting point, the quality is not, let's say, overwhelming. There's regular mistakes in the examples, some of the texts are redundant, or too s...

Is there anywhere to find a list of what I can set for the form with Zend Framework

I am just starting out with the Zend Framework and I am a little confused but getting there. Anyway I have been reading the documentation for *Zend_Form* and was wondering about setting values for the form such as this: $form->setAction('') ->setMethod('post') setAction and setMethod were the only two options given and I was wond...

Generating documentation for JSP files

I would like to automatically generate documentation for jsp files, similarly to javadoc with java files. I would also to include the documentation generation in an ant build. Do you know any practical tool or method to document jsp files? ...

How to document thrown exceptions in c#/.net

I am currently writing a small framework that will be used internally by other developers within the company. I want to provide good Intellisense information, but I am not sure how to document thrown exceptions. In the following example: public void MyMethod1() { MyMethod2(); // also may throw InvalidOperationException } pub...

Possible to view method/function docs in NetBeans (Python plugin)?

I just started trying out NetBeans 6.5 with Python support. I like that the IDE provides the docstring documentation for a function/method in a popup when it's auto-completing, but is there any other way to view docstrings, either by mousing over a function/method name, or clicking somewhere? I just can not seem to find a way to do this....

Documenting taglibs (or closures in general) in Groovy/Grails

I am writing my first taglib as part of a plugin and I would like to document it. Adding javadoc (is there any place that documents groovydoc or is it really the same thing?) doesn't seem to work for non-methods. Specifically, is it possible to document the def mytag in: /** * This doc shows up */ class MyTagLib { static namespace ...

What's the best way to document ExtJS code?

Is there a good way to document ExtJS classes and functions and display them in html similar to the ExtJS documentation itself? I've looked into JSdoc but this doesn't seem to work with ExtJS. Are there any other tools that can do this? ...

What is the business logic that your code implements? Do you really know?

Do you keep separate (and complete) documentation of the business logic implemented in the code? I often get support cases where I dig into the code to find what's going on, and deep down discover some obscure case statement or an increment of a date by + 1, for example. Then I try to figure out what's going on, explain it to the users,...

Looking for ASP.NET MVC PartialView and advanced AJAX documentation

I'm doing pretty well getting up to speed with ASP.NET MVC with the ASP.NET website walkthroughts and tutorials. Now I'm fully aware that this documentation is not complete and just Beta, but theres seems to be some important missing documentation. Where can I find the best information about the following topics (that seem to be lackin...

How to document a framework?

I recently took over a .Net based framework that developers on my team will need to use. Unfortunately, the original developer left the company before it was finished. Now, I’m stuck with no documentation, and barely any use cases. How should I document it so that the other developers are aware of the features and how to use them prope...

A framework type search tool for .NET

Does anyone know if such a tool exists? Online or offline? Basically I'm looking for a Google search indexer which only crawls over class names, field names and method names in the .NET framework assemblies (custom assemblies too would be great). This would allow for fast searching. I know Reflector has this search capability but it's no...

Recommendations for storing project documents for shared access?

I am currently using Microsoft Word to write the various documents required for a project - concept of operations, requirements, test plans, etc. These documents are placed on a network share for others to view. If someone wants to edit the document, they must communicate this fact somehow to anyone else who is likely to be modifying i...

What is Good Online Documentation?

What does it take for online documentation to be helpful and interesting to read? Disclamer: While this question has selfish origins (I'm writing documentation, and, naturally, want it to be the best one out there), I'm sure other people can take avantage of the answers. Additionally, while documentation isn't programming, I still thin...

Looking for WCF docs on creating custom Transport Channels

Well, it appears that now that WCF has been out for a while, the WCF Channels Mini Book that is referenced in this great article ( provided by SO user tomasr ( is no longer available since Microsoft retired the netfx3....

C/C++ Header file documentation

Hi! What do you think is best practice when creating public header files in C++? Should header files contain no, brief or massive documentation? I've seen everything from almost no documentation (relying on some external documentation) to large specifications of invariants, valid parameters, return values etc. I'm not sure exactly wha...

How do I specify input and output data types in python comments?

I have seen several standards for writing comments about the kind of data a function expects and returns in Python. Is there a consensus on which one is best-practice? Is the new functionality in something I should start using for this? ...

How can you define and maintain XML code comments outside of the main solution?

I am building a public API and recognize the value of complete API documentation on public methods. I know it's easy to keep them in directly in code files as XML annotations on classes, methods, properties, etc. But I hate cluttering clean source code with public comments. What's the best way to create, and maintain XML code documenta...

Where is documentation on the Microsoft Visual Studio C++ Name Mangling Scheme?

I am interested in finding either official or reverse engineered documentation detailing the name mangling scheme used by the Visual Studio C++ Compiler to translate C++ names into symbols in generated code. I am aware that this may change between versions, and am most interested in the details for Visual Studio 2003, 2005 and 2008. Of...

Where do I find documentation for Rails 1.2?

The documentation at appears to be for the latest version of Rails, but I'm working on a Rails 1.2 app. Where can I find relevant documentation? ...

Does Visual Studio contain built in documentation building tools that can build MSDN style documents?

I'd like to generate HTML documentation for my project. Does anyone know of any good tools that would be good for this. ...