
How to keep synchronized, per-version documentation?

I am working on a small toy project who is getting more and more releases. Until now, the documentation was just a set of pages in the wordpress blog I setup for the project. However, as time passes, new releases are out and I should update the online documentation to match the most recent release. Unfortunately, if I do so, the docs fo...

Is documentation for a GPL-derived work covered by the GPL?

I have a work that may be considered a derived work from a GPL'd work and would find it difficult to release the complete source for technical reasons. Is it permissible for me to distribute the documentation for this work by itself without any source code or binaries? Context is that I'd like to provide a technical writing sample on j...

Technical Documentation Templates

I know this was somewhat covered in a previous article :templates-of-technical-and-functional-specs However, that was last touched 9 months ago and we all know how fast technology and ideas are changing, especially in our world. I'm in the processes of building technical documentation on a project and wanted to know if anybody knows ...

Software/Platform to Share Specs

What are the software/ Wiki you use to write and share your specs about the developers, testers and management? Do you use Wiki system, and if so, what Wiki software you use? Or do you use Sharepoint to manage and version the specs? One problem with SharePoint 2003 as specs platform is that it's very hard to collaborate among different...

Documenting Software

Is there a software documentation standard where the developers need to create only one document for their modules and it can be used as a functional doc as well as for testing the software. Edit: I am not looking for API documentation. A document which will include specs which can be used as a functional and testing doc. ...

How to make E-R diagram with 500 tables?

In our company we have a huge project with lots of tables. When I mean a lot it is about 500. Maybe it is something normal. Some of these tables have more than 200 fields. I find that trying to make an E-R Diagram for the whole system will be confusing, tiring and useless. Just including the tables would result in a frightening list of b...

Rhino Commons and Rhino Mocks Reference Documents?

Ok, is it just me, or does there seem to be a lack of (easy to find) reference documentation for Rhino Commons and Rhino Mocks? My coworkers have started using Rhino Mocks and Rhino Commons (particularly the NHibernate stuff), and I found a few tutorial-ish examples, which were good. But when I see them making use of a class in their c...

Is there any MSDN equivalent for Mac OS and Linux?

Hi, I'm familiar to code in Windows environment. For some of our products, users are continuously asking for porting to Linux and Mac. To begin, I need a collection of documentation on the system APIs, how to use them, when to use them etc. documentation. So, is there Is there any MSDN equivalent for Mac OS and Linux? Preferably in a do...

Qt must-read

Qt has power and lot's of conceptual intricacies - that's my ipression after using/learning it for a few months. Reading a whole book on the subject is unfeasible, because I neither possess the ignorance of "dummies" or "complete idiots" nor enough perseverance and free time. On the other hand official doc pages (even those broad-view ...

Rails model documentation

I need to create documentation for my rails models. I can't figure out how to get the Rake doc:x commands to include the validators and relationships. I'm using annotate_models to document the table structure. It would be great if there were something like RailRoad that worked with 2.3.x series as well. ...

Documenting a dependancy tree

I have a requirement to document the assembly dependencies in a vb6/dotnet application. What techniques / tools are good for performing this sort of document. I was planning on using Visio for drawing. ...

Source code beautifier for c++ (vc++)?

I have a set of 250 header files and cpp files of my project. I wanted to format the old code and generate API documentation. Is there any tool that can help me do this? I am thinking of using DOxygen, but I believe that needs the information in a some format. ...

Is there an equivalent to for JNA?

The site documents PInvoke signatures, user-defined types, and other information that you need to call unmanaged APIs from managed .NET code. Is there a site that does the same for Java's JNA? ...

What tools do you use to write/maintain/manage software documentation?

What tools are available out there to make writing and maintaining software documentation easier? Specifically what do you use to document requirements? What do you use to document your design? What do you use to document how your software is tested? How do you trace requirements back to your design and test documentation? Or is all...

How to create MSDN like links in Sandcastle documentation website?

I've generated a website documentation of my project with Sandcastle. This website uses frames so when I click though sites my URL in browser does not change. I would like to have URL changed in browser when I browse through website documentation generated with Sandcastle. Why? Because I would like to link to concrete subpages of docume...

Is there a way to exclude package-level functions and members from Doxygen output?

I'm working with Doxygen at the workplace and am having a problem with the Java code. With the EXTRACT_ALL=NO, EXTRACT_PRIVATE=NO, EXTRACT_STATIC=NO, EXTRACT_LOCAL_CLASSES=NO, and EXTRACT_LOCAL_METHODS=NO, the output still includes static members that are not defined as public or private. EX. Let's say I have the following code: class ...

Delphi 2009 documentation

does the new Delphi IDE (2009) come with some documentation ? (kind of like the MSDN with VS). where can you get it ? (want to have a look at it) is the documentation good ? i picked up a copy of Delphi in 21 days . is it good for beginners in Delphi ? ...

Are there some good and modern alternatives to Javadoc?

Let's face it: You don't need to be a designer to see that default Javadoc looks ugly. There are some resources on the web which offer re-styled Javadoc. But the default behaviour represents the product and should be as reasonably good-looking. Another problem is the fact that the usability of Javadoc is not up-to-date compared to ot...

Documenting code when leaving a company

I resigned from my current place of work yesterday, and I'm taking it upon myself to document my projects so I can hand them over easily. Bearing in mind that my code is already commented to a good standard, what else should I put together to help my fellow developers take over my projects? ...

What is useful in an external Web Service's documentation?

I've just published a web service and written up some fairly primitive documentation. I've included the input parameters and output results, a short description of what each web service method does, and examples of possible errors. What I've included in my documentation is pretty much what has been in the documentation of most web serv...