
Procedural Design documentation strategies

After reading the definition of procedural design ( and searching for a few example diagrams, I have been having trouble on finding out more on what procedural design means other than finding this diagram (

Project's documentation when dealing with lots of business-logic rules. How to organize it?

I'm working on quite complicated project, in terms of business-logic quantity and quantity of components. Each developer mostly works on "his own" component. I understand that this isn't very cross-functional, but it is impossible to know every components' details. Team sostav changes from time to time. So we have situations when one p...

.net framework 4.0 documentation

Is the actual API documentation for .net 4.0 already live on MSDN? I read a blog post from someone in the vs2010 team saying that, but I've not been able to find it. ...

Where can I get better Apple documentation?

More often than I'd have hoped I seem to come across method/property definitions in Apple's documentation that are vague at best and meaningless, to me, at worst. For example, take the following method description from NSNumberFormatter Class Reference: setPartialStringValidationEnabled: Sets whether partial string validation ...

Inline documentation for SSIS packages

Hi, is there a way to create an inline documentation (like javadocs) for SSIS packages? Or what other techniques do you use to document the things you develop for SQL Server 2005? Cheers, Andreas ...

How to implement content assist's documentation popup in Eclipse RCP

Hi, I have implemented my own editor and added a code completion functionality to it. My content assistant is registered in source viewer configuration like this: public IContentAssistant getContentAssistant(ISourceViewer sourceViewer) { if (assistant == null) { assistant = new ContentAssistant(); assistant.setDocum...

How powerful is good documentation for a programming language?

I've been looking at PHP again recently and after having some brushes with other languages, I have realized that PHP's documentation is very well written and easy to understand. People often cite this as one of PHP's strengths. Python is another language that has great documentation, but even without it I think it would still be popular,...

Where to look at when it comes to iPhone documentation?

I am starting to get into iPhone development, and I find it very hard to get documentation. Where can I find a complete API, tutorials, forums and so on? I know that apple released some tutorials, are they helpful? Is there some kind of "iPhone dev 101" post somewhere that I should absolutely read? Anything will help. ...

Where to put documenting comments?

Very short question: when documenting delphi code (for the purpose of enabling an external tool to generate an HTML documentation (Doc-o-matic in the concrete example)), do you put the documenting comments in the interface or in the implementation section? What I like about the second approach is that the interface part a class stays cl...

Generating documentation in Visual Studio 2008

I have a group of methods which I have applied the summary tag like so : /// <summary> /// Returns Foo /// </summary> /// <param name="fooID">the fooID</param> /// <returns>foo</returns> Was wondering if there is a tool in visual studio 2008 to generate a document out of these summaries. ...

Standard methods for documenting a RESTful API

I'm writing a specification for a RESTful API for a new internal web service. It's not hugely long and fairly simple, but even so, it's my first time using strict REST (as opposed to cheating for practical reasons - avoiding PUT and DELETE because they're a pain in PHP, and so on). I was wondering if there were any standard methods or be...

ASP.NET MVC UI Helper list and documentation

Is there an updated list of the UI Helpers for ASP.NET MVC? I can only find documentation of beta version stuff. I have the source, and I will probably end up looking at that anyway, but it would be nice to have a run down. ...

Official docs for the XML content escaping?

I'm looking for docs on the "official" way to escape stuff in XML. Like the full list of the "&lt;" constructs (whatever they are called) and how to use them. I'm not asking for how to do it, just the official docs (or a good, reliable and correct tutorial). ...

How should document be in deployment procedure and environment?

Dear all, My boss required the deployment procedure and project environment document for a web project(.Net) from me and I'm not sure what it include or how it should look like to be. the deployment procedure in my project has the topic like this: Test Permission Test Requirement Merge Persist workflow task Merge MS Project Export En...

How to encourage new programmers to read documentation?

New developers seem to have a hard time reading documentation. They either skip it entirely, or if they do read it they don't read it carefully. Conversely, I've never met a skilled developer who doesn't regularly and thoroughly inspect framework and API documentation. Even here on Stack Overflow, a good percentage of questions are re...

Good tool for diagraming process and system components

I'm currently writing some documentation for our product. Most of the docs are just text based - but in some cases I'd like to add a diagram to help first time users visualize the process from a general perspective. Microsoft docs and articles have these all over. I don't want to use a class diagram as the components are more conceptual ...

How to keep code and specs in sync? - are there good tools

In my team we've got a great source control system and we have great specs. The problem I'd like to solve is how to keep the specs up-to-date with the code. Over time the specs tend to age and become out of date The folks making the specs tend to dislike source control and the programmers tend to dislike sharepoint. I'd love to hear...

Does there exist a "wiki" for editing doxygen comments?

I'm working on a fairly big open source RTS game engine (Spring). I recently added a bunch of new C++ functions callable by Lua, and am wondering how to best document them, and at the same time also stimulate people to write/update documentation for a lot of existing Lua call-outs. So I figured it may be nice if I could write the docume...

What's the best way to create a onlinehelp from a word document

I have a 47-page word document containing information about all the functions on a website including screenshots etc. The document is created using styles in word and has a table of content. What would be the best way to convert this document into a nice online help? I want the users to be able to search the text and browse the informa...

README 80 character limit or just let the users editor handle it?

I am sure a lot of people will argue both ways and unfortunately there seems to be no 'official answer'. Part of my just wants to write and not pay any attention to this seemingly insignificant detail but I am curious how does the SO community feel about one option over the other? If you have an opinion state it and give supporting rea...