
Visual Studio with DoxyGen for documentation, or should we use something else?

We are currently using DoxyGen to document code written in C/C++, PHP and Java. To have a consistent environment it would be nice to use it for C# documentation as well. However we are wondering: Do you see any advantages in the generated documentation layout or structure using something other than DoxyGen? We are generating documenta...

Are there published style guidelines for C# XML documentation?

I ask my developers who write C# code to follow StyleCop's guidelines. It's great for code, but I almost always have questions about documentation ( no one asks, because programmers tend to hate documentation) style. I could suggest copying MSDN's style, but I'm curious whether Microsoft or someone else has published somethin...

Is there a way to continue doxygen lists across multiple comment blocks?

Basically, I'm trying to do document code along the lines of: //Description of Step 1 DoStep1_1(); DoStep1_2(); ... //Description of Step 2 DoStep2_1(); DoStep2_2(); I want the two comment blocks to turn into an ordered list in the Doxygen output. I've read the documentation on creating lists, and I understand that I can just use HTML...

Software Installation Documents

Does anyone know if there is an IEEE standard for software installation instruction documents? ...

Is there a mini-search engine or documentor for undocumented code?

I'm often working with undocumented code. Much of the time, PHPxref works great for this, but often there's code that isn't a php variable or function, so PHPxref won't search for it. For example, right now I'm working with Smarty templates, and it's not straightforward to search for the smarty variables in the rest of the code. A sea...

Best way to document a packet protocol

I often find myself in the situation of wanting to write a breakdown of the protocol that some program (either my own or some other by reading its code or RCE) uses for its network communication, but there is just no standard on how to document the structure of packets in those. What I usually do is to write the protocol documentation w...

Detailed Valgrind internals documentation

I'm thinking of making a D interface to Valgrind's client request API. By mucking around in the header files and de-compiling stuff, I could eventually figure out what it's doing but I'm wondering if their is a authoritative document on how things work? (BTW I already found this document but it doesn't have enough info) What I'm looking...

Neo4j Documentation

I've been looking into setting up and trying out Neo4j on Amazon EC2 however I seem to have hit a road block with finding documentation that I can use. For example, this page mentions "Clustering, High Availability and Online Backup are add-on components that manage distribution and consistency over several live or offline node spaces."...

VS2010 Beta 2: Can't launch local help documentation

Hello, In VS2010 Beta 2, from the Help Library Manager, after selecting local help, and downloading the VS Documentation, it won't launch. Here's what I have installed: Here's what I'm clicking in the Start Menu: Here's the result: Ideas? Thanks, Adam ...

Doxygen and Objective-C categories

Although the latest releases of Doxygen claim better handling of Objective-C categories, it still seems to choke on categories in my source code. I'm wondering if someone has gotten it to document categories properly. As an example, I have a category on NSString defined as: @interface NSString (CCFExtensions) with an interface file ...

How to try reusable django apps that don't provide templates inside?

Many of the reusable django apps don't include default templates inside. James Bennett says in his presentation Reusable Apps that providing truly portable default templates is very hard. He adds that most of the bug reports in the first release of his registration app were related to default templates. This is a valid point. But withou...

Make SandCastle merge the all members page to the main type page

For each class in the project SandCastle creates (among others) two pages: the main page, named T_class_full_name, with the description, Syntax, Inheritance Hierarchy and See Also and the members page, named AllMembers_T_class_full_name, with Constructors, Methods, Fields, etc. Is there a way to merge these two together - with the me...

iphone os 3.0 doc set

Does any one know the RSS feed for 3.0 iphone sdk doc set ? I cant update the documentation from xcode. ...

How to embed a Flash application into trac Wiki

How to embed a Flash application into trac Wiki Some PLUGIN or what? ...

How to embed a Silverlight application into trac Wiki

How to embed a Silverlight application into trac Wiki Some PLUGIN or what? ...

Python Function Reference

There're tons of apps/widgets for PHP function reference and even for Ruby but I'm shocked to find there is nothing available for a popular language like Python (besides the official online documentation ofcourse). Is there really not a single handy reference widget/app available for Python? I have 'Pocket Reference' book, but a dashbo...

How to Rename or Move Rails's README_FOR_APP

When I run rake doc:app in my Rails application root, the API docs are generated using /doc/README_FOR_APP as the home page. I would like to add a .rdoc extention to that file so it is properly rendered on GitHub. Even better, I would like to move it to the app root (/README.rdoc). Is there a way to do this in my Rakefile by modifying th...

Where can I find information about the $[ variable in Perl?

I tried Google. I tried Yahoo. I tried Bing. None of them had results for the $[ variable. Does anyone know where I can find the documentation for it? ...

Is there a tool which allows easy writing of documentation from an XML schema?

My application uses an XML file of some complexity for configuration. It's not much - about two dozen elements - but still non-trivial. Currently I'm writing XML schema for it, and was wondering if there was a tool which would generate documentation from this schema? Something human-readable that can be used by a person who has to write...

OCaml resources?

Hello, I need to learn this language for my thesis so I was wondering which good resources are available like books or free tutorials? Is there any "bible" reference book that I should consider? Ok, I can search over google but I think that having feedback about resources works better if it's directly from ocaml programmers.. ...