
In what order does DOJO handles ajax requests?

Hi, Using a form in a dialog box I am using Dojo in jsp to save the form in my database. After that request is completed using dojo.xhrPost() I am sending in another request to update a dropdown box that should include the added form object that was just saved, but for some reason the request to update the dropdown is executed before s...

Stop users from pasting Word into Dojo Textfield

We have an rich client application running with dojo 1.2.x. Sometimes users are pasting comments from their word 2007 into an textfield.This is an repeating source for errors with displaying this comments inside an an dojox.grid. Is there any "javascript" way to stop users pasting from word? ...

Dojo JSON call back always returns an error

Hi Guys, I am using Dojo and making a AJAX call to a JAVA Class and trying to get the output of the program to a Alert box to the client. var showResult = function(result){ console.log("Showing Result()"); var store = new{ data: result}); console.dir(store); ...

How do I modify the width of a TabContainer in Dojo

I'm experimenting with Dojo, so far it's very cool except for the fact that I can't seem to be able set the width of a TabContainer. I have the following code <div id="tabs" dojoType="dijit.layout.TabContainer" doLayout="false"> <div id="javaTab" class="myTab" dojoType="dijit.layout.ContentPane" title="Java"> <h1>Hello I'm t...

How to determine which dijit.layout.AccordionPane is currently selected

Hi there, I tried to use "dijit.layout.AccordionPane.selected" to determine if any given AccordionPane is in focus (selected). However, AccordionPane.selected property will be set to "True" once the AccordionPane is selected, and AccordionPane.selected stays as "True" even other dijit.layout.AccordionPane is selected. So in other words...

Difference between Ajax and Dojo

Hi, can you explain to me the difference between Ajax and Dojo? ...

Dojo CDN with source version?

Does anyone know of a CDN or other hosted version of Dojo that includes the full source? This would be handy for debugging purposes. Thanks, Karl ...

How to disable typing in values in Dojo's NumberSpinner?

Hi, is there a way to disable typing in of values in the NumberSpinner of Dojo? Or is there a way for me to set back a previous value to it? Here's a sample situation: I have a spinner where the range is 1-3. However, the user types in an invalid value... say, a letter. The usual error handling happens. However, if the user deletes the...

how to change the icon of leaf node in dojo tree?

Hi, I have created a tree containing information about server and its VMs. I want to change the icon of VM to green if the VM is power on or to red if the VM is poweroff. How to achieve this? ...

Dijit.Dialog - irregular behaviour of scroll bar making dialog box unusable

I use a dojo dialog box to display a page pulled from another part of the site. The page being pulled is long - so I use the css attribute: `max-height: 900px; overflow:auto; To make sure it displays properly. For a long page, it displays a 900px high dialog box with a scrollbar down the right hand side side. However the scrollbar i...

Dojo How to ColorPalette + TooltipDialog + DropDownButton

I am trying to add a ColorPalette into a TooltipDialog, which in turn is contained inside DropDownButton (dojo 1.3.1) Code: var paramsContent = new dijit.layout.ContentPane(); var colorPalette = new dijit.ColorPalette(); var tooltipThematic = new dijit.TooltipDialog({content: paramsContent}); var colorField = new dijit.form.DropDownBu...

jQuery / Dojo - How do I use jQuery with Dojo toolkit

How do I use jQuery with Dojo toolkit? I've heard of both libraries being used simultaneously, jQuery for DOM-related and Dojo for UI (dijit), but I can't find any tutorials or examples of this. Will I run into any conflicts or issues if I load both libraries? ...

dojo datagrid and itemfilereadstore

How do I update dojox.Grid so it displays the latest data? Initially I created the empty store, and then I changed the data to contain something, create a new data store with the new data and then set the grid datastore to the new store. In most of the examples, people use url instead of data when they initialize the store. So how do ...

Problem with struts 2 dojo tree and ajax

I'm having a really strange problem in struts with the dojo tree and ajax links. Ok, I got a dynamic navigation tree that looks like the second example in the showcase project that comes with struts(not the one named ajax). When the link in the tree is clicked a target div is updated. This works fine. Now for the weird bit. If ...

Combine columns in dojox.grid.DataGrid?

I have a DataGrid that has a data store of the typeL How do I access other xml values for the current node in the function defined in the formatter attribute? I've looked at formatterScope and that seems to be the right direction, but the documentation is very vague. Any ideas? ...

Dojo: drag and drop Stop Drag

Hi, I'm trying to use Dojo dnd Source(1.4.2) to create an interface where I can move some objects from a Source to a Target. It is working fine, but I want to change the behaviour in order to execute a check before actually doing the D&D, so if the check fails, an error message is shown to the user, and the D&D is not made. I've tried th...

how to parse string into a date pattern using dojo

Hi, I have a value as '05/17/2010' I would like to get it as May 17, 2010 by using have tried using the as follows : x = '05/17/2010' var x=, {datePattern: "MM/dd/yyyy", selector: "date"}); alert(x) This doesnt give me the desired date pattern I also tried replaci...

dojo query for checkboxes

Hi I want to get all my checked checkboxes from a form and i do like this(and it works) var cbs = dojo.query('input:checked', 'f'); I wand to add another selector(class selector) to get all checked checkboxes from a form with a specified class. I tried this one but it doesn't work var cbs = dojo.query('input:checked .xClass', 'f'); ...

My Dijit DateTimeCombo widget doesn't send selected value on form submission

i need to create a Dojo widget that lets users specify date & time. i found a sample implementation attached to an entry in the Dojo bug tracker. It looks nice and mostly works, but when i submit the form, the value sent by the client is not the user-selected value but the value sent from the server. What changes do i need to make to ...

Zend_Dojo_Form not rendering in layout

Hi, I have a quick question about adding Zend_Dojo_Form into Zend_layouts. I have a Zend_Dojo_Form that I want to display in the layout that is used for a particular controller. I can add the form to the layout without any issue however the dojo elements fail to render, as they would do if I added the form to a standard view. Is th...