
spring-roo dojox.grid.DataGrid not rendered

Hello, I'm using spring-roo trying to use dojox.grid.DataGrid. The page renders as a plain table. Why does it not use the DataGrid? Thanks! Steve <div xmlns:spring="" xmlns:c="" xmlns:jsp="" version="2.0"><jsp:output omit-xml-declaration="yes...

How do I handle dojo datagrid cell updates so I can post them back automatically to the server?

I am using dojo datagrid to display my data. When the end user edit the cell values it should be updated in the server using ajax calls(when the focus goes out of the cell). Else, I should have a Edit & update/cancel buttons for each row to handle the same feature. But I don know how to place edit & update buttons inside the grid and ...

How can I access/move handles of a dijit.slider or Dojox.RangeSlider on external input

Introduction: I have a dojox HorizontalRangeSlider UI component. On each side of this control I have a texbox displaying the value of the respective sliders. Problem: When I enter a new value in my textbox I can update the internal value of the RangeSlider but the handles do not respond to the change. How can I achieve this? ...

dojox.widget.dialog: disable close button opacity animation

I am nearly happy with my dialog widget now, only that there is a built-in behavior of the close button fading in and out with mouseover/out interaction. I have found no way to disable this feature such that the close button remains at full opacity anytime the dialog is open. Here's roughly the code I'm working from: var d = new dojox....

Loading Dojo dijit CSS from CDN

I am quite new to dojo world. Using dojo with google's CDN is well and Fine. But while using dijit just dojo.require() does not work. Where can I find the default CSS Themes from CDN ?? and another question out of quorisity: Would the the CSS configuration for dijit work for dojox too ?? ...

dojo listbox control

Is there any list box or similer control in Dojo/dijit/dojox ?? ...

Dojo: Programatically setting checkbox label for adding on TableContainer

Hi there, after some hours of checking out documentation, I am somewhat desperate: Basically I need to populate a TabContainer with some TextBoxes, and some Checkboxes. All theses neatly arranged: Labels to the left, fields to the right. To have this done I use a TableContainer that I add to the TabContainer, create the TextFields and ad...

DataGrid memory leak with

I am using a dojox.grid.DataGrid with a As the user scrolls the grid, the grid lazy loads rows from the store and keeps them in memory. Using Firefox on Linux or IE 7 or 8 on Windows, it appears that these rows are never cleared, and the footprint of the browser window will continue to grow (as observed in to...

dijit.form.Combobox show label Instead of value

I've a dijit.form.Combobox field which uses a ItemFileReadStore to pull Its data. Teh ItemFileReadStore has two attribute per Item value which will be used for form submission , generally Unique Integers and label which is Human Understandable String. In ComboBox HTML I've done searchAttr="value" labelAttr="label" When the ComboBox Shows...

DOJO: what's the difference be design between JsonQueryRestStore and QueryReadStore

Hi, I'm learning Dojo 1.4. And I have difficulties with understanding all dojo's data stores. Particular I wonder what's the difference between JsonQueryRestStore and QueryReadStore ? JsonQueryRestStore has query facilities and Json support, ok. But QueryReadStore also expects Json in response (somebody knows where does the expected for...

Dojo: how to get row data in grid's context menu item handler?

I'm using Dojo 1.4. Given a dojox.grid.DataGrid in markup: <table jsId="grid1" dojoType="dojox.grid.DataGrid" structure="layout" delayScroll="true" columnReordering="true" selectable="true" onRowDblClick="onRowDblClick" onRowContextMenu="onRowContextMenu" headerMenu="grid1_headerMenu"...

Dojo lightbox problem - overlay not stretching to bottom of screen

I've created a lightbox effect using Dojo. Specifically, I've created is as a dojox.widget.Dialog. The effects work/displays fine in every browser except for Safari on an iPhone (no issue with Safari on the Desktop). On the iPhone, the bottom edge of the lightbox won't expand to the bottom of the screen. I've tried to test this on a des...

Dojo: ComboBox / FilteringSelect

I'm wanting to do a load of several combobox / FilteringSelect. What happens is that I have 4 combobox / FilteringSelect. Country Destination Hotel Comfort Classes these combos is related, when you load the page first loads the Country combobox depending on the country that bear the combobox is selected Destination So far so good when ...

What is the reason spring webflow does not support dojox?

Is it because their ambition of 'progressive Ajax'? Meaning that dojox would not allow to fallback to non-javascript interaction? ...

How to programatically build a window widget with tabs?

I'm very new to Dojo, so please don't beat me up. What I want to do is create a window like Child layout test: <div dojotype="dojox.layout.FloatingPane" title="Child layout test" style="width:400px; height:300px;" resizable="true"> <div dojotype="dijit.layout.TabContainer"> <div dojotype="dijit.layout.ContentPane" title="Ta...

Dojox Grid pass two fields to formatter

Hello, I created a dojox.Grid successfully, but in one case I need to pass two fields to a formatter function instead of just one. For instance: { field: 'id', name: 'Id', formatter: formatterFunction, }, I need to pass to formatterFunction() both 'id' and 'name' for instance. How can I do this? Thank you...

Querying the Static/Loaded data in a

I want to Implement search on a lazyload tree, for just the preloaded data(the elements of the tree that are already browsed). But, when i try to query the QueryReadStore, its sending the query as a request to the server.. I need the query to fetch results from loaded data. Is there any way that this can be implemented ? ...

Double Service Call on Cached Dojox Grid

Hello, I am trying to get the amount of rows returned from a ServiceStore call. I am caching the Grid, so I should be able to return the amount of rows with a store.fetch, for some reason store.fetch is making another service call. Here is a code snippet grid = new dojox.grid.DataGrid({ structure:gri...

How Do I support JSON with circular references using jQuery and ASP.NET MVC?

In brief, I'm looking for a way move complex object graphs between browser code (jQuery) and server code (ASP.NET MVC). JSON does not support object references, so standard serialization of a circular referencing object is not possible out-of-the-box. A proposed standard for JSON object references is floating about, which is currently ...

Technologies to use for a project done in a small startup company

About the project It's a RIA project where lots of widgets are needed specifically: trees tables layouts etc. My primary targets with the project are: get first version done very fast(this is most important) make the app run very fast(this is also very important) to be accessible also on mobile phones(which have slow processors) ...