
Converting XML to plain text using XSLT -- how should I ignore/handle whitespace in the XSLT?

I'm trying to convert an XML file into the markup used by dokuwiki, using XSLT. This actually works to some degree, but the indentation in the XSL file is getting inserted into the results. At the moment, I have two choices: abandon this XSLT thing entirely, and find another way to convert from XML to dokuwiki markup, or delete about 9...

Can DokuWiki & jQuery play together?

I'm having some trouble getting jQuery to play nice with DokuWiki - has anyone already done this successfully? At the moment, including jQuery reuslts in all sorts of JS functionality breaking, and I'm having trouble tracking down the source of the problem. What are some things to look for that tend to conflict with jQuery? ...

DocBook to DokuWiki

Is there a straightforward way to take docbook content and convert it into DokuWiki content? So far I've only found the DokuWiki plugin that will interpret docbook content and output it in XHTML, but this happens on every page load. I would like to find a way to convert docbook content directly to DokuWiki's native formatting syntax so ...

How can I display my logo on my DokuWiki's title?

I have a DokuWiki and I'd like to place a logo on the title bar at the top of the page? How can I do this? Note that I am not referring to the title bar at the top of the browser, but rather the title bar on the website itself. I tried inserting the DokuWiki syntax: {{public:logo.jpg?100x100}}, but this simply rendered as plain text and...

Custom RSS feed in Dokuwiki

I'm using Dokuwiki to populate a site with a known set of pages. Say, foo_1 through foo_9. The content of those pages will change, but the names and locations never will. I want to provide a full-content RSS feed in a particular order of just those pages: foo_1 foo_2 foo_3 ... foo_9 Using the default syndication items it's not possi...

JavaDoc to (Doku)Wiki conversion / doclet

Our company has a very large public Java API which is currently being released standalone and online using (of course) JavaDoc. It is surrounded by product documentation which links into the API. We are moving our static documentation to DokuWiki - which works pretty good - and want to keep the links. Now it would be good to have a me...

Wiki with good support for page moves?

We use DokuWiki to manage our internal documentation but the page renames / moves are not supported very well (there is no built-in way other than messing with raw files manually and the third-party plugin 'pagemove' is no longer developed). Which is a pain. I'm looking for an alternative which will be similarly simple as DokuWiki (must...

Hwo to get blog entries from blog namespace show on a DokuWiki start page

A while back I even created a dokuwiki plugin. How do I get blog entries from the "blog" namespace shown on my start page? Does anyone know that? ...

How best to deploy DokuWiki within my Rails application?

I would like to install DokuWiki within my Rails application at Would it be best to unzip and install it in public/wiki? I don't want to have to commit/push/pull DokuWiki pages every time I'm working on my application. Would you suggest telling git to ignore the wiki directory entirely? or is there a better way to do th...

Intergating dokuwiki and jquery

Dokuwiki us prototype, my site use Jquery. If there is another way to alter Dokuwiki javascript, instead using jQuery.noConflict(), or/and var $j = jQuery on my jQuery? I open all .js files on Dokuwiki, search for "$(" and replace it with "$DW(", and it works like a charms, but I had to deal with every Dokuwiki plugins that has javascr...

What's a good Wiki that works on Google App Engine

Hi, I'm interested in using Google App Engine to host a wiki. I've already seen the question here: about what's a good cms. That's really too broad for me. On my LAMP server I run dokuwiki and I'd really like something akin for the GAppEngine. Anyone know of so...

How to produce a merged RSS feed (from DokuWiki and Serendipity)

Hi, I've got an application developed on top of DokuWiki. I'd like to provide a 'News' page providing the latest updates from the internal RSS feed, some other feeds maintained in Serendipity and potentially other locations. Although its trivial to attach feed parsers to each one individually, I'd like to aggregate this into a single l...

Integrating Dokuwiki in a Drupal site

Hi, Does anyone have experience or suggestions on how to integrate Dokuwiki with a Drupal site? What I want to achieve is for a user to only have to log in only once with Drupal and be able to access the wiki when they navigate to it. ...

jQuery script for clickNshow on a dokuwiki page

I am making a dokuwiki for our company, but because the documents tend to get very large, I want to collapse the sections and only show the headers. The sections should appear when the header has been clicked. The dokuwiki tips and tricks page shows a nice little jquery script that facilitates this click and show behaviour. I modified i...

Acces the raw wiki page contents in a Dokuwiki Render Plugin

I created a plugin and its basic functionalities are working well. It returns always testing as you can see in the method document_end(). But how can I access the plain, raw wiki page content? This is my rawcontent.php file in the corresponding plugin folder. ...

HTML usability question - (double) clicking to select text

Hi As you well know, double clicking on a word in a browser selects it, triple clicking selects the entire paragraph. I'm tweaking a wiki, where signatures for anonymous users are created automatically and they look like: --- // <> // The "---" generates a , // is for italic text and generates <em></em>. This is how it...

How to use IndexMenu?

I have installed the indexMenu plugin, in my sidebar I have created a menu like this: ... {{indexmenu>.#1|js#kde.png}} and I want to hide one entry in my menu: Thanks for your help. ...