
Domain Driven Design (Linq to SQL) - How do you delete parts of an aggregate?

Hi All I seem to have gotten myself into a bit of a confusion of this whole DDD\LinqToSql business. I am building a system using POCOS and linq to sql and I have repositories for the aggregate roots. So, for example if you had the classes Order->OrderLine you have a repository for Order but not OrderLine as Order is the root of the aggre...

DDD: Modeling M:N relation between two roots where the relation itself carries semantic meaning

Update Edited to reflect clarifications requested by Chris Holmes below. Originally I was referring to a Terminal as a Site but changed it to better reflect my actual domain. At heart, I think this is a question about modeling a many to many relationship between two root entities where the relationship itself carries some semantic mean...

Question about Repositories and their Save methods for domain objects

I have a somewhat ridiculous question regarding DDD, Repository Patterns and ORM. In this example, I have 3 classes: Address, Company and Person. A Person is a member of a Company and has an Address. A Company also has an Address. These classes reflect a database model. I removed any dependencies of my Models, so they are not tied to a...

How are Value Objects stored in the database?

I haven't really seen any examples, but I assume that they are saved inside the containing entity table within the database. Ie. If I have a Person entity/aggregate root and a corresponding Person table, if it had a Value Object called Address, Address values would be saved inside this Person table! Does that make sense for a domain wh...

DDD: SO tag. An Entity or value type?

In the context of Domain Driven Design, is a StackOverflow tag (ie. ddd ) a value object or entity? EDIT: Imagine, that you have to build SO website. How would you consider 'tag'? ...

Domain Model Saving

Recently finished reading Eric Evans Domain Driven Design (very informative, very enjoyable) however come to first major project since completing the book and got the issue how to handle the domain model save? I appreciate the use of services / repositories and how they can aid the model but how would they handle the model save? My pre...

DDD / Repository

Hello, I am very new to DDD. My SQL table contains a list of styles, every style has colors and sizes. Now, I am working on an application, where the user will see three dropdownlists, one for style, one for the color and one for the size. Now initially these dropdownlists are loaded with the distinct values. The user is then able to se...

Help with Repository(ies) method

I am new to this repository lark, so some help is gratefully received. I am trying to design a method to have a central payment website for all our sites. The sites will populate a table that return a GUID. All the sites will pass the GUID across to the central payment site. The central payment site will look at the querystring and use...

Search engine, mvc, Domain Driven Design

Going to develop a search engine. I'm wondering how my DDD should look. Sorting records should be implemented, but i don't want that my views knew about my database structure (by which columns to sort). As far as i understand - sorting information should come from infrastructure layer, from repository implementation, so there have to be...

How do you model roles / relationships with Domain Driven Design in mind?

If I have three entities, Project, ProjectRole and Person, where a Person can be a member of different Projects and be in different Project Roles (such as "Project Lead", or "Project Member") - how would you model such a relationship? In the database, I currently have the following tablers: Project, Person, ProjectRole Project_Person wi...

DDD: Where to keep domain Interfaces, the Infrastructure?

Does it make sense to group all Interfaces of your Domain Layer (Modules, Models, Entities, Domain Services, etc) all within the Infrastructure layer? If not, does it make sense to create a "shared" project/component that groups all of these into a shared library? After all, the definition of "Infrastructure Layer" includes "shared li...

What data type should I use for an Image in my domain model?

I am using Silverlight with a DDD approach. I have a Person domain object that has properties such as FirstName, LastName, Address, etc. The Person needs to have an Image. What is the best way to handle this? I don't really want to put an Windows.Controls.Image property on the Person object because this it will be coupled to Sil...

How can I resolve the conflict between loose coupling/dependency injection and a rich domain model?

Edit: This is not a conflict on the theoretical level but a conflict on an implementation level. Another Edit: The problem is not having domain models as data-only/DTOs versus richer, more complex object map where Order has OrderItems and some calculateTotal logic. The specific problem is when, for example, that Order needs to grab the...

Using the repository pattern with Entity Framework (mvc storefront)

Hi, can anyone give a helping hand, I been watching the videos for the mvc storefront and have create my own website using these techniques i.e. DDD, Repository pattern but i wish to use Entity Framework. In the Interfaces it returns IQueryable but with the entity framework i should return ObjectQuery instead? - I will be using LINQ. ...

How to Handle 'Sometimes' Inheritance?

I have a situation utilizing class table inheritance where the base object (which is abstract) is extended by specific types of the object. For example, Person --> User --> Prospect However, in some instances like with Prospect, sometimes it extends User and sometimes it doesn't. I can't reverse the relationship because User !== Prospe...

Testing the persistence layer in a DDD/TDD application

If I have the following domain object: public class Customer { public virtual Guid Id { get; set; } public virtual string Name { get; set; } public virtual ISet<Order> Orders { get; set; } public Customer() { Orders = new HashedSet<Order>(); } public virtual void AddOrder(Order order) { ...

Why can't I model my domain using ERD?

Hi, I am fairly new to this discussion but I HAVE to ask this question even at the risk of sounding 'ignorant'. Why is it that we now stress so much on 'DDD'. The more I look into 'DDD' the more complex it seems to make my application. Whereas modeling my domain with the database helps keep my application consistent across layers. Then ...

.NET DDD Example

Hi, Can somebody point me towards a 'complete' DDD example developed on the .NET platform. Most of the examples I find feel 'incomplete'. I'd really like to see the DDD principles in action. ...

How do you integrate Active Directory into a .NET app using DDD?

How are you integrating Active Directory objects (users, groups, etc) into your DDD .NET app? What do your repositories look like and how are you handling LDAP sessions, transactions, and unit of work? Note that I'm not talking about simple authentication/authorization scenarios but rather when the AD objects are part of the core domain ...

Breaking up Entities into smaller Entities in DDD?

Does it make sense to make subsets of an Entity if you consider their usage in the application differently? IE. I take my entity and define a new entity with only some of the attributes of the first. Now I have 2 Entities that overlap but are used differently but ultimately persist in same datatable. These Entities will be accessed throu...