
Php DOMDocument Htmlentities problem

Hi, I use DOMDocument. My code here. $dom = new DOMDocument('1.0', 'utf-8'); $textNode = $dom->createTextNode('<input type="text" name="lastName" />'); $dom->appendChild($textNode); echo $dom->saveHTML(); Output: &lt;input type="text" name="lastName" /&gt; I want to this output <input type="text" name="lastName" /> How can i do?...

Parse HTML with PHP's HTML DOMDocument

I was trying to do it with "getElementsByTagName", but it wasn't working, I'm new to using DOMDocument to parse HTML, as I used to use regex until yesterday some kind fokes here told me that DOMEDocument would be better for the job, so I'm giving it a try :) I google around for a while looking for some explains but didn't find anything ...

Enumerate registered namespaces of a PHP DOMDocument object

Hello world, For one of my projects, I'm using the DOMDocument class to load and manipulate XML documents. I'd need to retrieve every namespace used in the document; however, I can't find how I'd do that. The DOMDocument class has methods to get the namespace prefix of an URI or the URI of a namespace prefix, but I've seen nothing to a...

Extending DOMDocument and DOMNode: problem with return object

I'm trying to extend the DOMDocument class so as to make XPath selections easier. I wrote this piece of code: class myDOMDocument extends DOMDocument { function selectNodes($xpath){ $oxpath = new DOMXPath($this); return $oxpath->query($xpath); } function selectSingleNode($xpath){ return $this->selectNodes($xpath)->item(...

PHP's DOMXPath is stripping out my tags inside the matched text.

I asked this question yesterday, and at the time it was just what I needed, but while working with some live data I discovered that is wasn't quite doing what I expected. It gets the data from the HTML page, but then it also strips out all the HTML tags ins...

PHP5 : Applying a method from an extended class on an object from the original (parent) class.

Hello, I'm trying to extend two native PHP5 classes (DOMDocument and DOMNode) to implement 2 methods (selectNodes and selectSingleNode) in order to make XPath queries easier. I thought it would be rather straighforward, but I'm stuck in a problem which I think is an OOP beginner's issue. class nDOMDocument extends DOMDocument { pub...

DOM: how to import nodes and give them different namespace prefix

I'm familiar with the DOMDocument::importNode method for importing a tree of nodes from some other document element. However, what I was wondering is if I can automatically change the namespace prefix on a tree of nodes as I import them, that is, specify a new prefix for all nodes of that namespace. Say the nodes, in their existing doc...

counting words with domDocument class

Hi! How can i counting the words in a html page, with domDocument? for example, if the input is something like: <div> Hello something open. <a href="open.php">click</a> lorem ipsum <a href="open.php">here></a> the output: Number Word 1 Hello 2 something 3 open 4 click 5 lorem 6 ipsum 7 here. And what if i need only the link...

[PHP] DOMDocument load on a page returning 400 Bad Request status

Hiya, I'm trying to use the API for an application I'm creating, but am having some problems with validation. If an API request gives an error it returns a code and message in the response XML like this: <lfm status="failed"> <error code="6">No user with that name</error> </lfm> However, the request also returns an HTTP stat...

PHP parsing invalid html

hi , i'm trying to parse some html that is not on my server $dom = new DOMDocument(); $dom->loadHTMLfile(""); echo $dom->getElementById('his_id')->item(0); but php returns an error something like ID his_id already defined in, line: 33. I think th...

PHP DomDocument class unable access domnode

Hi. I dont parse this url: $ch = curl_init(""); //curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_NOBODY, true); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, true); //curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_HEADER, true); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_FOLLOWLOCATION, true); //not necessary unless the file redirects (like the PHP example we'r...

Is it possible to cast a SimpleXML object to a DOMDocument object in PHP?

As a follow up to my earlier question, I'm thinking of using simplexml_load_file to load an XML file from a URL. Would it be possible for me to turn that SimpleXML object to a DOMDocument object via (DOMDocument)$my_simplexml? ...

msxml domdocument stops working when I move to staging server

I have some code that looks like this: Set xmlHttp = Server.CreateObject("MSXML2.ServerXMLHTTP") xmlHttp.Open "Get", myRSSfile, false xmlHttp.Send() myXML = xmlHttp.ResponseText Set xmlResponse = Server.CreateObject("MSXML2.DomDocument") xmlResponse.async = false xmlResponse.LoadXml(myXML) Set xmlHttp = Nothing Set objLst = xmlRespons...

CData section not finished problem

When I use DOMDocument::loadXML() for my XML below I get error: Warning: DOMDocument::loadXML() [domdocument.loadxml]: CData section not finished in Entity, Warning: DOMDocument::loadXML() [domdocument.loadxml]: Premature end of data in tag image line 7 in Entity Warning: DOMDocument::loadXM...

PHP DOMDocument getElementsByTagname?

This is driving me bonkers... I just want to add another img node. $xml = <<<XML <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <gallery> <album tnPath="tn/" lgPath="imm/" fsPath="iml/" > <img src="004.jpg" caption="4th caption" /> <img src="005.jpg" caption="5th caption" /> <img src="006.jpg" caption="6th caption" /> </album> ...

Getting XML Numbered Entities with PHP 5 DOM

Hello guys, I am new here and got a question that is tricking me all day long. I've made a PHP script, that reads a website source code through cURL, then works with DOMDocument class in order to generate a sitemap file. It is working like a charm in almost every aspect. The problem is with special characters. For compatibility reaso...

Can I get the matched DOM string with PHP and DOMDocument?

I've got my HTML inside of $html. dom = new DOMDocument(); $dom->loadHTML($html); $xpath = new DOMXPath($dom); $tags = $xpath->query('//div[@id="header"]'); foreach($tags as $tag) { var_dump($tag->nodeValue); // the innerHTML of that element var_dump($tag); // object(DOMElement)#3 (0) { } } Is there a way to get that no...

Loop over DOMDocument

I am following the suggestion from this question Robust, Mature HTML Parser for PHP, about parsing html that may be malformed with DOMDocument. Is there any easy way to loop over the parsed document? So I would like to loop over html like this. $html='<ul> <li>value1</li> <li>value1</li> <li>value3 ...

After I appendChild() in ie6, do stylesheets apply to that element?

I am creating some elements in javascript like so: var parent = document.createElement('div'); parent.setAttribute('id', 'parent'); var child = document.createElement('div'); child.setAttribute('class', 'child'); parent.appendChild(child); otherelement.appendChild(parent); I have a stylesheet which has styles for #parent and .child....

DOMNode reference doesn't work anymore after appending it to another element twice

Hi, I'm using the a wrapper around the PHP5-class DOMDocument to generate my HTML. This makes it easy to modify the HTML by using the DOM. An example is creating element #1 and adding it to the element #2 and still be able to modify element #1 directly. A problem arises however with the following: Element #1 is added to element #2 El...