
Renaming File Paths and Doxygen

I have a file that is located at a different path at development time, however at the time of release it will be in a different location. The title of the documentation, after being generated, is set to the development path. Is it possible to manually set the path of the filename? What I mean about title: The structure of the documented...

How to have macros expanded by doxygen, but not documented as a define?

Say I have: #define MY_MACRO(FOO) void FOO(); MY_MACRO(hi); MY_MACRO(hey); MY_MACRO(hello); #undef MY_MACRO I want the macros to be expanded by doxygen, which I am able to do by configuring it the right way: ENABLE_PREPROCESSING = YES MACRO_EXPANSION = YES EXPAND_ONLY_PREDEF = YES EXPAND_AS_DEFINED = MY_MACRO Th...

navigating a .Docset file in iphone app

I want to use a Docset i have created using Doxygen in my iPad app in a tableview, and navigate through the directories. then display the file i click. How would i go about navigating the Docset? i can unzip it, then navigate the directories in that manner, though i'm certain there must be a way of using the file as is and then being ab...

Doxygen documentation - how to filter method by annotation (e.g. @api)

We are currently using Doxygen to generate the API. We have put all around the framework annotation as "@api" to tell the developer is allowed to rely on this method since their name won't change. /** * method description * * @api */ function foo() {...} I am looking for a way to only include the methods with these @api annota...

How to control order of doxygen documentation sections?

I added my documentation as follows: brief description, parameters, and return value get explained in the header, details about the implementation get explained in the source. However, when I generate the doxygen documentation, instead of having the brief description, the details, then the parameters and lastly the return value, I get ...

Extracting function call list from DOxygen XML Output

I posted a question on the DOxygen forums and also am posting it here for a better response. I have a moderately sized C project of about 2,900 functions. I am using DOxygen 1.5.9 and it is successfully generating a call graph for the functions. Is there a way to extract this out for further analysis? A simple paired list would be su...

Using doxygen with Visual Studio 2010

Hi, I have difficulties using efficiently doxygen with Visual Studio 2010 and C++. It seems like there is no other function for commenting than "un/comment lines". For example generating comment stubs, adding /// after a new line. Also, I wonder what is needed to display those Comments within the IntelliSense feature in VS2010? ...

Document complex #define rules with doxygen

Hi, we use #define rules like that to define a function (please don't ask me what they're doing exactly and why we are doing it that way.. they tell me it's less work to write, but I can't imagine that..): // Format // CBDefine(<class>,<Type>,<method>) // Beispiel: // CBDefine(CModEV30,CToolBar_beforeRequeryCallback,VorLadenCB) #defin...

How to comment Apple's block extension for Doxygen 1.7.2?

Doxygen annouced in their changelog for version 1.7.2 to support Apple's block extension. I wonder what the syntax is to generate the documentation. I could not find any hint - also not in the Doxygen configuration file (version 1.7.2). ...

How can I edit makefile to change Doxyfile settings?

I have the below code in my makefile. The makefile generates a Doxyfile with standard configurations. I want to change the UML_LOOK tag to YES and GENERATE_TREEVIEW to YES without having to edit the file manually. Is there a way of passing commands to the makefile so it does the job itself? doc: doxygen -g Doxyfile doxygen Doxyf...

Writing a user manual with Doxygen?

How can Doxygen be used to create user manuals? The website says it can be done, but I am not sure how. Are there any markup examples for this situation? ...

Doxygen: How to document inherited members of a library class

Let's assume the following code: #include <externalLib/bar> /** * Bla blubb bla. */ class Foo : public Bar { ... }; How do I tell doxygen that it should list also the members of the inherited class, even if this is an external class? To be more precise: The external lib is (OpenSceneGraph) also documented via doxygen, but no tag f...

Doxygen won't process main.cpp

So I'm new to using Doxygen and I was able to get it to work smoothly. I was able to document my classes and structs and it generates the HTML files perfectly. The issue I'm running into is it won't parse my main.cpp file. All the classes and structs have their own .h and .cpp files and they process fine. How do I get Doxygen to make the...

How to document overridden/implemented functions without Doxygens @copydoc?

How can I document an overridden method or an implemented virtual method of a sub class? Should I use @copydoc? class A { /** * A detailed description........ */ virtual int foo(int i); } class B : public A { /** {I won't write the same description again.} */ int foo(int i); } ...

Qt Documentation Standards

I am looking for some help regarding documenting code in Qt. For instance, when I am developing on the XNA platform I use XML notation with tags such as summary, params, etc. What does Qt have and what are some standards. In addition, I am looking for something that will work with documentation generating applications (such as Doxygen),...

How can I include doxygen perlmod in my perlscript?

Hi How can I include doxygen perlmod in my perlscript? I've noticed that you can generate a alternative output with doxygen that is called perlmod, but I can't find any examples on how to use this part. I've found 2 nice files in there and, and they contain some kind of nice structure that represents th...

Is there a way to document cuda's ".cu" file use doxygen

As the cuda's ".cu" file is basically c, Is there a way we can use doxygen to generate documentation for ".cu" files? I noticed that NVIDIA use doxygen to generate cuda's docuementation. However when I use doxygen, the ".cu" files are ignored. ...