
Hit test on group on Subviews

I have a UIView as the container/holder view. Inside that i have a group of UIViews (icons) Think of this as similar to the iPhone's SpringBoard- you have an SBIconList (UIView subclass) with a group of SBIcons (also UIView subclasses) So far, each icon of my icons is draggable, but i'm having problems writing the collision detection c...

Drag an UIImageView from UIscrollView to another view

Hello, i crawled all the web, but nothing. I have a for loop to create uiimageview inside a uiscrollview controller. It's a collection of images that you can scroll horizontally only. for (int i = 0; i < NIMAGES; i++) { NSString *filename = [NSString stringWithFormat:@"image%d.png", i+1]; ScrollerImage *iv = [[ScrollerImage all...

dojo drag and drop: how to add handler for drop event

I have a simple list like this: <div dojoType="dojo.dnd.Source" id="myList"> <div class="dojoDndItem">item 1</div> <div class="dojoDndItem">item 2</div> <div class="dojoDndItem">item 3</div> </div> And I use the dojo attributes to make the list sortable. It works without any problems, but how do I add a listener to the ev...

Get body of web page on address bar drag drop

I need to pull information from a web site. The user drags the address from IE to a C# win-form application. The web page they are dragging is not accessible by the address alone, saving the page to a bookmark brings me back to a useless page. How can I force a drag event to save the page to a local html file, and store that local fil...

jQuery UI Droppable : how to make it live ?

In this question, draggables are created on the fly, when the mouse enters the element to drag. I'd like to do the same kind of thing, but with droppables : decides whether to make the element droppable only when the dragged element arrives over it. I'm sure it's possible but after a bit of research, I couldn't make it. I tried things ...

How do I get a reorder-able, reloading list on a website?

I need a playlist that's editable from multiple computers. It can be <table> or <ol> but you must be able to drag rows around. This gets sent to the server, which pushes it down to everybody, so I need updates without reloading the page. I never worked with JavaScript before, but it all seems doable with http://jqueryui.com. Alternative...

Google Chrome Folder Drag and Drop Support

in Google Chrome 7 Folder drag and drop has been added click-here, Can any one show demo code how is that possible? ...

how to manage drag and drop for MKAnnotationView on IOS ?

Hello, I'm working without InterfaceBuilder. I've an instance of MKAnnotationView with setDraggable on YES, In My MKMapView my annotation view is displayed and I can drag and drop it. How can I execute an method when the drop action is performed? In this method I need the new coordonates of my annotation view. ...

Drag and Drop In WPF C#

following is my code for drag and drop in wpf. i used the same code in windowform for drag and drop images but i does not seem to work for wpf Can you help ? <Image Height="464" Name="PictureBox" Stretch="Uniform" Width="769" AllowDrop="True" DragEnter="PictureBox_DragEnter" Drop="PictureBox_Drop" /> private void PictureBox_Dra...

event.stopPropagation() in extjs-touch : howto?

I'm trying to use extjs-touch drag & drop, and I can't have the event.stopPropagation() method working properly. The live example is here : http://www.objectivegui.com/urbis10/index3.html. You should use it with Chrome or Ipad and try to drag one of the people icons in the white "workgroup" div. The "workgroup" div correctly alerts the...

Moving ListBoxItem Up/Down in WPF

I've created a listbox which contain filenames. I want to give user a option to move up and down file name using up/down button and using drag and drop. Anyone has an idea how to achieve this functionality. XAML Code: <ListBox Grid.Column="0" Name="listBox1" AllowDrop="True" Drop="listBox1_Drop" /> <StackPanel Grid...

drop a draggable using jquery

Is there any way of dropping a draggable into the droppable by hardcoding and not by actually going into the browser and doing drag-drop?? Thanks in advance.:D ...

Dragging uiimageview into a "trashcan" while zoomed in on a uiscrollview

Hey everyone. I've searched the web and really haven't found a problem quite like this. My set up is as follows: I am trying to make an app where a user drags uiimageviewss on a uiview inside a uiscrollview (which can zoom in), but also drag the image to a trashcan to be deleted. When the scrollview is zoomed in, the user can still drag ...

Qt Tray Icon Drag and Drop

Does anyone know if it is possible to use drag and drop with a tray icon using Qt? ...

Convert NSPoint in screen coordinates to window coordinates

I am implementing drag and drop in a cocoa application and I am using the following method from the NSDraggingSource Protocol: - (void)draggedImage:(NSImage *)draggedImage movedTo:(NSPoint)screenPoint{ The NSPoint is given in screen coordinates and I need it in window or view coordinates. If the method was called with an NSEvent I cou...

It's possible to make a uitableviewcell draggable

Hi, I've this NIB file: and I want to make the tableviewcells draggable, but outsite the tableview. Is this possible? ...

Drag and Drop for multiple drop zone

Hi, I have multiple drop zone with div id as unique. How do I get the div id before droping to that perticular div id. Regards, Murthy ...

Drag'n'Drop sortable Listbox für Windows Phone 7

In a Windows Phone 7 application I got a ListBox containing a few items. I want the user to be able to sort the items in the ListBox by just touching and dragging them (on the left part of the ListBox template). How would I implement this? Is there a standard way or control to get this kind of drag and drop functionality (preferably eve...

How to drop a file from windows form(listView) to desktop(any explorer window) without temp file

I know this is normaly implemented with a temp file but this wont work here since we are dealing with pretty large files stored in a database. so far my idea is to create a small temp file that has a unique name and do a FileSystemWatcher monitoring the drop to get the path. but this doesnt seem optimal eighter. are there any other ide...

Winforms -> Visualize dragged item for Drag & Drop

Hi, I'd like to achieve the following and was looking for a sample/tutorial but couldn't really find anything: I have C# Winforms application, which has multiple Forms within the same process. I'd like to be able to drag & drop items within and between forms and would like to provide some custom painted visualization of the item being ...