
jquery odd behaviour of collapsible/moveable panels with drag/drop within them

First of all, huge kudos to 'Web Developer Plus' for writing most of the initial code! I have a list of 'items' which I can drag into any one of the blue boxes inside the widgets, and then sort them. This works fine. It's only when I start toggling these widgets (showing/hiding), or moving their positions, that things start going weird....

jQuery and drop in table

I have the folowing code. When the table is empty in need to append to ti but if there's rows I need to insertBefore the row on which I drop. But the drop is only detected on the TABLE, the trace only show table evne if I drop on a tr $("#mytable TABLE, #mytable TABLE").droppable({ drop: function(event, ui) { v...

JavaScript - how to ignore minor dragging events?

Hi, I have a draggable image within a div. I can click on the image to bring up a pop-up menu, which works fine. Quite often when I click on the image I drag it by about 1-5 pixels, therefore on click event doesn't get fired up, instead, a dragstart event gets fired up, so the pop-up menu doesn't appear on the screen. Is there a way to...

jQuery UI Dragging - which handler is being used?

Hi, I got the following setup for dragdrop functionality: const listDragOptions = { handle: ".camera, .texter", // dragged by either camera or edit icon //revert: true, // so dragged elements fall back to their original position, revertDuration: 200, // the element goes back instantly, no need for effects on this one sn...

how to change this demo work good at chrome and safari ..

This is a demo dragging on google maps v3, but ,it can't work good at chrome and safari , So , how to change it ? thanks ...

Javscript draggable div does not trigger scroll

I have a simple Javascript drag function. You can see it here: http://jsfiddle.net/XpAyA/12/ The red #dragger div is draggable. It is nested in an overflow scroll div but it doesn't trigger a "scroll" when it gets over the limit. Probably due to the fact that it is positioned absolute. Is there a way yo fix this? Make the scroll happen...

Dragging an object along a drawn path

Same as the question: I need to drag a component along a programmatically drawn path composed by different kinds of graphic, like lines, curves, etc. I've already googled it, but with no success. Any ideas? thanks! ...

Dragging JPanel

I've got a problem when trying to drag a JPanel. If I implement it purely in MouseDragged as: public void mouseDragged(MouseEvent me) { me.getSource().setLocation(me.getX(), me.getY()); } I get a weird effect of the moved object bouncing between two positions all the time (generating more "dragged" events). If I do it in the way de...

Iphone : detecting drag / swipe direction starting from a button

Hello everyone I trying to make a swipe mechanism for a view that might have buttons on it. Without a button its a piece of cake. However if your finger starts on the button, you can trigger an event (drag outside) but that does not tell me the direction. So how can I detect the direction of a swipe / drag where your fingers starts...

Flex tree drag and drop

I have a flex application with 2 tree. I should allow the drag and drop from left tree to right tree based on the local name of XML. While working on this I encountered peculiar kind of problems. when dragged and dropped to right tree from left tree, the dragged item in lefttree is appearing twice when certain items are dragged to rig...

JQuery sortable, dragging between two lists, cancelling the drop: How to animate?

I have two HTML lists, and am using JQuery sortable to drag between them. This works perfectly. The receive event is raised upon dropping a dragged list item into the second list. In this event handler, in some circumstances I am calling $(ui.sender).sortable('cancel'); which cancels the drop and returns the list item to its orig...

Cocoa Touch - Drag onto button to trigger event

Hey all, just wondering what the best way to add this capability was. I want to be able to press the button normally by doing touchDownInside, but I also want to be able to slide my finger from one button to the next and have the next one trigger. How can I do that? Ex: (-) -> (-) ^Buttons^ ...

Cocoa Touch - UIButtons - Subclassing UIButton

Hey all, can anyone please explain how I can subclass UIButton and override some method so that when the user drags off a button it comes up right away? The problem is that when I drag out of the button frame it remains active and down. I want it to stop as soon as the finger leaves the button frame. Any ideas? (Cocoa Touch) ...

wpf - problem with DragAndDrop between two canvases

Hi I have strange problem with drag and drop operation between two canvases. I wanted to drag my custom control from one canvas to another. I started dragging operation with this code DataObject dragObject = new DataObject("CalendarBlock",block); DragDrop.DoDragDrop(this, dragObject, DragDropEffects.Move); In second ca...

TreeviewItem disappears after draggin it onto a grid

I am dragging and dropping a Treeviewitem from a RadTreeview in my WPF/C# project. After a succesful drag and drop the node disappears from the treeview. How can I avoid this? which event handler to change for this? I am assuming that this should be done in teh treeview's drag event handler and nothing to do with the grid's drop event ha...

ZedGraph - How to make a horizontal line drag-able?

I have some straight horizontal lines that I want the user be able to drag vertically. How would this be possible? I think the best parameter for line selection would be a fixed number of pixels near the line. So if mouse is +/- 2 pixels, I should change the mouse cursor and make the line drag-able.. I see the CurveItem class has prop...

How to get the direction of moving object in draggable plugin (jQuery)?

Hi, I have object (div-box), and it's draggable (I'm using jQuery). How I can get information which direction it has moved a visitor? Example: User drag it to left down and I wanna know it, how? P.S.: Sorry for my English ...

efficient way to bind a drag event

i have read a program that have a drag functionality in a table but i really think it is not efficient , here is the code var downState = false; $('#element').delegate('td','mousedown',function() { downState = true; //do stuff }).delegate('td','mouseenter',function() { if (downState) //do stuff }); what i don't like is ...

WPF RichTextBox: Disable Dragging Text within , Allow Dragging Text outside

Hello, I have a UserControl with a RichTextBox in it. It must be disallowed to drag/drop Text within the RichTextBox so the user can not change the visible sort order of the strings in the RichTextBox. But... it must be allowed to the user to drag/drop Text outside the UserControl to the same kubd if the UserControl. Is that somehow p...

Cocoa: Does there exist an NSView with user resize capability?

I want an NSView that can be resized by dragging its the bottom right corner around, just like an NSWindow. I want to be able to embed this NSView into a parent NSView. Is there a component like this in Cocoa or any of its extensions? ...