
how to make a 'div' element drag on iphone .

this is my code,for some reason , i can't use any javascript lib ,like ;jquery: <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//WAPFORUM//DTD XHTML Mobile 1.0//EN" "http://www.wapforum.org/DTD/xhtml-mobile10.dtd"&gt; <html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml" style="height: 100%;"> <head> <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; chars...

Dragable objects in WPF in an ItemsControl?

I want to be able to implement an ItemsControl with dragable items. The reason for the ItemsControl is so I can bind to my ViewModel in the background. I've tried using a Thumb Control in a canvas and it works perfect, except as soon as I stick it in an ItemsControl it stops working. Here is what I tried: <ItemsControl ItemsSo...

Ruby accept argument via drag and drop onto rb script

I would like to have ruby open with dropped files as arguments. I running Win 7 Enterprise, Ruby 1.8.6 and have tried RubyDragAndDrop.dll, which I could not get installed. Any ideas? ...

Duplicating finger movements Objective C

Hi, I was wondering how I would go about duplicating finger movements with a moving image view object. - ie. you move your finger and a few centimetres away from it, an image moves around the screen, mimicking the movements of the finger I'm sorry that I have absolutely no idea how to do this and I'm sorry if I'm asking for a lot of co...

how to clear jquery.event.drag

http://threedubmedia.com/code/event/drag when i create a dragbox how to clear a drag? thanks ...

How to drag a movieclip to change different movieclip's value?

Hi guys.... I am trying to create a mc with drag function.My question is how to change another movieclip's x value when I drag my first mc... videoSlider.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_DOWN, scrollMC); videoSlider.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_UP, stopScrollMC); private function scrollMC(event:MouseEvent):void{ even...

Actionscript 3 :Simple Drag Question.,..

Hi guys.. I am trying to create a scroller...The videoSlider is my scrollBar and I want to drag it so my secondMC will move....everything works fine in my code but if I mouse down in my videoSlider and up outside of it....The drag state still apply and it's not what I desire....any ideas?? Thanks... videoSlider.addEventListene...

jQuery UI Drag and Drop causes bound click to trigger

I've got a UL of items using jQuery UI that I have drag and drop capable. However, I also need to be able to click on one of the items in the list and trigger off a little routine that adds a header line above one of the "li"s. The problem lies with the click on the drag and drop. I've tried to bind the click to a specific region of the ...

Actionscript3: scrollBar drag area question....

Hi guys...My brain is fry now and I need you guy's help My last post http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3449725/actionscript-3-simple-drag-question I am trying to get the scrollBar(videoSlider) dragged to the certain point base on my secondMc(container) I have X number(dynamic) of small pics in my secondMc and I want my scrollBar stop...

Draggable UIImgeView Rotation

I have a UIImageView object that I rotate with frame property and CFAffineTransformMakeRotate and then I want ot move it with moving origin of its frame, but my image moves and reshape strangly. @implementation TimberView - (void) touchesBegan:(NSSet*)touches withEvent:(UIEvent*)event { // Retrieve the touch point CGPoint pt = [[to...

List ItemRenderer and Drag Drop

I use Item Renderer in List control. But when drag started I get error: TypeError: Error #1009: Cannot access a property or method of a null object reference. at MemberRenderer/set data() etc. Can anybody help me? My ItemRenderer: <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?> <mx:HBox xmlns:mx="http://www.adobe.com/2006/mxml" width="10...

Preventing the Android "long press" to save images

I've written a web-app in HTML and Javascript for iPhone and Android which involves the dragging and dropping images. You initiate the drag by holding your finger over the image for about a second. However, Android then pops up the message giving me the option to save the image, set it as wallpaper etc. How can I prevent Android from ...

Help me understand this jquery code?

Its quite a lot... // DEFINE DEFAULT VARIABLES var _target=null, _dragx=null, _dragy=null, _rotate=null, _resort=null; var _dragging=false, _sizing=false, _animate=false; var _rotating=0, _width=0, _height=0, _left=0, _top=0, _xspeed=0, _yspeed=0; var _zindex=1000; jQuery.fn.touch = function(settings) { // DEFINE DEFAULT TOUCH SET...

Help please? When the element gets picked up by the drag, it only gets picked up from the middle?

I have a div for example, and when you pick it up to start dragging, it snaps the div so the cursor/mouse is in the middle of it. This is the code.. // DEFINE DEFAULT VARIABLES var _target=null, _dragx=null, _dragy=null, _rotate=null, _resort=null; var _dragging=false, _sizing=false, _animate=false; var _rotating=0, _width=0, _height...

Need help in animating a Wheel on iphone

I am doing an application in iphone that need to spin the Dart Wheel when I drag on it. The view will have a dart wheel image and when we drag the wheel it spins and slowly it stops. Can any one help me in doing this animation. ...

Drag & Drop from Windows Explorer into my application’s TextBox

Why is the dragdrop event never entered? private void textBox1_DragDrop(object sender, DragEventArgs e) { Array a = (Array)e.Data.GetData(DataFormats.FileDrop); e.Effect = DragDropEffects.All; Debug.WriteLine("were in dragdrop"); } private void textBox1_DragEnter(object sender, DragEventArgs e) { if (e.Data.GetDataPres...

Dragging an image from a scrollview

This is driving me bonkers, have been on it ages and still can get the thing to do what I want! My view is set out like this: RootViewController contains (UIView)flipView FlipView contains (UiView)firstView FirstView contains a scrollview and a load of imageviews Scrollview contains a series of custom imageViews I can drag the cust...

Dragging out of list causing weird behavior

I have a list that contains some interactive elements, including a custom textinput (Hillel Coren's FlowBox from his AutoComplete open source project). I'm trying to support drag and drop to reorder elements in the list for all of the other elements except for the FlowBox, but for the time-being I found a weird error that occurs when I d...

iPad: How to not allow a page to be resized by an element being dragged on the edges?

I have my page all set up perfectly and the height & width's are all working great. But I have a draggable element and if you drag it to the side/corner of the page, it starts shrinking the whole page instead of cutting off the element on the edge. The element is always visible where ever your dragging, its just the rest of the page shri...

how to reverse e.preventDefault() from the body?

I have this: function dontMove(event) { // Prevent page from elastic scrolling event.preventDefault(); } & <body ontouchmove="dontMove(event);"> This, on the ipad, stops it from being draggable and does not allow that grey background the ipad has when you drag a whole page around to show up. I have seen on another website ...