
WPF: Drawing on top of a TextBlock

I want to be able to draw on to the top of a TextBlock, and have found a way to do this, but i cannot remove the drawing once it is there. Here is the code. public class DerivedTextBlock : TextBlock { public Boolean DrawExtra { get { return (Boolean)GetValue(DrawExtraProperty); } set { SetValue(DrawExtraPrope...

How can a shape with curved sides be drawn in Objective-C?

In Objective-C, how do I draw a 2D shape similar to the one pictured here? (sorry could not embed image). Thanks! -appleHap ...

Is this Possible in WPF - 3d drag & drop design tool

Hi All, I am looking for a starting point for the following application. I am looking to create an application that will allow me to import multiple 3d image like furniture. I can then drag and drop these 3d images onto a design window which looks like a room. Once dragged here, i can then position the furniture around a room and rota...

Simple visualizations/drawings in ASP.NET

I want to generate simple drawings in my asp.net website based on some data I deal with in this application (I want to represent structure of Neural Networks). I know about existing System.Drawing namespace but Im curious if there are solutions more appropriate for asp.net. It would be great if such visualization could be interactive (e...

How to draw crosshatches on a TCanvas and specify the background color

I'm trying to make a "blank" background to place an image on top of. It's not too difficult to create crosshatches by placing a TImage on a form and doing the following: image1.Canvas.brush.Style := bsDiagCross; image1.canvas.brush.color := clWhatever; image1.canvas.FillRect(image1.clientrect); This works, and I get a crosshatch patt...

How to draw dotted lines using Quartz on iPhone.

I am new to iPhone development. I am developing an application in which I need to draw dotted lines between a couple of points. I know I have to use CGContextSetLineCap(UIGraphicsGetCurrentContext(), kCGLineCapRound) and also CGContextSetLineDash(UIGraphicsGetCurrentContext(), 0, lengths, LENGTH_OF_ARRAY). But everytime I try this, I can...

Drawing polygonal line with gradient in GDI+

I have a List<Point> of multiple points. How can I draw these points into a bitmap, to get the same as this: Points are known, I just need to achieve this gradient effect somehow. Please note that the gradient isn't radial, if you untwist the polygonal line to a straight one, you would get simple linear gradient from one end to anoth...

A way to implement a sideways NSTextFieldCell?

I have an NSTableView in my application with data being drawn in for both the X and Y axes (ie, every row is matched with every column.) I've got the data populating the cells the way I'd like, but it looks terrible with the columns stretched out horizontally. I would like to turn the NSTextFieldCell on its side, so that the text is wri...

Minimising glDrawArray calls in OpenGl es

I'd like to hear what people think the optimal draw calls are for Open GL ES (on the iphone). Specifically I've read in many places that it is best to minimise the number of calls to glDrawArrays/glDrawElements - I think Apple say 10 should be the max in their recent WWDC presentation. As I understand it to do this you need to put all ...

getPixel setPixel too slow, is there any other alternative on .NET CF

I'm using Bitmap Class' .setPixel and .getPixel to draw my bitmap fonts on .NET CF. But it is too slow, in java we have getRGB() and setRGB() to set array of colors with a single call. Is there something like that in .NET CF. My requirement is simply to draw a portion of a bitmap into another bitmap at specified x,y. EDIT: The source im...

get angle of a line from horizon

I want to know how to get an angle of a line A-B from horizontal axis X. Other questions in SO do that only between two lines. I'm aware I can always draw second line A-C and calculate but I'm wondering if there's a faster method. EDIT: I'm very sure I'm not doing a premature optimization. ...

Drawing Basic Shapes in WPF InkCanvas

Hi..I am working on a paint like application in wpf.I want the users to be able to add some drawings over images or plain surfaces.Also i want to draw some basic shapes like line,ellipse or a rectangle.I am trying to work with an inkcanvas,where i can do freehand drawing,but i cant draw shapes like in paint.Can anyone guide me and provi...

TikZ coding: How to create space between polygon and the nodes it surrounds?

I'm using TikX with LaTeX to draw a technical diagram. I'm trying to draw an irregular polygon around a group of named nodes in a tree. I've gotten as far as \draw [rounded corners, thick] (node cs:name=add,anchor=north) -- (node cs:name=cvc,anchor=west) -- (node cs:name=addrc,angle=200) -- (node cs:name=addrc,angle=-20) --...

clockwise angle between two line

I want to calculate a clockwise angle between two line segment A and B. So the resulting angle must be between 0 to 360-1 degrees. I've seen all other answers in SO but they gave me negative angles. Thanks. ...

DRAW (print - not the graph) an equation in Quartz (iPhone SDK)

I'm trying to draw equations to the screen. Not the graphs or sth just the equation, but in a "pretty" way (f.e. like they look on wikipedia ). I've done some research but could find a "build-in-way", but maybe i overlooked something?!? So i've decided to draw them by myself. I'm not very experienced, so don't blaim me if my idea is com...

How to determine all line segments from a list of points generated from a mouse gesture?

Currently I am interning at a software company and one of my tasks has been to implement the recognition of mouse gestures. One of the senior developers helped me get started and provided code/projects that uses the $1 Unistroke Recognizer http://depts.washington.edu/aimgroup/proj/dollar/. I get, in a broad way, what the $1 Unistroke Re...

Silverlight drawing (Path) and ViewStateManger and ControlTemplates

I have to draw a number of shapes to represent an orchard. Each of these shapes are different 'shapes'. But I want the all to have the same concept of states so if that region changes state it will change color independently of the other shapes. (note they are all independent of each other and can be in different states). How do I do ...

how to obtain CGContextRef from UIView or UIWindow for debugging outside draw method?

[This is my first post here (but I've browsed answers many times; thanks to all for a very useful site). If I'm committing any great sins with this post, please forgive me and point me in the right direction.] I am trying to debug some complicated startup code in my iPhone application; I really need to draw some images to make debuggin...

Drawing a picture in android

I want to draw a picture (bmp,jpg,png) into the canvas (using the onDraw() method) of a class that extends the View class. I would like to be able to draw parts of the picture, not the whole at once. I would really appreciate an example. ...

mscgen: html output?

I have found mscgen a very useful message flow renderer, it can generate very good graphics, and also ismap to use in a html. But to visualize a message flow, it would be better if you can see the message detail when pointing to the message abstract in the picture. So I wonder if anyone has made an extension to mscgen that can directly...