
Getting Lavalamp jQuery plugin to work with dropdown menu?

I have a problem with the jQuery Lavalamp plugin. It works perfectly with a single-level menu, but after adding a dropdown it gets a bit lost. Here's what I mean: http://screenr.com/0fS. Of course what I would like to achieve is for the lavalamp background to stay on the Portfolio item when the user hovers over the subitems. I guess i...

no flyout cs menu dropdown

Hi Guys I wanted to make a menu that does not flyout when you hover over the first child li. For example: Home | Services | Products | Contact Us under services, for instance, you have a dropdown that enumerates: Services A Services B Services C all vertically like the usual drop down, however, if services A have submenus i don't...

JavaScript: Form is submitted before dropdown selection is made

Here is a small blurb from a JavaScript function I have. ddl.options[i].selected = true; document.forms[0].submit(); A link is clicked, which changes a dropdown value and then submits a form. The problem is that in IE6/7/8, it seems the form is submitted before the dropdown selection is made. The weird part is that this only happens...

define, radio button change to auto drop down with loop

Hi all, i looking for help... and hope of you kindly I want to change my site language model from radio button to auto dropdown button using loop This the languages if ($lang=="en") { //Pages define ("Pages", "Pages") ; } if ($lang=="de") { define ("Pages", "Seiten") ; } This the existing Radio button <td width="6...

sort items in a dropdown list without the first item

I have the following code to sort the items in a dropdown list: function sortDropDownListByText(selectId) { $(selectId).html($(selectId + " option").sort(function(a, b) { return a.text == b.text ? 0 : a.text < b.text ? -1 : 1 })) } this works fine except in cases where, in my first item, i have a *"Please select and ...

Need: javascript dropdown replacement widget

I need to address the following problem: In IE the dropdown body is what dictates the width of the dropdown. If i set dropdown width to 100px then the body will get cut off if its wider. Last time (4 months ago) i looked for a suitable widget i found the following problems Not all dropdown keyboard shortcuts supported: up/down ar...

Basic drop-down menu (jQuery)

I'm using this currently: $(document).ready(function () { $('ul#nav > li').hover(function () { $('ul:first', this).show(); }, function () { $('ul:first', this).hide(); }); $('ul#nav li li').hover(function () { $('ul:first', this).each(function () { $(this).css('top', $(this).parent...

addClass if ul exists (jQuery)

I'm building a simple dropdown where I'd like to add a class to parent if UL exists: HTML: <ul id="menu"> <li><a href="#">Parent 1</a></li> <li><a href="#">Parent 2</a> <ul> <li><a href="#">Sub 2.1</a></li> <li><a href="#">Sub 2.2</a></li> </ul> </li> </ul> So I'd like to: hide all nested (ul#menu > li > u...

Styling select element (jQuery)

I tried some plugins but they all come with their own styling which takes quite some time to get rid of. Is there any plugin with minimal styling (or a really simple way) to apply custom background to select element? I just need something very simple. Thanks ...

is there a jquery solution for removing an item from a select dropdown by display text

I see a number of examples of removing an item from a select dropdown by the items value ( such as this question ) but is there a way to remove an item from a select dropdown if all I know is the display text? ...

Replace a dropdown list in the last row of a table with text

I have an html table and in one column i have dropdown select. i would like a selector to get a handle to the dropdown in the last row of the table and change it to just regular text (using the value in the select). here is the tricky part, in some cases the last row will not have a dropdown and it will just be text in this cell and in...

How do I echo selected in a while loop?

Hello, I have a blogs and questions section on my site that has categories. When a user composes a question or a blog, there is a drop down menu that allows you to choose your category. When you edit either of these you have the option of changing your category via the dropdown. When you go to edit a blog,the category drop down is a stan...

Magento : create ajax dropdwon populated with labels of 3 product's attributes.

Greetings, I'm, unluckily in need of having this : Product has (lets say) 6 attributes with "Yes/No" values. I need a dropdown on that product's page that will populate with attributes with "yes" value. attributes are :bundle1,bundle2....,bundle6. When selection is made - I need to know whats have been selected to pass...

jQuery Menu Button Disappearing on drop down in webkit only, how do I make it stay put?

I have a problem involving jQuery drop downs. Basically the button which reveals the drop down dissapears upon revealing the drop down. Here is the code The HTML included in the navigation <div id="header"> <div id="navHolder"> <ul style="list-style: none;"> <li><a href="#" class="navBtn">Travel Blog</a></li> <...

Jquery Slidetoggle open 1 div and close another

I'm trying to close one div when clicking on another div . Currently, it opens multiple divs at one time. JQUERY: $(document).ready(function() { $(".dropdown dt a").click(function() { var dropID = $(this).closest("dl").attr("id"); $("#"+dropID+" dd ul").slideToggle(200); return false; }); $(".drop...

jQuery dropdown is really jumpy

Hi, I'm making a dropdown menu with jquery (some of the code is borrowed from a tutorial by someone, although I forget who...). When I use the dropdown, it slides up and down really fast, and I can't figure it out. What do you think? HTML <div id="nav"> <ul class="topnav"> <li><a class="selected" href="#" title="home">home</a></l...

Populate a DropDown/Select based on the value chosen on another DropDown

Hello folks, I'm a beginner developer but I stumbled across a case I can't solve. I'm using ASP.NET MVC with C# plus some javascript (JQuery, JSON...). What I have to do is to populate a dropdown based on the value chosen in other. It seems simple (and I know it is) but this particular case is eluding me. I've lost many hours and I'm st...

Is there any difference between drop down box and combo box?

Is there any difference between drop down box and combo box [ HTML ]? Actually the point is, everytime i say something like: "there is some problem with the combo box", my senior says: "that's not a combo box that is a drop down", :) ...

CSS drop down menu

Been trying to get a "pure css" dropdown been trying for days to get a "simple" css drop down nav going can get the top level displayed and the second level hiding but can't make the sub items display on hover?? any help much appreciated sample Isolated is here:: css and html below paste bin http://www.webdevout.net/test?01t ...

DropDownList problem

How can I convert this query return (IList)(from s in modelObject.BC_mountainResortMediaList select new { mountainId = s.mountainResortId, mountainName = s.mountainResortName, }) .ToList(); into this query IEnumerable<BC_mountainResortMed...