
WPF ComboBox DropDown arrow color

Hello I am trying to work out a style for a combo box that has a navy background with white text, so I want the drop down arrow to be white also (the xaml I have so far is below). How can I do that? Cheers, Berryl <Style x:Key="ComboBoxStyle" TargetType="ComboBox"> <Setter Property="Background" Value="{StaticResource header...

Jquery prevent repeating animations without breaking my dropdown?

http://mmowned.org/dragon/slm/menu9.html In an attempt to solve the animation queing in the old version (menu7.html) I tried using .stop() in the dropdown menu. Problem is when you "stop" the dropdown halfway through and then start it again, it breaks the menu and only extends back to where it stopped :/ I'm pretty sure this is really ...

CSS Menu hides behind flash only in IE (SWFObject)

I know that this question is asked a lot, I checked all of the "related questions" before posting this and I tried all of the different solutions I could find, but to no avail. I am working on a site at Site Page and there is a header navigation using Pop Menu Magic which the original creator used, it currently is hiding under the swf t...

How to update a view part on change of a select tag

Hi, Using ASP.Net MVC 1.0 I have a form with some input control on it. One of them is a dropdown (select). When this dropdown gets changed by the user I like to update a DIV-tag using RenderPartial() or something like this. My view currently look like this: <% using (var form = Html.BeginForm()) { %> <label for="FieldIdentif...

Gridviews and DropdownLists

Hi Is it possible to change the data source of a dropdown list in a gridview from another dropdown list selected index changed method in the same gridview? for example I have a dropdown that needs to change its contents depending on what is chosen in the previous cell of the gridview, which is also a dropdown list. Any Help would be...

jQuery - Video interferes with dropdown?

I'm trying to get a dropdown menu to open when I hover over the parent link, and it works, except that when there's a video on the page, it doesn't seem to work... I'm not sure why. I've tried playing around with the z-indexes, but nothing seems to work. The submenu items just kind of blink in and out, but the whole menu doesn't stay ...

Rails, update 2nd select with static data from partial, based on initial select.

I have a rails form where the end user is going to drop down a list of categories, select a category. I need this selection to update the next select drop down. The issue is that the 2nd select needs to be populated by static data from a partial. The reason for this, is that its a product registration page, that includes more option...

Changing styling of DataGridViewComboBoxCell from DropDownList to DropDown?

(This question is narrower in scope than this question I asked earlier.) Say I have a DataGridViewComboBoxColumn, and want to switch the style of the ComboBox control between DropDownList and DropDown (mainly for the text field editing capability). I'd like to do this on a row-by-row basis (at the DataGridViewComboBoxCell level). How ...

passing dropdown value to update parameter for ASP.Net Gridview

I have a gridview that, when in edit mode, I use a dropdown to load all provinces, however, when I change the province and click update, my page crashes...I'm not sending the province parameter to the gridview's updateparameters properly...here's my code, someone please help.. <asp:GridView runat="server" ID="gvUsers" DataKe...

JQuery problem in Firefox

I have a Problem with Jquery dropdown and Firefox. Thats the situation: in the index.html there is a dropdown selection with 3 options. Each of theme has a html file. In the second dropdown there is again 3 Options after i select the first dropdown. The Problem is in the second Dropdown. Firefox always takes the last from the file. ...

How do I make this menu collapse on page load?

This is my code. How can I make this menu always be popped out, not just when you click on '#projects'? Change the .click function to what? $(document).ready(function($) { $.fn.longDropdown = function(options) { var opts = $.extend({}, $.fn.longDropdown.defaults, options); // Weird bug to show the correct number of items opts.vis...

long dropdown menu solution

Chris from css-tricks.com created a beautiful solution for long dropdown menu's: here I implemented this on the following page: onomadesign.com/wordpress/portfolio/identity-design, on the upper right side. But I want this submenu to be visible all the time, so there is no need for clicking 'projects'. Could someone help me with that? ...

Ruby on rails - insert dynamic form drop down menu values to table

Hello, I'm trying to insert a drop down menu values to a table named units and that drop values are coming from another model named properties. Here is the schema of the units. create_table "units", :force => true do |t| t.string "number" t.decimal "monthly_rent" t.datetime "created_at" t.datetime "updated_at" t....

JQuery/Javascript Clear/Reset Drop down List to original values.

Ok dokey, got a bit of jquery up and running, lovely stuff. $(document).ready(function() { $inputs = $("#tbxProdAC, #ddlBuyer, #txtbxHowMany, radTopx"); $.each($inputs, function() { $(this).focus(function() { $.each($inputs, function() { $(this).val(''); $(this).at...

How do I reset an ASP.NET dropdown, on the click of a link, using Javascript? No JS Frameworks.

How do I reset an ASP.NET dropdown, on the click of a link, using Javascript? No JS Frameworks. Edit: reset, as in set the selected value to the first one in the list, as it would be when the page first loads. ...

Removing options from select in IE6

Hey all, I'm attempting to repopulate a drop down menu. I'm making an ajax call to retrieve myList. When I have the new list, I remove all the options from the select element and insert the new values (about 100 options). This works great on later versions of IE and Firefox; the refresh is almost instant. However, on IE6, these oper...

How to conserve parent detail when clicked on child menu in jquery

Hi, I have menu designed using jQuery in oracle apex.The menu is like this Parent1 child1 child2 parent2 child3 child4 parent3 child5 child6 My problem is when I click on parent1 only child1 and child2 should display but in my case each parent gets expanded. And the user can see all the childs. Which should n...

WPF ComboBox DropDown Placement

I have a ContentControl comprised from left to right of a Button, partition and a ComboBox. I want the ComboBox dropdown to line up with the left side of the control as opposed to the left side of the combobox. Can't seem to find docs on Relative placement, etc. Anyone dealt with this? TIA ...

How to access a form drop down from Javascript

Is there a way to access a drop down options text using JavaScript? For instance I can access the value by doing: document.getElementById("transFrom").value; But I want the text between the option tags. Here is the HTML of a form drop down: <select name="transFrom" id="transFrom" style="width: 300px;" tabindex="1" onfocus="retur...

ASP.net MVC how to get the value of the ID field for the list of items?

I have an application, that shows list of items bound to a typed model. In the list every item has an ID from a lookup table. How to show the value of the lookup data for each item instead of IDs? The best way has to link a html dropdownlist to each ID, from where I would be able to choose the appropriate value. Thanks in advance G...