
how to disable a jqgrid select list (dropdown) on the edit form

This is strange and any alternative method to what I want to accomplish is welcome. My app uses the jqgrid 3.5.3 and I need to disable a select list on my edit form. When I do so using the code displayed below it breaks the edit form - meaning I can not cancel or submit it. Thanks. This code is in the edit options array of the navGrid me...

Very simple greasemonkey script to select a dropdown

Would anyone be able to tell me the grasemonkey code to have this page http://www.easportsworld.com/en%5FUS/clubs/nhl Have "Any" as the default selected spoken language from the dropdown. It defaults to English as selected for me. ...

Show/Hide (drop/down) area to show a menu

Hi, I want to create a drop down area like once in the top of templatemonster.com .It shows when mouse over it and hide when mouse cursor get out of it. can you introduce me a jquery plugin for this? Also I'm going to add a menu like the top menu of templatemonster.com to this hidden area. How can I make this one? ( specialised with a...

Cant get text of a DropDownList in code - can get value but not text.

I am using ASP.NET 3.5 I have a dropdownlist called lstCountry with an item in it like this..... <asp:ListItem Value="United States">Canada</asp:ListItem> This will display Canada but in code the value will be "United States". How can i retrieve the value "Canada" also in my code? I have tried all of these and all of them return "Un...

Create a dropdown list in Sharepoint containing List Documents with links to them

I am looking to create a dropdown list on my default.aspx page which i want it to contain List documents/pages and when the document/page is selected the page should redirect to the selected document/page. Any suggestions of how this can be done please? any examples/samples would be grealy appreciated? Thank you :) ...

Need "Editable Dropdown"

I need a white box, with a gray border to appear below this text box when the button is clicked. The drop down will have say, 5 to 10 lines of text, which hav the look and feel of the URL drop down at the top of your browser. Can I do this with a div? function $(id) { return document.getElementById(id); } <div id="keypad...

Delaying dropdown - settimeout

I am using jquery to create a custom dropdown with the code below. I have tried a jquery timeout effect that almost worked, its uses was like .idle(500); The method I have below, drops ALL the menus down at once. Compared to not using the timeout and the nested ishowmenu function. Any ideas on what I can do? When using the idle(), it...

InfoPath 2007 - Populate drop-down list on-the-fly

Hi, I'm working on an InfoPath 2007 form. I have two drop-down lists and i need the second to be populated with items bases on the value chosen in the first list. I use c# to populate the drop-dpwn lists from external sources. I've tried to use the OnChange event to make all this, but the second list is still empty. If anyone knows, pl...

Make php date dropdown function 'sticky'

Out of coffee and brain's given up... ...can anyone help to make this form date dropdown function retain selected month on $_POST ['submit'] or isset($missing) in the case of there being an error/missing field etc function createMonths($id='month_select', $selected=null) { /*** array of months ***/ $months = array( ...

jQuery $.hover used for submenus causing "bouncing"

I'm having some trouble with the jQuery hover method. Here's the relevant JavaScript code: $("#navigation > li > ul").hide(); $("#navigation > li").hover( function() { $(this).children("ul").slideDown(125); }, function() { $(this).children("ul").slideUp(125); } ); Here's the corresponding HTML: <ul id...

Custom Drop-down in jQuery

I've been looking at jquery drop-down plugins. None of them function the way I'd like. I need to write a simple script that's essentially a drop-down menu. There's a simple series of li w/ unique ids that match a class of a div (not a child or parent). I'd like the sub-menu to slide down on hover of the main-menu li. So, the HTML wo...

How to use jquery to have hidden menu drop down at top of page?

I've seen this done before, but I'm not sure how. When my page loads, I want a hidden section to drop down at the top of the page (probably around 100 pixels in height). Ideally, I'd like it to shift the entire page down as well (as opposed to appearing on top of the page). At the top corner of the secret area should be a 'Close' butto...

mouseover and mouseout events firing on children

The code: <div id="Navigation" onmouseover="new Effect.toggle('Drop_Down','slide',{duration: 0.8});" onmouseout="new Effect.toggle('Drop_Down','slide',{duration: 0.8});"> <div id="Drop_Down"> <% include Navigation %> </div> </div> If I mouseover the Navigation the Drop_Down div slides down, and if I mouseout ...

Need help with CSS based absolute positioned UL alignment (dropdown effect)

Hey folks, I'm trying to a language switching system in this website. The idea is to have a SPAN which upon hover displays a dropdown box (UL based) that contains a list of available languages. Here's a snapshot of the effect I'm trying to achieve. The dropdown box is actually an unordered list that is hidden by default. Upon hov...

Superfish dropdown position

Does anyone know if it is possible to have different positions for the dropdown UL's for superfish? I have a horizontal navigation bar, on the left side I would like the dropdowns to align to the left of the button, on the right side I would like them to align to the right of the button. ...

ASP MVC Dropdown

Please look at my code. I am trying to display some dynamic customers in the dropdown menu. And after selecting a customer button is pressed. Then products owned by the selected customer should be displayed in the textarea. But the problem is that after selecting a customer and pressing the button, nothing is displayed in the text area !...

APS.NET MVC newbie: getting/passing data in dropdown form for multiple objects in an edit View

Using the Authors/Books catalog example... Let's say I want to edit the info for the books of a specific author. When someone navigates to domain.com/Books/Edit/2, I want to display an edit view for all the books where Author_ID = 2. Among the various book info is the book category (fiction, non-fiction, textbook, whatever) These cat...

dropdown select in cakePHP

Hello, I am using CakePHP 1.2. I have a person model that hasMany 'Document'. When I edit a document, the select box for the owning person appears (echo $form->input('person') where person has been defined in the documents_controller like this: $allPeople = $this->Document->Person->find('list', array('fields' => array('first_name')))...

How do I disable the opening and closing animation of the DropDown of a ComboBox in WPF?

When I put a combobox in my WPF app, at runtime, when I click it, it rolls down the included items. After selection, it rolls the DropDown up again. Is it possible to prevent the rolling animation from happening? Instead I'ld like to just have it open and closed immediately. - Marc ...

jqgrid dropdown menu

Hi, i'm trying to build up an edit form with some . The first one use a dataUrl to load some Provinces; selecting a value another must be populatied with an ajax query filtered with a where clause. I have tried using this: {dataUrl: 'query1.asp',dataEvents:[{type:'change', fn: function(e) {$("#select2").parent().load('query2.asp?variab...