
Dropdownlist selecteditem is always the first item despite selection

I have a 4 dropdown boxes. The first 2 will populate the 3rd box. The 3rd box populates the 4th dropdown. When I go to submit, I go get the selectedvalue of the 4th dropdown. For some reason this is always the first value and not the actual selected value. The screen clearly shows another item selected. What may be the problem? Tha...

DropDownList OnSelectedIndexChange to 0th index w/out ViewState

I did follow the article TRULLY Understanding ViewState (great article btw) and populating my drop down list is working great. I've even setup a OnSelectedIndexChange event which fires almost as great. The problem I've found is the SelectedIndexChanged event won't fire when selecting the 0th index. It does all other times however. ...

item is not selecting in dropdown list

I have one dropdown list on my asp.net page. when i am selecting an item in the dropdown list it is going to the first item of dropdown list even i set autopostback is true. ...

ASP.net drop down dynamically styling and then remembering the styles on aborted submit

So, I've got an ASP drop down list (this is .net 2.0). I'm binding it with data. Basically, when the page loads and it's not a post back we'll fetch record data, bind all the drop downs, and set them to their appropriate values (strictly speaking we: initialize page with basic set of data from DB, bind drop downs from DB, fetch actual ...

C# asp.net gridview bind dropdownlist to List<keyvaluePair<int, string>>

Hi all, OK,... so I have a number of tables in my DB that hold references to an key value pair: types of phone numbers: 1 - Home 2 - Work 3 - Mobile 4 - Fax etc So I have a table for the types and when they are used in other tables they reference the int value as a foreign key. When I have been pulling them out I have been storing...

Asp.Net, DropDownList, AutoPostBack and Google Chrome

I've a simple asp.net page (framework 3.5) and an UpdatePanel with a series of dropdownlist I want to populate asyncronously. All works fine in all major browsers (Opera, Safari, IE6, IE7, FF3), but not in Chrome. Chrome seems to ignore the SelectedIndexChanged event who had to make the asynch request. Anyone knows a simple workaround ...

Usability: Dynamic Dropdown Menu Population

I've long thought (but never practiced for some reason) that a dropdown menu that is dynamically generated and only contains one item, should automatically select that item. This would opposed to the typical approach that I've observed where a blank entry is made at the top and you still have to interact with the menu to make the single ...

Databound drop down list - initial value.

How do I set the initial value of a databound drop down list in ASP.NET? For instance, I want the values, but the first value to display should be -- Select One ---, with a null value. ...

php - auto select drop down menu based on parameters in browser link

If in the browser I have parameters like: http://localhost/specials.php?year=2009&amp;make=honda&amp;model=civic and the dropdown looks something like this: <select name="year"> <?php $query = mysql_query("select distinct year from tbl_content where year = '$year'"); while($row = mysql_fetch_assoc($query)) { echo "<option value=\"{$...

ASP.NET Dropdown - Works when MasterPage EnableViewState = true

I have a drop down menu and on postback, I cannot get the selected value. MasterPage EnableViewState = False Content Page ViewState = true DropdownList Control ViewState = true Doesn't work If I switch the Masterpage EnableViewState = true, it works, however the rest of the site really doesn't need view state so ideally I want it to...

django form variable

I have spent too much time on this problem and am beginning to think that it can't be done in Django. I am pulling a list of pathogen names from a postgres database to a drop down box. The user selects the pathogen, which requires the id to be passed back through django to the database for further retrieval of more data. Please see h...

DropDownList in GridView not available when Editing

I've got the setup below. When I click the 'Edit' link on the CommandField, a RowEditing event gets fired, but the row does not allow me to edit; specifically, the DropDownList does not appear. My code seems to conform to all the examples I can find. I'm probably missing something very basic, as I seem to be the only person on the inte...

DropDownList from object

How do you bind a DropDownlist DataText or DataValue field from a object. When the object in question is at a second level, e.g. the object to bind is not in the first level of the returned object Users.ContactDetails.Telephone, as the code below doesn't work: ddl.DataSource = dal.dal_Users.GetAllUsers(); ddl.DataTextField = "Telephon...

How to set DropDownList's selected value inside a Repeater?

I need to create a group of DropDownLists to show and allow change of a property group for an item. I have the following code on my ASP page. <asp:Repeater runat="server" ID="repeaterProperties"> <ItemTemplate> <p><asp:DropDownList runat="server" ID="ddProperty" OnInit="ddProperty_OnInit" /><p> </ItemTemplate> </asp:Rep...

ASP.NET / C#: DropDownList SelectedIndexChanged in server control not firing

I'm creating a server control that basically binds two dropdown lists, one for country and one for state, and updates the state dropdown on the country's selectedindexchanged event. However, it's not posting back. Any ideas why? Bonus points for wrapping them in an UpdatePanel (having rendering issues; maybe because I don't have a Page t...

How do you populate a radio button or drop down box when editing from a database?

I know this is a similar question to one already asked, but I was hoping for a different answers to a problem. I have a form where you can upload new articles to a database all fine works ace, wonderful, brill. The form uses a drop down menu for the type of article, I have news, gossip, travel, performances and others in my drop down box...

Populating drop down list from another thread in ASP.NET

Hi, I have multiple drop down lists on a page. They all contain list of countries. So in the background I am getting countries from database and caching them. I would like to populate those drop down lists from another thread. I am also using AJAX controls so I wanted that it all happens at the same time. And also after a user selects a ...

ASP:DropDownList in ItemTemplate: Why is SelectedValue attribute allowed?

This piece of code <asp:DropDownList runat="server" ID="testdropdown" SelectedValue="2"> <asp:ListItem Text="1" Value="1"></asp:ListItem> <asp:ListItem Text="2" Value="2"></asp:ListItem> <asp:ListItem Text="3" Value="3"></asp:ListItem> </asp:DropDownList> yields this error: The 'SelectedValue' property cannot be set ...

ASP.NET: Button Outside UpdatePanel Fails to PostBack

I have a donation form that contains an update panel that contains a dropdown for predetermined amounts plus the "Other" option". When "Other" is selected the dropdown has triggered the partial postback and renders the update panel with the additional "Other" textbox for the amount. Outside this update panel I have a additional server ...

ASP.NET - Getting a list of dates between X and Y and databinding them to a DropDownList?

Hi Everyone, I am hoping that this is possible and easy! As the title says, I want to specify two dates and get a data set of dates by specifying the start and end date, then be able to bind that to a DropDownList control on my page.. If it isn't possible (which is a damn shame) does anyone have recommendations or best practices for d...