
ASP DropDown causing ViewState to appear in Address bar

If you visit this page in Internet explorer, and choose a value from the "Current Media Releases" dropdown on the top right, eventually IE will try to redirect you to an ugly url containing this string: __EVENTTARGET=selArchives&__EVENTARGUMENT=&__LASTFOCUS=&__VIEWSTATE= The page should only be updating the selArchives Query string val...

Have to click twice to expand DropDownList in ASP.NET

I have inherited an ASP.NET 2.0 project and one of the things I have noticed is that the user has to click a dropdownlist twice in order to expand it - why is this? Sequence of Events The first click with give the control focus and the second will expand it. The application uses Master/Content pages and is Ajax enabled. It looks lik...

Binding DropDownList DataSource to an XPathSelect

Greetings! I have some XML like this: <Root> <MainSection> <SomeNode>Some Node Value</SomeNode> <SomeOtherNode>Some Other Node Value</SomeOtherNode> <Areas> <Area someattribute="aaa" name="Alpha" value="0" /> <Area someattribute="bbb" name="Beta" value="1" /> <Area someatt...

Rebinding on Postback Based on Selected DropDown Value

Greetings! I have a DropDownList within a FormView which are bound to XmlDataSources: <asp:FormView ID="MyFormView" runat="server" DataSourceID="MyXmlDataSource"> <ItemTemplate> <h1><%# XPath("SomeNode")%></h1> <asp:Label ID="MyLabel" runat="server" AssociatedControlID="MyDdl" Text='<%# XPath("SomeOtherNode")%>' /> ...

Can I open a dropdownlist using jQuery

For this dropdownlist in HTML: <select id="countries"> <option value="1">Country</option> </select> I would like to open the list (the same as left-clicking on it). Is this possible using JavaScript (or more specifically jQuery)? ...

1 Parent with 2 Child Drop Down

I am trying to create 1 Parent Drop Down, that has 2 dependent child drop down lists using JAVASCRIPT. My html page is at - http://www.larkgrove.com/entryform/entryform.html I am using the Dynamic Options Lists / Dependent Selects: http://www.javascripttoolbox.com/lib/dynamicoptionlist/examples.php If you check out my site, you can se...

get SelectedRow of DataGrid under dropdown_SelectedIndexChanged Event ASP.Net,C#

I have a Template Column under which I have Placed a Dropdownlist. Now I would Like to get the selectedRow of the datagrid on selectedIndeChanged event of the dropdownlist that's inside the template Column ...

How do you submit a dropdownlist in asp.net mvc

<% using (Html.BeginForm() { %> <%=Html.DropDownList("TopItemsList", ViewData["ListData"], new { onchange="[???]" })%> <% } %> In the above example, what value should you set onchange to? Or, how do you get the correct form? Is there any difference with Ajax.BeginFrom? ...

How to set dropdown's firsl Item -Select- and remaining Items from a column of table?

Hi, I m using a dropdown to display "Location" field of a table. I want to set first item of dropdowm as "-Select Location-". I can't set tables first record as "Select" because table is stroed in xml format. And table file is generated dynamicaly. I am currentaly using as ddlLocationName.Dispose(); ddlLocationName.AppendDataBou...

How do you submit a dropdownlist in asp.net mvc from an Ajax form

How do you submit from a dropdownlist "onchange" event from inside of an ajax form? From the following question here: http://stackoverflow.com/questions/364505/how-do-you-submit-a-dropdownlist-in-aspnet-mvc, from inside of an Html.BeginFrom you can set onchange="this.form.submit" and changing the dropdown posts back. However, using the...

Drop Down Box Not Fully Displayed (All Browsers)

This would be my issue I have a drop down that's not displaying fully. I'm not sure even where to start so here's the HTML surronding the drop down and I'll provide the CSS also. HTML <div id="add_item"> <ul class="vert"> <li> <ul class="horz"> <li class="name"> <select style="width: 195px; padding: 0px; margin: 0px;" ...

How to add item to the beginning of List<T>?

I want to add a "Select One" option to a drop down list bound to a List<T>. Once I query for the List<T>, how do I add my initial Item, not part of the data source, as the FIRST element in that List<T> ? I have: // populate ti from data List<MyTypeItem> ti = MyTypeItem.GetTypeItems(); //create initial entry MyT...

Redirecting from ASP.NET Dropdown

What's the best method for handling a situation where you have an ASP.Net Dropdownlist that is used to link to another URL edited for clarity Here's the basic scenario: Dropdownlist with 5 cities bound to it Selecting one of the cities should send me to a URL based on the city Right now I am posting back using the "OnSelectedIndexCh...

How to set Custom Text into DropdownList in ASP.Net

I have dropdown list control in one of my application and when I add Items in it from database Its displaying the first Item into Dropdown list by default but I want to display someother text into this like "Select Item from the List" Is there any way I can do this . Also Can you please help me setting the same value from javascript ...

What is the best practices in database design when I want to store a value that is either selected from a dropdown list or entered by the user if not found in the dropdown list?

I am trying to find the best way to design the database in order to allow the following scenario: The user is presented with a dropdown list of Universities (for example) The user selects his/her university from the list if it exists If the university does not exist, he should enter his own university in a text box (sort of like Other:...

dropdownlist DataTextField composed from properties?

is there a way to make the datatextfield property of a dropdownlist in asp.net via c# composed of more than one property of an object? public class MyObject { public int Id { get; set; } public string Name { get; set; } public string FunkyValue { get; set; } public int Zip { get; set; } } ...

ASP.NET - losing selection of dropdownlist populated via javascript.

I have two ASP.NET dropdownlist controls on a page. The first calls back to the server and obtains an array which is returned to the client and used to populate the second dropdownlist via javascript. However if I make a selection in the second (and newly populated) dropdownlist and then do a postback the selection and contents of the se...

Getting selected value from drop down box in a html form without submit

How to get the text of selected item from a drop down box element in html forms? (using python) How can I store the value to a variable, when I select one item from the drop down box using mouse? (ie. without using a submit button) This is for a application which I am doing in app engine which only supports Python. ...

Switched to ASP.NET 3.5, DropDownList doesn't remember dynamically added items

I have a site that uses a couple DropDownLists that are databound. I was also doing the traditional if (!IsPostBack) {list.Databind();} and relied on viewstate to keep the lists filled during a post back. I recently converted the site to ASP.NET 3.5 and noticed that the lists are empty during postback (as if ViewState is disabled). I did...

Equivalent of CType in C# to convert Dropdownlist which is in EditItemTemplate of Gridview

Hi, I am using a Gridview to display some data. In EditItemTemplate of gridview I am using DropDownList for one of the column of gridview. DataSource of gridview is a table "UserEntries". And Datasource of Dropdown is another table "TypeEntries". Columns of TypeEntries are - Guid and TypeName. Guid is DataValueField of dropdown and TypeN...