
Is a DropShadowFilter mutable in Flex 3.5?

I have a dropfilter defined using some bindable variables as parameters. <mx:filters> <mx:DropShadowFilter id="torinofilter" distance="0" color="{dropShadowColor}" blurX="{dropBlur}" blurY="{dropBlur}" strength="8" quality="2" alpha="{dropAlpha}"/> </mx:filters> I would like to update the filter in a method call lik...

Draw a rounded UIView with gradient and drop shadow

Hi ! I have been working on a custom control that is a rounded rectangle button, filled with a linear gradient, and having a drop shadow. I have filled the two first steps using this answer : link text My problem is now to add a drop shadow under the resulting shape. Actually, the context has been clipped to the rounded rect path, so w...

css3 drop shadow under another div, z-index not working

i'm trying to use a drop shadow to make it look like one div (the header) is "above" another. my problem is that the "middle" div is covering the drop shadow. i tried using z-index to put the header div about the middle div, but it's not working (the shadow is still being covered). when i put a break between the divs, i can see the shado...

DropShadow for WPF Borderless Window

I have a WPF Window with WindowStyle set to none. Is there some way I can force this window to drop a shadow (like the one you get when WindowStyle is not none)? I don't want to set AllowTransparency to true, because it affects the performance. And I also don't want to disable hardware rendering (I read somewhere that transparency perfor...

Dynamic Drop Shadows in WPF?

Ok I feel like I am just missing something small here, but it has taken me too long to figure this one out. I have a custom UserControl that has a drop shadow. This UserControl is then used as the view to create a ModelUIElement3D. The drop shadow works perfectly when first displaying. The trick here is that I want to be able to change ...

Android Drop Shadow on View

I have done some extensive searching for code examples on this but cannot find anything. In particular, I am looking to add a shadow to a png drawable I am using in an ImageView. This png drawable is a rounded rect with transparent corners. Can somebody please provide a code example of how to add a decent drop shadow to a view either...

html drop shadow best practices

What's the best practice for creating drop shadows around html where the html can be liquid? I used to use a table and have 8 png images (4 sides and 4 corners) as backgrounds for each of the outer 8 cells with the html I want the drop shadow around in the middle cell. Not very semantic, but at least the drop shadow imagery were backgro...

Custom ImageView with drop shadow

Okay, I've been reading and searching around, and am now banging my head against the wall trying to figure this out. Here's what I have so far: package com.pockdroid.sandbox; import android.content.Context; import android.graphics.Canvas; import android.graphics.Color; import android.graphics.Paint; import android.graphics.Rect; import...

Better dialog shadows in YUI 2 ?

Here's a tricky one: has anybody seen a YUI dialog/panel implementation with nice OS X style shadows around the dialog, instead of the blocky shadow that is implemented by default with the "underlay" element? You can see this type of shadow on Amazon.com popup windows. It requires quite a bit of PNGs but looks very nice. I'm thinking...

flash as3: textfield borders disappear when drop shadow is applied

Hi there! There's a really strange bug I've ran into today. I have some textfields generated from code, and if I apply a drop shadow filter on them, sometimes the right or the bottom part of the textfields' border just disappear. _passwordField.filters = [new DropShadowFilter(1, 45, 0, .75, 3, 3, 1, BitmapFilterQuality.HIGH)]; this i...

Adding outline shadow to a UIView which is iOS 3.0 compatible

Hello guys, I have two UIViewControllers A and B and they are added as subviews in the AppDelegate with B on top of A. When a UIButton on B is tapped B slides off to the left with the following code: [UIView beginAnimations:nil context:nil]; [UIView setAnimationDuration:1.5]; [UIView setAnimationCurve:UIViewAnimationCurveEaseInOut]; [...