
Flowplayer embed plugin with flowplayer module for drupal-6

I am using flowplayer module (for drupal) as dependency for my webtv module. I need to implement a flowplayer js-plugin embed that helps to generate embed code. I am loading js-plugin module (flowplayer.embed-3.0.3.js) that actually extends the $f object. There is no issue while js-plugin module is loaded. Finally when $f.getEmbedCode(...

drupal: search results with no pager and no limit

I'm pretty new to Drupal, but I guess I know how things work. I separated the Advanced Search Form from the search page and made a block from it (that was part 1). Woohoo. Part 2 is the pager-from-nowhere in the search results. Drupal search results are paged by tens and I can't seem to find a way to change it. Not a decent way that is....

How can I submit my Drupal form to any other internal page?

Hello, I'm having a problem with Drupal forms. Can't think of a way to solve it and I was wondering if any brain out there has the solution to my problem. I have this form: <?php function mymodule_myform(){ $form['#action'] = url('search/cards'); $form['whatwhere']['what'] = array( '#type' => 'textfield', '#title' => t('Wh...

Template is lost on pagination Drupal 6

Hi, I have a site created in Drupal 6 and am having problems with a particular page. The page uses a specific content type (type_a). This has it's own page template (page-type_a.tpl.php) This all works fine. I've then added a view onto that page using views_embed_view(). This view has pagination. The first page looks great (URL = /my...

Need to render a second comment box underneath node content.

Im trying to implement a comment system that functions much like the one in place on reddit.com. i.e Node content on top, then a quick reply box, then using the ajax_comments module, show a comment form when a user clicks reply on an actual comment. The issue I'm having is that the ajax_comments module seems to just shift the one commen...

Drual form in tabular layout

I am trying to render a tabular layout (html table) for a form such that first cell contains a checkbox. $form = array(); $res = query('SELECT * FROM {mytable}'); $rows = array(); while($row = db_fetch_array($res)){ $record = array(); $checkbox = array( '#type' => 'checkbox', '#attributes' => array( '...

Generating secondary menu based on node titles

I would like to generate a secondary menu based on the first letter of all of my nodes that have a certain content-type, however I am unsure how to go about doing this. Basically, I will be generating an alphabetical list of all nodes that I have (for a given content-type). For instance, I would like to have my secondary menu generate ...

Show Drupal taxonomy subcategories (subterms) on a node page

Hi there, I would like to ask some Drupaler for help. Is it possible to show the subcategories of a taxonomy term on a node page? Let's say that a have taxonomy like this: category 1 subcategory 1 subcategory 2 ... And I want for Ubercart product to show on a node page that an item from category 1 has following s...

Increase number of login attempts per user or per role in Drupal

Is it possible to increase number of login attempts before blocking an account for a certain user or role in Drupal? (not for all users) Or even never block a certain user regardless of number of login failures? Thanks. ...

Can I truncate sessions and watchdog table in Drupal?

I have 16 million rows in these 2 tables in Drupal.My sites are slow and these 2 tables top the slow query log. Can I safely truncate them? Also, issuing a truncate command, hangs the system. Is there a way I can delete rows in batches? ...

Repeating escaped chars in a PHP date function, within Drupal6/Views

I am trying to make a custom php date function for use within D6 that will show dates in the correct format for Chinese. I created the date format within the Date API area of D6, something along the lines of: Y\年n\月j\日 In the Date admin area, this correctly display as "2010年10月22日". My problem occurs when I bring this over to Views w...

How to load data to db from csv using LOAD DATA INFILE in drupal

I have tried the below code for laoding the inline file in drupal db $sql = "LOAD DATA INFILE '".db_escape_string($this->file_name). "' INTO TABLE `".$this->table_name. "` FIELDS TERMINATED BY '".db_escape_string($this->field_separate_char). "' OPTIONALLY ENCLOSED BY '".db_escape_string($this->field_enclose_c...

Redirect not working for a drupal multisite installtion

I have a drupal mustisite installation and Im using drupal domain access module. I have sites like www.abc.com and www.cde.com pointing to the same codebase. However, while redirect for abc.com to www.abc.com works, redirect for cde.com to www.cde.com doesnt work? Any idea on how to fix it? Im redirecting using htaccess. ...

How to increase character length for title in views-slideshow module?

Hi All, Im maintaining this Drupal Site which is using Slideshow Views for displaying the featured posts. Its using Slideshow Thumbnailhover SlideShows contribution of 'Views Slideshow' http://drupal.org/project/views_slideshow Module for Drupal. However, even after scanning through the code and browsing though all settings, I cant figu...

Redirects in Drupal for index.php and home in htaccess

Hi All, I have been trying to create redirects for /home and /index.php to the site's base url. I have tried following rules in htaccess but without any effect RewriteRule ^(.*)\index.php$ $1 [R=301,L] RewriteRule ^home$ / Im new to it so kindly bear with me if its a trivial question for the experts Thanks in advance to the wonderf...

How to show site offline message during Drupal Site's MySQL database maintenance

Hi, I need to put my Drupal Site in offline/maintenance mode whence my SQL server is undergoing maintenance. I cant change the settings for offline mode in Drupal database because MYSQL would be inaccessible. Any other method to do it? Thanks in advance! ...

file field in drupal cck module

Hello How can I add a file field in drupal CCK ? Thanks ...

i have locked myself out of my drupal site

hi. i have stupidly managed to lock myself out of my own drupal site. i have deleted my browser cookies while my page.tpl.php doesnt print the login form. when i change my page.tpl.php file to print the log in form, i doesn't, cause the theme registry is not cleared. i cant clear it - i am not the admin. nice look up, isnt it ? my though...

I want to call drupal_execute() for cck fields (DateTime user_reference) but it doesn't save anything in DB

I have a content type as a todo list element. It has some cck fields like deadline (in DateTime format) and assigned_user (a user reference field). I want to use function drupal_execute to create a such node programmatically, but after a full of errors like warning: call_user_func_array() [function.call-user-func-array]: First argume...

Drupal page route URL

Hi, I m using the pageroute module to create a multistep registration form. When the user goes through the registration proccess the URL remains same for each page in the pageroute. for example my path for the route is user/signup and i have page1, page2 and page3 added in the route, so now when the user goes to page1 or page2 the url ...