
Drupal View (Page) vs Taxonomy

Hi, I have the following problem: I use taxonomys (tx) as tags. They can be added when the node is created. So I don't know how many tx I have or what ID they have. The path of the tx is like the following: /foo/element1 /foo/element2 /foo/element3 ... The secound element is the tx. Now I want to use a view (page) to handle the tx-pa...

Drupal: send output to user in form's submit handler, instead of redirecting

Hi, I have this basic Drupal scenario and question: I have a form which accepts some input from user, and a submit handler which should process data and show the result to user. In other words, I don't write anything in database or set e variables etc., just show some output to user. I was wondering how I can do this, because a submit h...

Tutorial links for implementing facebook login button

Hello friend Please suggest me some links for implementing facebook login button ...

(Drupal 6 Views) How can I make a view that shows a list of specific nodes (by node id)?

I'd like to manually specify a view to show certain nodes. I can add a Node id filter (e.g. display if node id = 50), but I can make a multiple filters becomes they are "AND"'d (e.g. display if node id = 50 AND node = 51). I'd prefer to not have to use taxonomy or whatever, as Im not currently using this. It would be easier to just man...

Drupal behaviours

What are Drupal behaviours at all? What type of service layer it offers to module developers? What type of relation it maps to jQuery.ready function? ...

I Need Help Modifying CKEditor's Default Image Property Paths

I am using CKEditor with Drupal 6.19. I have tried my installation with both CKFinder and IMCE. When an image is inserted from the image browser into the Image Properties window, CKEditor gets a url similar to: /sites/example.com/files/images/my_image.jpg I want CKEditor to simply have: /files/images/my_image.jpg file structure of my...

drupal conditional stylesheet problem!

hi i'm trying to create a new drupal theme which has many different pages and many diffrent style pages and many css files. The template is for a specific website with specific modules and ofcourse each module has it own template i am developing my theme under zen. in template .info i had defined manay css files and my problem is: I WAN...

Drupal function db_query() stores overflow value for INTs that are not too large

I have this code inside of a exit hook in a custom module: $diff = round(((microtime(true)-$script_start_time)*1000)); watchdog('thaty', $diff); if(variable_get('thingy', 0) == 1) { $data = array( 'q'=>$_GET['q'], 'memory'=>memory_get_peak_usage(), 'execution_time'=>$diff ); d...

How could I have a cck field get the computed value of another cck field?

Lets say I have a cck field called foo. It is a text field with php input. Say the php code in foo field results in the value of 1,256 when computed. I need cck field called bar to pick up/obtain/have the VALUE (1,256) of cck field foo. Node XYZ Foo:*some php code* ===>results in value of 1,256 Bar:1,256 If I just have cck fi...

What is the correct way to obtain the Drupal installed document root?

Inside of a Drupal module I need to obtain the base path where the Drupal site is installed. For example, if the drupal site is installed at: www.example.com/mysite/ then I want to get '/var/www/myseite' If it is installed in: www.example.com/ then I want '/var/www' What is the proper Drupal way to get this? I want to avoid PHP's serv...

Drupal: passing arguments to drupal_get_form form function

Is there any way to pass arguments into a function called via drupal_get_form function something like drupal_get_form('form_func', array('arg1' => 1, ...));? ...

hook_theme() does not pass arguments

I currently write a module that generates a block. The output should be defined by a template. Nothing special, yet the arguments don't seem to get passed properly. This is the theme-method: /* # Theme {{{*/ function browse_by_taxonomy_theme() { return array( 'browse_by_taxonomy_block' => array( 'template' => 'browse_by_tax...

Drupal 6: How do you print Taxonomy Terms as a CSS Body Class?

In Drupal 6, how do you print a taxonomy term as a CSS body class? I have found this snippet that lets you print almost every aspect of Drupal content as a body class, but it doesn't include taxonomy terms: http://www.davidnewkerk.com/book/122 Being able to print taxonomy terms as a body class is essential for theming processes, so I ...

Moving a Drupal site from plain HTTP to HTTPS - Issues?

I'm planning to move a site from plain HTTP to HTTPS. Should I make any adjustments to the settings or my modules? ...

Drupal date formatting

In lieu of using php's date() function directly, I'd like to trigger a date format that I've created at admin/settings/date-time/formats. At first glance I thought I could do this: format_date(strtotime($date), 'customformat'); But it looks like format_date() has a few formats hard-coded and doesn't communicate with the date/time for...

Drupal: session variable is lost when not logged in

I have a module in Drupal 6 that saves some information in the $_SESSION array. I use this information to customize some content in another page. The problem is that when I'm not logged in Drupal, the information is not saved in the session. When I'm logged in, it works as expected. Any ideas? Thanks. ...

Drupal 6x - Primary Links jquery accordion menu

Hi, I'm trying to transform my primary link menu block in a jquery accordion menu (link text). I've tested the Accordion Menu module for Drupal, but it does not function for me. For my Primary Links Block I would have more or less this html output: <ul id="accordion"> <li> <a href="#recent" class="he...

Embedding a new region to a content-type node template

I'm new to Drupal, and the Drupal website is currently down, ahh! I need to know how to add a region to a custom node template. I've tried adding the following function to template.php in the my_theme directory: function my_theme_preprocess_node(&$vars, $hook) { $vars['usersummary'] = theme('blocks', 'usersummary'); } And then p...

Drupal 6: Search index and custom content types

Sorry, if question is too obvious — does Drupal 6 index nodes with custom content types, not only story, page, etc.? ...

Serving multiple site with one drupal (not using multi site)

Hi All, I am looking for expert advice on how to best serve multiple sites with one Drupal instance (using Pressflow 6.x). Let's consider the company needing this is called "ABC Group of Companies" and it has 3 sister concerns. So, altogether there will be four sites: www.abcgroup.com www.company-a.com www.company-b.com www.company-c....