
How does one make a Custom user profile on a per role basis ?

How would you get about assigning a custom profile to a particular role in Drupal 6? For example if the user belongs to a role "TEAM1" and we want them to have a different profile than the rest of the users, how would you get about doing that? The profile must have basic information they can edit however it should also have some fixed fi...

Users are able to access old profile along with new one?

I have used Content Profile Module to make a content type of profile. I have then gone to my User management menu -> Permissions menu and given access to the "testuser" role to be able to create the new content type profile. Now when the user with the role logs on and clicks on "My profile" that has a path of sitename/user/username, he/s...

Using Image module to create an Image Gallery and view them using lightbox

The new version of the Image module has some components, one of them being image_gallery.module which creates some views and taxonomy for you to use. Now I want that when the user clicks on an image uploaded into a gallery, it is displayed using lightbox. This was easily done when creating a content-type and setting the view to lightbo...

How to redirect user to a specific page after they login if they belong to a certain role?

We have certain users in our member list that have a role "vendor" attached to them. All such members are to be redirected to a certain page upon login. How can this be accomplished? ...

Removing item from Activities block

I have an OG content type called "Task", and the OG activities block correctly shows a link to "Create Task". But I want that link to not appear and cannot figure out how to do it. I've tried using the og_links_alter hook which is firing, but not removing the link. I'm thinking that it might be one of two problems. First, I may be using...

Locale module and language prefix in url

I had been working on module and well aware of hook_menu for passing url arguments to call back. For instance: $items['webtv/block/%/playlist/edit/%'] = array( ... 'page callback' => 'drupal_get_form', 'page arguments' => array('webtv_playlist_form', 5, 2), ... ); and callback as function webtv_playlist_form($form_sta...

show node title to unregistered users

I'm using content access module to restrict certain nodes and node types for un-registered users. But I would like to create a view where unregistered users can also see titles of those restricted nodes. How can I do this ? ...

hook_menu() - an unexpected behaviour (longer path issue)

I am initializing a number of items via hook_menu (Drupal 6) ... $items['webtv/block/%/playlist/edit/%'] = array( ... 'page arguments' => array('webtv_playlist_form', 2, 5), ... ); $items['webtv/block/%/playlist/edit/%/filter/new'] = array( ... 'page arguments' => array('webtv_playlist_param_form', 2, 5), ... ); $items['w...

Multiple Content Creation on a single page in Drupal

I want to allow the user to create 10 content nodes on a single page instead of clicking on "add a new node each" time. This is just to save the users time when he/she wants to create 80 nodes at one time. Is there any such module which supports this functionality or will I need to write a module for my own? Nitin ...

Form submit handlers with additional arguments

For some requirement I need to pass additional information to form submit handler. In form api, while defining custom submit handler as $additional_args = array(); $form['#submit'][] = 'my_submit_handler' I expect to submit handler as function my_submit_handler($form, &$form_state, $additional_args){ ...

Menu Item Subtitle field in Drupal module

Hi, i'm currently developing my first Drupal website, so i'm very new to it. Now i'm trying to add a field to the menu item form which makes it possible to add a subtitle to a certain menu item (All menu items on the first level need a subtitle, and i can't add it to a node or so, because some first level items are created with views, so...

Is Admin Role module still relevant

I'm following a drupal 5 tutorial that advises to get the Admin Role module. Is this module still useful for drupal 6? Part of the drupal 6 installation is the creation of an admin account. What does Admin Role do? Does it work on that account and improve it somehow, or does it create an entirely different admin account? ...

Add Tab in Profile

Hi, How can I add a tab into my personal profile (/users/my-name)? I used this function, but nothuing shows up: function tpzclassified_menu() { $items['user/%user/kleinanzeigen'] = array( 'title' => t('Meine Kleinanzeigen'), 'page arguments' => array(1), 'access callback' => TRUE, 'type' => MENU_LOCAL_TASK, ); re...

Multiple arguments on menu callback

I know how to pass one argument to a menu callback $items['someaddress/%'] = array( 'title' => 'title', 'page callback' => 'some_function', 'page arguments' => 1, 'type' => MENU_CALLBACK ); I don't understand why the argument being passed is $_POST['nid'] but this works. It corresponds to page argument 1. function...


Hi, I am trying to add a tab to my menu in drupal and use this function, to test it: function my_module_menu() { $items['user/%user/classifieds'] = array( 'title' => 'Action', 'type' => MENU_LOCAL_TASK, 'page callback' => 'my_module_page', 'page arguments' => array(1), 'weight' => 2, ); return $items; } But ...

Drupal 6 module install file not creating tables in database

I'm using the Schema API to create tables for my module on Drupa 6.17, but the tables just do not get created in the database. I have the Schema module installed, and it tells me that while the schema for my module is recognized, its table is not in the database. It comes up under Missing: Tables in the schema that are not present in th...

How do I make a "view more..." link for Drupal blocks?

I have a simple drupal block which displays top terms from a given vocabulary, ordered by the frequency of use of those terms (ie, most popular tags). I would like to add a "view more..." link at the end of this block, which links to the "page" mode of this view, listing all terms, instead of just the top N terms. How would I go about do...

is there a way to use a view as a menu in drupal?

I want to have a view displayed as a menu either in primarylinks or secondarylinks. I searched and looked up all modules with no luck. should I build this functionality manually ==> build a module? thanks in advance ...

Is it possible to add buttons (link) to a view in Drupal?

I am looking to add separate buttons that will be displayed at the top of the view that I am creating in Drupal. So far all the fields that I have added appear inside of the table as they should. The only thing that shows outside of the table is the search filter above (as it should). I would like to add 3 buttons(links) in a row tha...

Check if shown account is users account

Hi, I need a function for a plugin to check, if the shown account is the user's account or that from another one. I am using this function for that: global $user; $account; $account = user_load(array('uid' => arg(1))); if ( $user->uid == $account->uid ) { } I am doing that inside a module but it does not work. When I go to my profi...