
How can I hide the taxonomy field for authenticated users but show it for other users in Drupal 6?

I have a Drupal (v6.17) Content Type which includes a Taxonomy field. I want to hide this from ordinary Authenticated Users, but want it available to my Site Contributor role users, so they can review and then assign tags to user-created nodes. I've tried overriding the Node Add/Edit form in Panels 3 by creating a panel variant especia...

Combining Page Manager and Mini Panels

I understand how I can use the Ctools Page Manager to override the system edit form for a specific content type. And I understand how I can use the Panels Dashboard to create a Mini Panel which can be embedded into a Panel Page. But I am not clear on how I can create a Mini Panel which includes an edit form (customized ala Page Manager) ...

Drupal: Loading AJAX content in Drupal

hi, I've recently been told to use Panels to dynamically load content into different sections with Drupal. However, I've just realized that there is an easy way to do it, I've added this jQuery code to all menu items: $('.menu a').click(function(){ $('#content').load($(this).attr('href') + " #content"); return false; //to avoid...

Implement javascript in drupal node

In my drupal config I have created a video page, which I'm using to create video titles. I also created a course page, which will be displaying all the video titles available in that course using views and node reference combination. It only displays video title list. Now, Take a look here http://www.lynda.com/home/DisplayCourse.aspx?...

Pass an argument to a panel and reload using ajax

Hi All, I have a question, and I'm a complete ajax n00b and really need to make this work. I have 2 columns, one displays a list (from one view) and another is a single node display (also generated through a view). Each view is within its own pane in panels. How can I get a click from the list pane to update the argument passed to ...

Display content in two columns with fixed height in drupal

I'm in need of some pointing in the right direction here... I have a site with a couple of different content types. I want to display this content in a book-like layout. The book should be of a fixed width and height and the pages should be populated with as many nodes as can fit. It should be in two columns, with the left column being ...

Why does this query work inside a block but not inside custom Panel content?

Why does the following query work within a Drupal Block, but not when part of a "custom content" in a pane within a Panels Page? It gives an error saying to check the syntax of the query near "AND node.type in....". Also, if I put it in a Block then display that Block inside a Panels Page, it works just fine. So while I've got this worki...