
Drupal frontend-specific language

I've installed and configured a Drupal project in English but the frontend of the site should be in dutch. Now i was wondering if it's possible to configure frontend specific translations. The error messages etc. of the website (in the frontend) should be in Dutch. ...

Drupal Views exposed filter of Author name

I have a view which I would like to add an exposed filter of the author name. So I can filter all the posts created by "John Smith" etc. I can't seem to see it listed under filter. Is this possible to do? ...

Drupal Views and Content Taxonomy.

Hello, I have been searching all morning and have yet to come across the solution for my problem.. problem is: I have successfully created a CCK content type using the content taxonomy module (which allows me to use a vocabulary as the content). the user is asked to select his/her preferred cultures. so in simple terms form holding a...

Drupal Views exposed filter of Author name as a drop down

This is a follow up question to http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3880679/drupal-views-exposed-filter-of-author-name. The following question was answered and works. I can filter a view by user name. The user name is entered is entered by typing in a box and the box then auto completes. Rather then doing this I would like the list of use...

Drupal Views of nodes to show node comments

Hello everybody! I've encountered a Drupal problem: I'm using the Views module for rendering nodes of a kind, based on the user id of it's author (it is a Content Profile actually). I want the view to show the comments for the node, just like in node/%. I could not find any option in views or any relevant module. Am I in the wrong direc...

Module for Saving Drupal node page without "closing"

Is there a Drupal module out there that allows users to save the changes to a node creation form while still keeping the form in the edit mode? If you preview, the node isn't saved, if you save the editing form is closed. ...

Make changes to main form with ahah callback in Drupal?

Hi, I have a form like poll form.When there is no data in db I want to show only add button and when user clicks "more" I want to show him/her a submit button. I used the following code but it seems doesn't works. if ($form['count']['#value'] > 0) { $form['submit'] = array( '#type' => 'submit', '#value' => t('Submit') ); } ...

How do I decide between theme('node', $node) and drupal_render($node->content) for programmatic $node output

Given a $node, I'm trying to decide between the following two ways of outputting that $node. either $output = theme('node', $node); or node_build_content($node); $output = drupal_render($node->content); They both seem to give similar results, but is there something I should consider before I choose one way over the other? ...

Managing News Drupal rss feeds color

Was wondering if anyone using Managing News for Drupal, Knows if it's possible to have each feed be a different color on the map? Say I had 20 different twitter rss feeds, how could I get each one to be its own unique color, instead of them just being blue? Thanks. ...

Passing arguments using drupal_get_form()

Here is my custom module using hook, Assume if I want to pass argument to custom1_default_form function call, how should i pass the argument? <?php function custom1_block($op,$delta=0){ if($op=='list'){ $block = array(); $block[0]['info']=t('hello world'); return $block; }else if($op=='view'){ $...

Theme function in Drupal 6

Hello, Im using Drupal 6.x. In my page i have the following code which prints a paged table. $headers = array(array('data' => t('Node ID'),'field' => 'nid','sort'=>'asc' ), array('data' => t('Title'),'field' => 'title'), ); print theme('pager_table','SELECT nid,title FROM {node_revisions}', 5, $headers ); Is there a w...

List of events with a list of timestamps, grouped by hour in a tabular display, in PHP.

While refactoring, I am looking for an optimised algorithm for a timetable (calendar) in PHP. I have a list of events which have a list of timestamps. This must be presented in a tabular way. The current code works, but has a) quite some quircks and is b) very inflexible. I am looking to refactor this piece and looking for input on opti...

is Zen nineSixty theme compactible with iPhone?

Hi All, I have created a custom theme using Zen nineSixty (960 Grid system) in drupal and it works and looks great on all major browsers. I was just wondering if anyone could let me know if I need to do anything else to get this theme working on iPhone or is it auto compatible. Many of our potential clients use iPhone so was wanted to c...

Drupal integration with another Drupal DB?

I have two Drupal sites. Let's call them Site A and Site B. Site A is a site where users can post ITEMS. So I have a content type called ITEM. Site B is a client's site. I want to be able to display the ITEMS from Site A on Site B. I don't want to have to import the content. Both sites are on the same server. I want the items that show...

Drupal registered user page?

Hello Guys, I have a drupal site that I am creating right now. I have 3 roles, and these are: Anonymous Authenticated Registered Users On my "Registered Users" I wanted to have a different theme after they login. Do you have ideas on how to achieve this? Best regards ...

How to used node_load()?

Hi m a bit confused that how to retrieve node title by using this code node_load($nid); $title=$nid->title; i have done this coding in block and i wants to retrieve from node id for displaying image.that images are normally uploaded at the site by using filezilla and it has same name as the node title.i have tried many forms of node_lo...

What function returns a Drupal-6-valid password hash?

I want to make a script to insert some 100 users into a Drupal 6 database - their username, mail and password hash. After reading about the PHP class that Drupal 6 uses, I'm not sure I can pull this off. My method was to send every user a mail like "Hello, x! Your new password is y", then insert the hashed "y" into Drupal's user table. ...

What happens if Drupal's user_save() fails?

I'm on Drupal 5.x and I'm trying to add new users to the site using a script that calls drupal_bootstrap(). After generating the username, email, password, and role array, I create the new user like so: $newuser = array( 'name' => $username, 'mail' => $email, 'status' => 1, 'pass' => $password, 'roles' => $roles); $user = user_save('', ...

How can I open a jumpmenu link in lightbox?

I have created a jQuery jumpmenu (using jQuerey Selectboxes) that opens a new window and it works great . One issue is that it can be blocked by a popup blocker so I would like to open the link with lightbox2 in drupal but still use the jumpmenu. Here is the jumpmenu in action: link text And here is the jQuery // $Id$ // Selectbox Jum...

How to just show NodeQueue block on included nodes?

On my blog I have a series of posts on a common subject that I'd like to link together with a common navigation block, so that readers can easily jump forwards or backwards through the series. I've used NodeQueue to collect all the blog entries together in sequence. Putting the associated block in my sidebar gives me the navigation that...