
How can I rewrite a specific URL?

I want to rewrite the following urls: node/add node/edit etc To be something like - content/add - content/edit I also use the prepopulation model, and would love to able to rewrite this URL: node/add/single-gallery-image?edit[field_gallery_node_reference][0][nid]=48 To something like this: content/add/image?n=48 Is this po...

Encode ALL urls in Drupal?

Is there any way to encode ALL urls in Drupal? I.e. Instead of something like this: - www.mysite.com/node/add/blog Will turn the URL into: - www.mysite.com/9595kfjfj4fmvmvk4m4mfmkfk44kfk ? ...

Adding Zend Framework to php.ini include_path causes Drupal site to go blank

Hello Everyone, My hosting plan allows me to host multiple sites. When I try to add the Zend Framework libraries to php.ini, another Drupal site I have becomes a completely blank whitescreen. This is the offending line: include_path = "/home/myusername/myzendusingsite.com/html/Zend" The Drupal site is located at: /home/myusername/m...

Drupal: Multiple Node Creation

I've found myself in a situation where I need to have one node that allows for only ONE image to be associated with it. In other words, the maximum images that be can be attached to my image type "IMAGE", is 1. My problem is, that users must be able to upload several images at once. So, I need one of the following: A way to create seve...

fetching only part of a Drupal 6 menu

I'd like to pull out just one section of my navigation menu - a single section of the admin menu structure. I can load the entire navigation menu tree, but I can't see an easy way of pulling out just one segment of it. Is there an easy way to do this, or do I have to do something hacky? ...

Javascript link in drupal view

I'm telling the view to display a field with the NID contents. I'm telling it that I wish to "Rewrite the output of this field" and I enter: <a href=”javascript:void(0);” onclick="javascript: approve([nid])" >Approve</a> When viewing the page, all the javascript has been stripped. How do I get views to accept javascript in the link, ...

Organizing a Department based site in Drupal

I'd like to migrate a large set of static pages to a Drupal site. The first problem I'm coming up against is that most content is structured under a department. A department page would have a list of most content in the center and then up to 3 sidebars, with the department info, additional links and maybe one more sidebar with some ...

Making a drupal database call using ajax

I want a link that when you click on it, it will call a simple ajax query which updates a database entry. Normally this would be easy, but because authentication needs to happen before the query is executed, I need to be able to execute the Ajax Query AS THE CURRENTLY LOGGED IN USER. I.e. I need access to the $user variable and I don't w...

Core javascript functions to make error, warning or notice messages appear?

Does anyone know what the core drupal javascript functions are to force an error message? More importantly, it must work with Message Effects (http://drupal.org/project/messagefx). With JS Theming you can call these: (this is javascript code) Drupal.messages.set("The Message!", 'error'); But, it doesn't hook into Message Effects, an...

Invoking drupal

This is a follow up to: http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1296984/core-javascript-functions-to-make-error-warning-or-notice-messages-appear/1298286 Basically, the "drupal_set_message()" function stores error messages in session. I need a way to tell drupal VIA JAVSCRIPT to now display those messages. If the page was refreshed, these me...

crawler gets stuck on the mandatory agecheck page in Drupal

Hi, we have a big community website build in drupal, where the site has a mandatory agecheck before you can access the content of the website it checks for a cookie to be present, if not, you get redirected to the agecheck page. now we believe crawlers get stuck on this part, they get redirected to the agecheck and never get to crawl ...

Auto-populate Jquery UI Tabs

I need a way to auto-populate jquery Tab controls by grabbing bits from the html that is output by drupal. Can anyone offer suggestions? Right now the UI script goes haywire and creates it's own set of div's to match the navigation. At that point the tabs break. I am by no means a javascript or jquery pro so excuse my simple code ;) <!D...

Drupal vs OSCommerce

I'm a die hard Drupal fanatic, but Drupal is more of a CMS and OSCommerce is more of a Online Shop application. Question is, should I stick with Drupul for my next online shop project, or dare to take on OSCommerce? ...

hardening drupal for a live deployment

Are there any special security measures to take when deploying a Drupal site to a production server? For instance: I can imaging that we need to remove install.php from the root directory. Are there any more actions? Or is there maybe a module available which checks the site for "world readiness" ...

drupal 6 how to automatically add content type to parent in menu

Is there a way to make every content type default to the parent in the menu. ie say i have content type called "cats" . How do i make all "cats" automatically sit inside "pet" menu item. Also can i alphabetically sort "cats" in the menu ...

Forcing "drupal_set_message" messages to appear immediately?

Currently, if the following code is executed: drupal_set_message("TEST"); Only once a page has refreshed, will the message appear on the page. I am currently in a situation where an ajax call is executing this method. Therefore, the current page is not changing. So, I need a way to include in my ajax call that after this method has b...

Any way to rename image filenames?

Is there any way to make the "image" module store files under a new name on upload? Basically, someone could upload a file that says something like "macs are cool" or something equally absurd. Now, I don't want people to see that. I'd much rather have all the files renamed on upload to something like: "111494949478383.jpg". How would I g...

IDE for PHP development and Drupal?

What tools are available for developing PHP programs. I'm particularly looking for something that can hook into Drupal so you can step through code and add breakpoints. Basically, a Visual Studio for PHP would be the best. Anyone know of this? Can you guys maybe mention what you currently use (even if it's just mentioning the text editor...

Download Drupal Documentation?

I would like to download documentation of the Drupal hooks, and whatever else would be useful. I've been saving a few pages piecemeal to my hard drive, but it would take too long to download the entire api.drupal.org this way. Is there someplace where I can get it all at once? ...

How to store session/cookie in Drupal 6 on the computer of the visitor

Hi, I have created a search for a client website using Finder module in conjunction with Views module. The problem is that my client wants that each time a user selects and searches for the businesses in a certain area, then the same should be stored as session or cookie on the computer of the visitor. This would ensure that a repeat vi...