I currentley have a test site up and running on mydomain.cm/test. I am using the WYSIWYG module with tinymce to allow my customers to upload pictures to the site. One a image is added to the site tinymce/imce does not use the base url defined for the site in front opf links but gives linkes realtive to the root i.e. a picture of img.jpg ...
In What table in Drupal is the current version of core (Drupal) stored? I'm looking for a string like 6.2.3.
I don't see it in the system table.
Is there any way to do:
files["project.profile"][subdir] = "profiles/project"
so I get packed the installation profile on the final bundle?
Basically I'm using drupal and can current redirect to an SSL page. But once on that page and continuing navigation all the pages continue over HTTPS. There is a single page I need SSL on and I need to redirect back after you leave that page. Currently I have this:
RewriteCond %{SERVER_PORT} !^443$
RewriteRule ^conference https://url/c...
i have to delete a row from table in a view...
i have to just remove particular row from a view not deleting the node.. and i have to print only these selected rows...
is that possible in any other way..
i have tried with drupal views checkboxex but it is still in development phase i m unable to do that
any other solution for this......
Okay, I have installed WYSIWYG module to my Drupal 6 site. I also installed the YUI module v2.8.0r4
I cannot get the image upload to work. When you click image, you get the option to insert URL etc, but no upload form.
I searched and searched for days trying to find the issue but nothing seems to work. I have seen this issue with man...
I'm using fivestar 1.19 with voting axis. I believe the default fivestar block/fivestar function uses only the default 'vote' tag.
I need to pass my custom fivestar tag to the function.
Attempting to follow the answer below:
For me $object is $node.
function custom_fivestar_widget ($object) {...
I have a PHP text-size select function within a Drupal site:
It uses this selector...:
<ul id="font-sizes">
<li class="one"><a href="<?php global $base_url; print $base_url;?>/sites/all/themes/x/resize.php?set=small">Normal Font-Size</a></li>
<li class="two"><a href="<?php global $base_url; print $base_url;?>/sites...
I have a cck FileField attached to a content type. When I remove a file from a node I want to remove the reference to the file but keep the file on the server. The reason for this is because we use IMCE on the site as well and other items may reference the image. Do you know if this is possibe?
I think the title says it all.
I have a custom module in Drupal that outputs a serialized dump of data. I want this page where the dump appears to not use the active theme. Instead, I just want the data dump to appear without any HTML markup, theme, JS, CSS, etc. Just the dump (another web site will be consuming it).
If I was doing this at the theme level I would sim...
I have a simple form:
function mymodule_test_form(&$form_state, $nid) {
form['submit'] = array(
'#type' => 'submit',
'#value' => 'Click me!',
$form['mymodule_status'] = array(
'#type' => 'select',
'#attributes' => array('class' => 'myclass'),
'#default_value' => variable_get('mymodule_status', 0),
Using views and Views custom field...I want a link to change depending on if a file was uploaded [upload_fid-path], or if a URL [field_url_url] was given.
If a file was uploaded that takes precedance over the URL...If no file is attached, than link to the URL...If no URL exist, then link to node.
Any help would be appreciated, thanks...
I am including a webform block in a page using module invoke.
The block is included as a node, and says "Submitted by admin on Wed, 2010-01-20 14:06" on top of the form. The devel template information is as follows:
Template called:
File used:
Candidate template files:
I am currently using drupal 6 for a site I'm working on. I have a MYTHEME_preprocess_page() function that adds a few variables to the page.tpl.php template from the taxonomy and from a cck field. It was working correctly for a bit, and then the $vars['node'] is empty, but only for 2 content types. The 'node' variable is available to the ...
I have file downloads set up on my site, but if a user orders a downloadable item with a shippable item, the email to download the file does not get sent until the admin manually marks the order as "complete".
I believe this is the same issue:
hi click here
site given the delete description ,
sorry but am not understand clearly,
is it possible to explain with some example..
I just want to do this 3 pages:
Page 1:
User pick in radio button 2 prices
Page 2:
Fill out credit card form
Page 3:
Confirm and send to Paypal info
Is there a module somewhere that is free to use with Paypal Website Payment Pro? Because I need it to process credit card information. I don't mind whether it is Joomla, Drupal or Wordpr...
I am farmiar with building drupal sites but not sure what the best way to implement this scenario. I have two domain names mydomain.com and mydomain2.com. I need to have a conten type with some fields in. i.e.
Field - Title
Field - Body
Field - Picture
Field - Price
I want both sites to use the same data for the cust...
I would like to see all nodes created by a specific user so I can delete all of them. How do I do this?