
Does anyone bother with Dublin Core anymore?

As the question states, is there any point adding Dublin Core meta-tags to your HTML head? Or has sitemap.org removed the use for most of this (though it only replaces some of the tags) I ask this as most sites I visit don't seem to use DC metatags in their source. I'm interested in whether I need them for a site that will be used mos...

YQL XML Output with custom namespace

I am attempting to parse a JSON feed from Yahoo Pipes to turn it into XML, using YQL. My query is: "select * from json where url='http://pipes.yahoo.com/pipes/pipe.run?_id=[pipe-id]&_render=json'" The problem is that the original Pipe was parsing an RSS feed, filled with dublin core tags (example: dc:title, dc:source, etc). The XML...

How to read "dc:creator" element from an RSS feed using System.ServiceModel.Syndication

Scenario I am consuming an RSS feed that looks, in part, like this: <item> <title>Blog Title Here</title> <link>http://blogurl.com/2010/03/23/title/&lt;/link&gt; <comments>http://blogurl.com/2010/03/23/title/#comments&lt;/comments&gt; <pubDate>Tue, 23 Mar 2010 10:44:54 +0000</pubDate> <dc:creator>AuthorName</dc:crea...

Dublin Core and Google SEO

Hello all What do you think, is Google using Dublin Core tags when indexing site ? Are these tags (DC.description etc) important for Google ? Thanks. ...

How to write an RDF Schema?

I am trying to get my head around using RDF to describe custom resources. I understand there are xmlns' out there such as Dublin Core and foaf which provide predefined element sets. How do I go about creating my own? I may be barking up the wrong tree of course and should stick to xml + xsd? ...