
Which DVCS would work best on Windows for my scenario?

At work I use ClearCase and SourceSafe, but have found some time to do some time to code for myself enroute thanks to a disposable laptop. However, I wish I had a lightweight VCS on my system using which I would be able to make changes to my code during the commute and then push/grab them from my Linux systems. I use git on my home sys...

Multiple simultaneous version control systems?

I'm relatively new to version control, and so far only have experience working with Subversion using TortoiseSVN/VisualSVN. I've been reading about other types of VCS (git, mercurial, etc), and am considering trying them out - however, many of the arguments for or against a particular VCS seem like they largely come down to subjective pr...

How can I see incoming commits in git?

How can I see incoming commits in git? Or even better, see what I just git fetch/git pulled? Edit: To clarify the question: someone tells me that, to get some fixes, I should pull from their repository. My goal is to see what their changes are before I accept them. git pull automatically merges, which is not what I want. git fetch ...

Clarification on using VCS such as Git

I understand the basic and how the workflow works and what not. However, let's say I have a local repository on my linux workstation. Now, I also have a production box located on a VPS in a remote DC. If I wanted to push out new code to the production box, what's the best way to do so? I don't want to have a Git repo on the box, it shoul...

Free private Bazaar online source host

Apologies if this is a duplicate question. I am looking for a free private online Bazaar source host. Does anybody know of any? I had a quick look and it seems there are lots of Git, Mercurial, and SVN options, but no Bazaar? EDIT: Just to clarify, when I say "private" I mean in the sense that you get your own private repository where ...

How do I commit all deleted files in git?

If I delete some files from the disk they come up as deleted like so: C:\git\bc>git status # On branch tracking2 # Changed but not updated: # (use "git add/rm <file>..." to update what will be committed) # (use "git checkout -- <file>..." to discard changes in working directory) # # deleted: test.txt # Is there a way to d...

How do you merge two git repositories?

Consider the following scenario: I have developed small experimental project A in its own git repo. It has now matured, and I'd like A to be part of larger project B, which has its own big repository. I'd now like to add A as a subdirectory of B. How do I merge A into B, without losing history on any side? ...

How to merge remote master at two commits earlier than current local master

Steps Leading up to Question Here's what I did leading up to my question: Forked a project on Github and cloned it locally Made two commits to my local repo to fix a bug Pushed those two commits to my forked Github repo Sent a pull request via Github to the original repo owner Original owner made a different commit to resolve the bug ...

Managing aesthetic code changes in git

I find that I make a lot of small changes to my source code, often things that have almost no functional effect. For example: Refining or correcting comments. Moving function definitions within a class for a more natural reading order. Spacing and lining up some declarations for readability. Collapsing something using multiple lines on...

DVCS - How often and when to commit changes

There is another thread here on StackOverflow, dealing wih how often to commit changes to source control. I want to put that in the context of using a DVCS like git or mercurial. How often and when do you commit? Do you only commit changes when they build correctly? How often and when do you push your changes (or file a pull request o...

Given a GIT URI, how can I check it out ?

In this Google IO 2009 presentation, a GIT url is provided in the slides. The URL looks like this http://android.git.kernel.org/?p=platform/development.git;a=commit; h=a42091afb7b122c753f9050ff5dbcb792eb36a78 I want to check out the code, so I ran git clone http://android.git.....rest...of....URI.shown..above But git is aborting wi...

Git versus Mercurial for .NET developers?

I've been wondering what is the better DVCS for .NET developers? From reading various information it has sounded like Mercurial works better on Windows, but other information claims that Git has caught up and surpassed Mercurial in offering quality Windows and Visual Studio tools. Does anyone have good recent information or experience ...

In git, what are some good conventions to format multiple comments to a single commit.

I was wondering how people normally separate out the multiple comments in a single commit. Stars? Commas? Separate lines? Just wondering what you find to be the best. I'm using this now when I add comments via Emacs, but not sure I like it: Added error messaging Cleaned up sign-up UI Added recaptcha # Please enter the commit message ...

Can 'git status' be configured so that it won't provide help text?

Is there a way to configure Git to remove the dead wood from the git status command? Instead of this monstrosity: # On branch master # Changes to be committed: # (use "git reset HEAD <file>..." to unstage) # # new file: README # # Changed but not updated: # (use "git add <file>..." to update what will be committed) # (use ...

GIT: Appending a patch made after a few commits

I use git to keep track of changes made by our development team and committed into our central cvs-style repository. Since its cvs, it keeps track of files and not commits, making it sometimes difficult to tell exactly what files constitute the full patch for a bug fix. I just came across one and did the following: 1) trolling along, ...

Push DVCS repository to master without needing codebase

To work on a client's staging environment I have to connect through a VPN which locks all normal network traffic and prevents any connection to the Internet. This would immediately prevent any of the "normal" VCS solutions from being used as it's not possible to gain access to the server. A solution to this would be to create a DVCS rep...

How do I show the changes which have been staged?

I staged a few changes to be committed; how can I see the diff of all files which are staged for the next commit? I'm aware of git status, but I'd like to see the actual diffs - not just the names of files which are staged. I saw that the git-diff(1) man page says git diff [--options] [--] […] This form is to view the changes y...

Git and Mercurial - Compare and Contrast

For a while now I've been using subversion for my personal projects. More and more I keep hearing great things about Git and Mercurial, and DVCS in general. I'd like to give the whole DVCS thing a whirl, but I'm not too familiar with either option. What are some of the differences between Mercurial and Git? Note that I'm not trying t...

how do I determine the parent parent repository of a git repository?

When I do a git pull my repository automatically pulls from the original git repo that I cloned from. How can I get the URL of that git repository from the child repository? ...

lightweight/portable VCS for server-hopping DBA?

I'm looking for a VCS that'll help me keep all of my work scripts in-sync. Requirements: Portable (as in flash drive, not code-level) Run on Windows XP and Server 2003+ No installation dependencies (Cygwin, perl, Python) I use Mercurial on my work machine for version control of the various T-SQL, ksh, perl, and CMD/BAT scripts that ...