
Combine DVCS with Visual Source Safe

I'm forced to use Visual Source Safe 2005 at work. I'd like to combine that with a DVCS, so that I can check in files locally without disrupting my co-workers if there's a bug or it doesn't compile. In my attempts with Mercurial, it works, but causes a few weird issues. Namely, it thinks someone else has checked out the files I have che...

Moving from SVN to ...?

I'm currently working in a team where we're "using" a subversion repository. I say "using", because in reality, everyone's just editing files directly on a server through samba shares, while every once in a while our architect does a commit from that server with our changes, which are then pushed out to servers. So basically we're missi...

Can anyone give me an example of a good translation workflow using Git?

I've read somewhere (I dont recall exactly where) that Git (and probably any other good DCVS) is an excellent tool when you're translating some text. I'm trying to figure out a workflow for this scenario, and the best I could get was something like: Use your own branch. Translate files as usual, commit as needed. When there are change...

What DVCS support Unicode filenames?

I'm interested in trying out distributed version control systems. git sounds promising, but I saw a note somewhere for the Windows port of git that says "don't use non-ASCII filenames". I can't find that now, but there is this link. It's put me off git for now, but I don't know if the other options are any better. Support for non-ASCII ...

Introduction to Mercurial

Hey, I have just begun working on a project which uses Mercurial as a version control system, and I need some basic tips on how to use this. Please use this question to give some introductory tips on this technology. The official Mercurial site Especially, I am looking for tips on the best programs to use and the best techniques to ...

How to migrate from a complicated subversion repository to a distributed version control system?

Let's suppose we have a subversion repository which looks like /original/0.1 /original/0.2 /variantA/trunk /variantA/branches/who/branch_for_xxx /variantA/branches/she/branch_for_yyy /variantB/trunk /variantB/branches/who/branch_for_zzz (... 30 or 40 alike) where variantA and variantB are forks of the original software. I am looking ...

Is there a modern free D?VCS that can ignore mainframe sequence numbers?

I'm looking at migrating a large suite of IBM Assembler Language programs, from a vcs based on "filenames include version numbers", to a modern vcs which will give me, among other things, the ability to branch and merge. These files have 80-column records, the last 8 columns being an almost-meaningless sequence number. For a number o...

How to perform something akin to svn tagging in Git ?

My application needs to conform to a new specification. So I want to tag a version of my app as it stands. I want to be able to check out this version in the future. I committed all my latest changes. And I do: git tag -a stable-pre-new-spec When I execute: git show stable-pre-new-spec it displays the diffs from my last commit ?...

Need git repo layout suggestion for a new project

I'm working on a new project that I plan to keep in a git repository. I know how I would do this in CVS, but I'm a bit new to git and could use some suggestions. The project is firmware for two embedded devices that talk to each other and are packaged as a pair. For both devices there is a production variant and a manufacturing variant ...

How can I host a Mercurial repository for several users myself?

There are a number of hosting services for git, Mercurial, etc. I need to host my own, because some of the data we want to keep there is of a sensitive nature, and we cannot move it off-site. I need to host a Mercurial repository on a server so that a number of people can access it to both pull changes and push their own work. There nee...

In short, what are the advantages of git and mercurial over subversion?

Hi, Can someone tell me what the hype is over Git and Mercurial over Subversion? ...

Pushing updates to a pruned Mercurial branch

I have two related repositories, a master, which contains a number of sensitive files which must not be leaked, and a 'public' version, created with hg convert with --filemap to exclude the sensitive files and directories. I would like further updates to the master that don't affect the sensitive files to be pushable to the slave, and u...

How do I suppress keyword expansion in Starteam at the client level to enable local mirroring to DVCS?

I am trying to mirror my corporate Starteam CM server with a local distributed version controls system (Mercurial). I am running into problems with seeing many changes due to Starteam's keyword expansion on checkout feature. For example, the server is setup to expand $History to a log of each checkins comments and other metadata. Thes...

Transferring legacy code base from cvs to distributed repository (e.g. git or mercurial). Suggestions needed for initial repository design.

Introduction and Background We are in the process of changing source control system and we are currently evaluating git and mercurial. The total code base is around 6 million lines of code, so not massive and not really small either. Let me first start off with a very brief introduction to how the current repository design looks. Pictu...

Mercurial: Remove changeset from remote branch

Hi, Is there a way to remove a from a remote changeset, or to remove an entire changeset? I accidentely pushed a .war file to a remote repo and I want to remove it. Thanks ...

How would you use a DVCS (mercurial in my case) to develop for different versions of the .NET framework?

I'm writing some sort of new adminstration dashboard for our cms (which runs on asp.net webforms). Some of our older servers can only handle .NET 2.0 for various reasons so I'd have to rewrite my code which uses lambda expressions etc. for that. I wonder how you would use a dvcs like mercurial to develop those two versions concurrently....

Is using dvcs making harder to use continuous integration in corporate environments?

There are unarguably lots of advantages in using dvcs and it can be used like centralized vcs, but is having local commits and being able to very easily fork the project for some smaller group making it harder to support continuous integration? It helps in development that everybody has access to the most recent changes, which are tested...

Manage home directory across multiple machines with some differences?

So I've got a pretty customized setup of dotfiles at this point, and I've been looking for a solution to keep things synchronized from machine to machine. I like the idea of having a ~/dotfiles dir (or similar) that contains a makefile that handles creation of symlinks. Move the dotfiles dir from machine to machine via rsync/unison/dvc...

hg local ignore

I could have sworn there was a way to keep a local ignore file in an hg repo, i.e. a file similar in function to .hgignore, but not checked into the repo. This could be used to ignore changes to an IDE project file if different IDEs are being used, for example. I'm having trouble finding how it's done. Does anyone recall the details? ...

Open Source Clearcase Alternatives

I'm helping get the SCM set up for a new program, and we're currently in the process of deciding on a VCS. The main contenders at this point are SVN, ClearCase, SVN+DVCS, and just a DVCS. At the moment, the team is leaning towards either SVN or SVN+DVCS. We want to avoid the expense and administration costs of ClearCase, but want the ...