
Mercurial showing files as modified incorrectly

When I clone out a Mercurial repository it usually shows files as being modified when they have not. This can happen when I do the following steps; $ hg clone <url> $ cd project $ hg st .... large number of files with M at the start for modified $ hg diff .... no result. I think this is because the files have had their permissions cha...

What are the merits of using the various VCS (Version Control Systems) that exist to track Drupal projects?

I'm trying to find the best version control strategy for my workflow with Drupal. I have multiple sites per install and I'm pretty sure I'll have a separate repository for each website. As far as I know, the VCSs worth considering are: SVN Bazaar (bzr) Git Mercurial (hg) I know how these compare to each other in general, but want to ...

How to keep Drupal up to date with the GitHub repo?

Drupal has a GitHub repository at http://github.com/drupal/drupal I, being a newbie to Git and the DVCS world in general, and having trouble figuring out how to use this repo as a method for keeping my Drupal core up to date, so I have the following questions: Is this the best way to check out a specific tag from the repo? git clone ...

Which DVCS for a one-man .NET shop?

I'm the only developer working in a very small company. I currently use VisualSVN on Windows on my development machine as my VCS. This is problematic because I can't get to my projects outside the IT firewall, and my colleague can't integrate his content into my projects. We (my PM, who develops content for me) are very interested in a...

How does Git's concept of the Index improve or change your workflow?

I've been trying to use Git on my personal projects for almost a month now. I have a pretty good understanding of the basic set of commands and while its user experience isn't awesome, I still find myself liking Git more than the other VCS's I've used in the past. However, one concept that I still don't think I have "gotten" is the r...

two different versions of a codebase, one heavily commented and one with zero (or minimal) comments

If you have a project where the only difference in the 2 branches are the comments, what is a good workflow (assuming Git, but other ideas are welcome): simply write a hook that strips out comments after each commit and saves the result to a set of files, use only a single branch simply maintain 2 branches other ...

How Should I Handle a Plugins Repo Using Git?

Hi everyone, I have a bit of a dvcs design question: I have a project that I am hosting on github. I also have several plugins that I have written for the project, but that I don't want to include in the core code, because they are optional plugins. In svn, I just created an additional dir that contained all of the plugins. Users could...

How do I determine which changes in one branch are missing from another?

I'm using git. I have a branch, apifixes, that was branched from master some time ago. Most, but not all, of the changes from the apifixes branch have been merged back into master. At least, I believe this is the case, because when I try to do git branch -d apifixes I get the following error: error: The branch 'apifixes' is not an...

Use Mercurial API to Get Changes to a Repository For a Given Changeset

How can I use the Mercurial API to determine the changes made to a repository for each changeset? I am able to get a list of files relevant to a particular revision, but I cannot figure out how to tell what happened to that file. How can I answer these questions about each file in a changeset: Was it added? Was it deleted? Was it modi...

Are there any good desktop linux tools for viewing a bazaar branch's history?

For viewing diffs, I use the excellent Meld tool. But when it comes to looking at earlier revisions, I usually just find myself looking at the branch in Launchpad, where my code is hosted. Are there are good desktop tools for allowing me to do this? Ideally, Olive's "History Mode" should do the trick, but it just gives me errors when I t...

How do I convince my team to move from SVN to Mercurial?

The team I'm working with uses SVN for keeping version control. (It was used for years by them.) Recently I found Mercurial as a VCS and it looks much convenient for me than SVN. What arguments wound you suggest most convincing in order to move to Mercurial? ...

Is Subversion more "supported" by continuous integration tools than Mercurial?

We are currently using NAnt on our build server, with CVS as our source control system. Seeing the need for improvements, we are investigating continuous integration tools and other source control systems. Subversion seems to be the most straightforward option to move on to from CVS, but a distributed version control system like Mercuri...

Distributed agile project management tools similar to BugsEverywhere/ditz/ticgit?

Are there any tools that will allow me to plan and manage a project using an agile/iterative style from the command-line, storing the data on the filesystem, similar to how BugsEverywhere/ditz/ticgit work? ...

DVCS how structure with large integrated code base, with multiple projects sharing much common code?

I have a cvs repository, with mostly java code. Each package sits in it's own top level dir, like so, with the sourced laid out in typical java fashion. $CVSROOT/my.domain.module1/src/my/domain/module1 $CVSROOT/my.domain.module2/src/my.domain/module2 $CVSROOT/my.domain.share1/src/my/domain/share1 This means we can write build scripts...

How to make mercurial ignore all hidden files?

I hate seeing nearly every directory in my repository list each file twice, once with a dot in front of it and once without. I tried adding .* to my .hgignore file, but it has no effect. Is this the wrong syntax, and more importantly, is it a bad idea to try this in the first place? Thanks. ...

Using Git with VB6

Our company has a large codebase in VB6, and we currently use VSS which, for all that we hate about it, at least integrates into the VB6 IDE. My own team, which is using .NET, are now looking into alternative SCMs like my personal favourite, Git. With Git Extensions, it seems we will be able to integrate Git commands into the Visual Stu...

Source Control - Distributed Systems vs. Non Distributed - What's the difference?

I just read Spolsky's last piece about Distributed vs. Non-Distributed version control systems http://www.joelonsoftware.com/items/2010/03/17.html. What's the difference between the two? Our company uses TFS. What camp does this fall in? ...

Mercurial local branching and pushing to shared repository

I created a branch on my local Mercurial repository. I want to push to the shared repository so my work can be backed up, but I don't want other project members to see the branch. What's the standard operating procedure in this case? I'd like to avoid having the repository get full of developer branches that I don't need to see. ...

Does a Distributed Version Control System really have no centralised repository?

It might seem a silly question, but how do you get a working drectory set up without a server to check out from? And how does a business keep a safe backed up copy of the repo? I assume then there must be a central repo... but then how exactly is it 'distributed'? I always thought of a server-client (SVN) Vs peer-2-peer (GIT) distinctio...

Distributed version control for HUGE projects - is it feasible?

We're pretty happy with SVN right now, but Joel's tutorial intrigued me. So I was wondering - would it be feasible in our situation too? The thing is - our SVN repository is HUGE. The software itself has a 15 years old legacy and has survived several different source control systems already. There are over 68,000 revisions (changesets),...