
How to fix DWMAPI.DLL delay-load dependency under WinXP?

I have built a .dll under WinXP that claims it can't find DWMAPI.DLL when it's loaded. The problem is that this DLL is a Vista DLL, and this a known issue for XP users that have IE7 installed. The recommendation is to uninstall IE7 or repair the .NET Framework via Add/Remove programs. I did the repair, and nothing changed. I'm not about ...

Vista live thumbnail issue with SetWindowRgn

I know I am probably missing something, but I can't seem to get windows to show the live thumbnail preview correctly when using a window that has a region. When hitting the minimize button the preview will clip to the minimized size (160x25) rather than showing the full preview (like it does with other windows). Few points to make: ...

Vista application thumbnail

By design, the toolbar application thumbnail on Vista does not update when an application is minimized, since the minimized window itself is not redrawing. For a monitoring application I have, it would be useful to update the application thumbnail while the application remains minimized. I am using Delphi 2009. Can anyone suggest a good ...

Handling WM_NCPAINT "breaks" DWM glass rendering on Vista/Aero.

I am trying to make a window that alternates between having an Aero/Glass and a custom rendered frame (by handling WM_NCPAINT) based on a user setting. (Windows Vista). DwmComposition is enabled. My app comes up with the glass frame, but as soon as I toggle the setting to trigger the custom WM_NCPAINT codepath then toggle back to use De...

Checking if DWM/Aero is enabled, and having that code live in the same binary for 2000/XP/Vista/7

I know the title makes little sense, mostly because it's hard to explain in just one line. So here's the situation: I have a program who's binary is targeted at Windows 2000 and newer. Now, I went ahead and added some code to check if the user is running under Vista/7, and if so then check if Aero/DWM is enabled. Based on this I'll disa...

DWM Composition toggle causes client area to lose alpha

I have a simple Windows application here: http://www.bengoodger.com/software/chrome/dwm/app.cc My app provides a customized glass frame for when DWM compositing is active, and a fully custom frame when it is inactive or not available. The "customized glass frame" consists of a enlarged title bar area, which is reported by my implement...

Why could DwmRegisterThumbnail fail?

I am trying to capture screen of a child window and render it on parent surface in Windows 7. HTHUMBNAIL thumbnail = NULL; HRESULT hr = S_OK; hr = DwmRegisterThumbnail( hWnd, visualHwnd, &thumbnail ); if( SUCCEEDED( hr ) ) { ... } This fails all the time. visualHwnd is the child window and hWnd is the parent. I also tried it with...

Is it possible to capture a window with windows 7 DWM thumbnail in it?

I am starting to believe that you can do nothing with Windows API. I have two windows. One has a DWM thumbnail in it. What I want to do is, I want to be able to capture the screen of the window with the thumbnail into the other one. When I do this, using bitblt, everything is copied except the thumbnail. It just isn't there in the bitma...

Windows thumbnail preview with JNA (Java)

W32API.HWND targetHwnd = User32.INSTANCE.FindWindow('SunAwtFrame', 'Frame') W32API.HWND sourceHwnd = User32.INSTANCE.FindWindow('triuiScreen', 'EVE') W32API.HANDLE thumbnailH = new W32API.HANDLE() NativeLibrary dwm = NativeLibrary.getInstance('dwmapi') dwm.getFunction('DwmRegisterThumbnail').invoke(targetHwnd, sourceHwnd, thumbnailH) ...

Wait for disable aero to complete

My app has an option to disable aero by calling DwmEnableComposition(0) before capturing a screen image. As you know, disabling aero makes the screen go black then return to normal afterwards. On different PCs this might take 2 to 3 seconds depending on how fast the system is. Is there a better way of determining if aero has fully disa...

Windows Forms Glass Effect, Make ImageBox transparent

Hi - I have a windows form application, and I have extended the window's frame into the client area using DwmExtendFrameIntoClientArea to get the glass effect. Now I'm trying to show a transparent PNG image in a picture box, however the background shows up as white instead of the glass effect. How can i make the image show as transparen...

Vista/7: How to get glass color?

How do you use DwmGetColorizationColor? The documentation says it returns two values: a 32-bit 0xAARRGGBB containing the color used for glass composition a boolean parameter that is true "if the color is an opaque blend" (whatever that means) Here's a color that i like, a nice puke green: You can notice the color is greeny, and th...

Can a Desktop Window Manager API (dwmapi.dll) mirror/clone a mouse pointer?

Can a Desktop Window Manager API (dwmapi.dll) mirror/clone a mouse pointer? Anyone know how? I would be most thankful if it's written in C#. ...

How to make dwmapi (Desktop Windows Manager API) work in Windows XP?

Hi, I'm doing a windows application using dwmapi.dll on C# and it's not working in windows XP because XP didn't support Desktop Windows Manager API (dwmapi.dll). It's only supported in Vista and Win 7. Anyone knows how to make dwmapi (Desktop Windows Manager API) work in Windows XP? Thanks, jron ...

DWM: What API to create applications like Flip3D

On MSDN's DWM Thumbnail Overview they specifically state: Note DWM thumbnails do not enable developers to create applications like the Windows Vista Flip3D (WINKEY-TAB) feature. Thumbnails are rendered directly to the destination window in 2-D. So what API can be used to create applications like the Windows Vista Flip3D? ...

Achieve Dwm color blurs on custom blurred windows

I've made a picture to describe my question best, as words really could not do it properly this time. The question and notes are included in the picture. http://localhostr.com/files/c7c2fe/Colorization.png Transcript of notes: Color Averages: Blur: #FEC1C1 Unfocused: #FEC1C1 Focused: #DE6868 Taskbar: #DC6161 Questi...