
Making distinction between columns of multiple dynamic datasources on one page

I've got a GridView inside an FormView. Both with different DynamicObjectDataSources. When the user hits the save button on the FormView, an Update Command is fired and a postback is made to the server. The problem is that the objects used on both datasources share a few property names. Like "Discout" for example. The last value in th...

Webhandler not firing on postback

I have a web application that I upload an image to, the image is subsequently saved to the server's temp folder and displayed via a webhandler on the aspx page. the code for the aspx: <img src="PreviewImageQualityHandler.ashx" alt="Picture not loaded" runat="server" id="imagePreview" /> The code for uploading the picture and adding a...

How to change the way filters and foreign-key columns are rendered in DynamicData site?

Ok, my title doesn't help. But read the post and you'll understand. What i want to do: Imagine I have a Flyer table with 2 columns in my SQl Server: FlyerID (int)(PK) FlyerDate (smalldatetime) FlyerID is a foreign key on other tables, for example Store table. Store has 3 columns: StoreID (int)(PK) Name (nvarchar) FlyerID (int)(FK...

Data Structure for storing dynamic data

I want to store data which is dynamic in nature. The user can create forms for capturing data. The data can be stored in various formats as per the configuration. The major ones are a RDBMS and a XML file. XML file format is pretty easy to store dynamic data and load it back. I am not able to devise a data structure for a RDBMS. I curr...

Adding rows to a table based on user input (ASP.NEt)

Hi All, I have a TextBox entry field where the user will enter a integer value. And then there is a "Create" button, which when clicked upon must generate a Table with 2 columns : "Name" and "Email" being the column headers. I want each row to have a textbox in each of these columns. All of this has to happen after the button is clic...

DynamicTree editing root node Java swing

I'm using the class "DynamicTree" provided by sun:here is the link I wanted to know if it's possible to edit the code in some way to make the tree root name editable. ...

Linq to SQL table inheritance in ASP.net Dynamic Data

I have a Linq to SQL data model that uses single table inheritance. I created a new ASP.net Dynamic Data web site with all table scaffolding enabled, but I can't see any of the derived classes in my data model being scaffolded. Is this by design? ...

Can I do an ASP.NET Dynamic Data project against a Sybase database?

Or must it be a SQL Server database? If I'm reading the documentation right, as long as I use Entity Framework and not Linq to SQL, I can go against a Sybase data source. But I'm not certain... ...

using jquery datatable for dynamic table rows

I am constructing the table dynamically using jquery/javascript. I have a several links based on which the table body will be generated dynamically using json/jquery. I like to integrate the jquery datatable with the dynamically created table. How can i attach the .dataTable() for the dynamically created rows. When i tried to use in d...

Android - Passing changing data from BroadcastReciever to another Object?

I have a Wifi class that has a couple of broadcast receivers that listen out for changes in Wifi connection state, Wifi Rssi levels etc... I want to be able to pass this data to another "Engine" Object and still keep the data changing dynamically. I currently create a Wifi object within the "Engine" class and run its methods, the data ...

How to create breadcrumbs using Dynamic Data/LINQTOSQL framework?

Hello, I need some EXAMPLES or IDEAS on how to created dynamic breadcrumb control which will dynamically generated breadcrumbs for Dynamic Date framework powered by LINQTOSQL ...

insert in dymanic update - linq to sql

I'm developing a dynamic data app, in which I'm trying perform insert RequestRevision during update of request (logging change of request, somthing like that) public partial class ProjectDataContext { partial void UpdateRequest(Request instance) { RequestRevision rv = new RequestRevision...

How to send a dynamically generated file in a rails app

I'm trying to serve a dynamically generated files in a rails app, so when the user clicks a specific link, the file is generated and sent to the client using send_data. The file is not intended to be reused: is a short text file and regenerating should be really inexpensive as it won't be donwloaded that much; but if it is necessary or ...

ASP.Net Dynamic Data IS showing my primary keys for every table when using Entities

Using a very run-of-the-mill database, with identity int for primary keys, a Dynamic Data Entities Project (EntityFramework) displays the primary key for view and edit. When using Linq to Sql, the primary key fields are not displayed. I would like to hide the primary keys and use Entity Framework (VS 2008, .Net 3.5 sp1). thanks ...

Explain sorting in ASP.NET Dynamic Data

Can anyone explain what the Dynamic Data team was thinking when they designed grid sorting in Dynamic Data scaffolded tables? Sorting defaults to using all columns, in the order the appear in the model, often arbitrary very counter-productive. We've just had a run in with the 'out-of-the-box' sorting, and solved it with a simple SortEx...

Dynamicdata Validation Exception Message Caught in JavaScript, not DynamicValidator

I have a page here with a few list views on it that are all bound to Linq data sources and they seem to be working just fine. I want to add validation such that when a checkbox (IsVoid on the object) is checked, comments must be entered (VoidedComments on the object). Here's the bound object's OnValidate method: partial void OnValida...

Is there a drawback of using ASP.NET Dynamic Data for a data driven website?

I watched a little introduction into ASP.NET Dynamic Data, and I noticed this option to create a data driven website for the first time. I have a database with a few tables, just created a Dynamic Data application out of my database and well... my application with a lot of nicely looking web pages, navigation between them and all kinds o...

Silverlight Dynamic Data

I wondered if anyone knows if Microsoft is planning to do a Dynamic Data framework for Silverlight like they’ve got for ASP.NET? Does a non Microsoft framework like this already exist? ...

Getting the name which is not defined from NameError in python.

Hello! As you know, if we simply do: >>> a > 0 Traceback (most recent call last): File "<pyshell#1>", line 1, in <module> a > 0 NameError: name 'a' is not defined Is there a way of catching the exception/error and extracting from it the value 'a'. I need this because I'm evaluating some dynamically created expressions, and woul...

ASP.NET Web UI - Code Generation, Dyanamic Data, Custom Controls?

So the bottom line is that we are working on a large web based project in ASP.NET webforms that is extremely heavy on data editing operations and we are not getting the code reuse that we want out of the presentation layer. We are currently generating a good portion of our DAL and that works great. However, the strategies for standardizi...