
Add "Select" item in DropDown

I am using ASP.NET dynamic data. In Insert.aspx page, I have a couple of dropdowns to be selected. The fields represented by Dropdown are Required fields in database. So dropdown does not show 'Select' as default option in dropdown. I want to add 'Select' option at top of other records from database shown in dropdown. Note that field is ...

Split Table column in Dynamic data

I am using an integer field in the DB to represent collection of booleans in order to save some space. the integer is used in my Business logic and transformed into collection Boolean attributes. i'v now decided to add "Admin" section to the site using Dynamic data feature, and i am wondering whether there is an option to show the Boolea...

Dynamic Data - How to show the Primary Key field in the List

I'm finally digging into Dynamic Data (long overdue). I notice that when I'm viewing the web site, on the main table lists, the primary key field is not displayed. For example, I have a table that holds Status Codes, with two fields. StatusCode int identity Primary Key StatusCodeDescription varchar(25) On my web site's StatusCodes...

How do I edit an external css file with PHP?

I have a page with an image. I want the client to be able to upload a new image into the database and then be able to switch out the image from within the CMS. Once they switch it in the CMS, I want PHP to edit the background image in the external css file. Is it possible to do that? I know how to have PHP switch out an image tag in th...

Is it possible to filter nullable datetime fields in a Microsoft Dynamic Data grid?

Using the default Microsoft Dynamic Data List grid, is it possible to filter the grid with the null / not null value of a nullable DateTime field? ...

Offline Resources on Dynamic Data and Entity Framework

Horrors, I'm stuckk with only 3G access to the net, so I would like to download some solid references to Entity Framework and Dynamic Data that I can get by with while offline, as I'm no expert on these. ...

How can I filter choices out of a drop down list when using Dynamic Data?

I feel like this should be easy, but I don't see any way to do it. I'm using ASP.NET Dynamic Data with Linq to SQL. I've got a table with an Association to the Technician table. The Parent Property is TechAssignment, and on the web form I'm using a DynamicField to display it. This works fine really, it correctly sees it as a For...

Customising ASP.NET Dynamic Data Operations

Where can I intercept reads and updates for scaffolded tables? I need to make certain records or fields read only to certain people and or after a certain date? I also have a Departments list, where clicking a department brings up a list of Categories for that department. I need to block access to the Department list to normal users, ...

Customize List.aspx for One Table in ASP Dynamic Data

I have just meticulously followed MS instructions for customising a dynamic data page template for one table. Create the folder CustomPages/MyTable/List.aspx, and copy PageTemplates/List.aspx into that folder, but I now get compiler error because I have duplicated methods in both List.aspx files. What am I doing wrong? Just in: I f...

New button for Foreign Key fields in Dynamic Data

In a scaffolded page in ASP.NET Dynamic Data, if the entity has a foreign key field, and the value you seek is not in the the primary key table, i.e. is not in the drop-down, you have to abandon your edits to the entity, add the sought foreign key value to its table, and return to your original entity. How could I go about adding a 'New...

Exceptions in ASP.NET Dynamic Data

I have an ASP.NET Dynamic Data application (using Entity Framework) in which I have just discovered a duplicate key error when attempting a database insert. However, I had to use SQL Profiler to find the error. The insert template page just silently did nothing. How can I trap errors like this and log them and maybe display a message?...

Dynamic Data | LINQ TO SQL | General Validation

I have 5 different entities for which dynamic data(with LINQTOSQL) was generated. On Insert(Insert.aspx) of any of these entities, if there is an error, I would like to notify user that error happened and possibly show some generic error message. 1) I am not talking about regular required field errors but something like "Unique constra...

Form APIs for ASP.NET

I want to know about the availability of Forms APIs for ASP.NET, either for MVC or WebForms. I am learning about Django right now, and I really love their forms APIs. Having a similar thing in .net will be very interesting as most of my time is wasted on UI issues. Microsoft Dynamic Data gives me similar features, but it's not mature en...

How to localize new 'posts' with ASP.net MVC

Im just starting with localization today and need some information. I have a project running in ASP.net MVC using .resx (global / local) files to place text based on the chosen language on the page. But this is premade/static content. How to do this for, for instance, new posts if you have a blog? Do you have to do it by loading differe...

Change server without recompiling iPhone application ,how ?

Hello all , I am developing an iPhone application in which I am fetching data from a web service currently located on a local server in LAN. Now I am fetching my data located on a local server with url something like this : http:\\service\service.asmx\dataFetchingMethod But In future if my url changes i.e server somethin...

Basics Question: Best Practices concerning Posix Threads and Dynamic Memory

Is it advisable or even possible to have a dynamically growing array of structs fed and read by different concurrently running posix threads? Where do I have to look for best practices for applications of that sort - are there any which are "common wisdom"? I am new to this area and would need some initial pointers for where to start and...

Change which field is displayed in a dropdown

I have a Dynamic Data website and while inserting a record into a table, the foreign key relationship shown as a drop-down uses the wrong field for it's select item text value. How can I change the drop-down such that when working with this one table, it will use a different column as the value in the drop-down? thank you ...

How to push javascript value to server at postback?

Hi, I was just playing around with ckeditor and can't get the darn thing to work for me. I somehow need to "data bind" the text box just before or at the same time of post back. How do I do that? Loading the data is fine but when I click update I need to somehow retrieve the new value of the text box. It's not as easy as to call the cl...

Parser error on incorrect page in ASP.NET Dynamic Data.

I have a small dynamic data application, and have just spend several minutes on a wild goose chase because VS 2008 kept highlighting a line in my List.aspx page template, telling me the tag was badly formed, while the error was in my Edit.aspx page template. I had edited the Edit template and broken a tag, but VS kept highlighting the ...

Dynamically acessing items in a ObjectProxy using AS3

I am trying to implement a find feature on a list. In the action script method to implement the find, I'm trying to loop over the contents of the list.dataProvider and get the contents of the labelField which is dynamic. Is there a way to use the contents of a variable to get the field out of a ObjectProxy. I see that ObjectProxy ha...