
Adding pages "on the fly" with a CMS system

Hi, I am in the process of building a website content management system for one of my clients. It's a highly customized system, so I cannot use any "of the shelve" solution. I need to allow my client to add pages to the website on the fly. I have two options here: (1) Create a database driven page in the format of www.mycompany.com/pa...

ASP.net Dynamic Data - OnPropertyChanging Not Updating other columns

Here is my code: partial void OnisApprovedChanging(bool value) { this.dateApproved = DateTime.Now; } 'dateApproved' is updated in the business logic, but this change is not being applied to the database table. I've seen some examples where DateUpdated columns are updated whenever any edit to a table is made...

How to handle dynamic GUIs in .net

Hi All, I've come accross a problem, that is probably seen pretty often, but has never really been discussed here. In my Gui, I'm adding Controls in a for loop to a Flowpanellayout. The point is to display "reports" from a database. It has to be dynamic, because the number of reports can be different from day to day. Pseudocode Addi...

Updating relationships using Dynamic Data in Asp.Net

Hello guys, I'm trying to write a simple blog post/tag example using dynamic data and a linq data source. I wrote a simple database to store blog posts (title, text) and tags (only a word field and the foreign key) in a sinple one to many relationship and I'd like the user to fill the tags in a single textbox. So I created a TagString...

Critique my MySQL Database Design for Unlimited DYNAMIC Fields

Looking for a scalable, flexible and fast database design for 'Build your own form' style website - e.g Wufoo. Rules: User has only 1 Form they can build User can create their own fields or choose from 'standard' fields User's 1 Form has as many fields as the user wants Values can be the sibling of another value E.g A photo value coul...

ASP.Net DynamicData pages scaffolded from DB tables: is there a simple way to change their names?

ASP.net scaffolding creates administrative page names by adding a 'S' to the name of the table. Thus the editing page for User table is named Users, and so on. Is there a simple way of changing that name without creating custom pages? For instance for the table "Business" I'd like ASP.net DynamicData to create an administrative link ...

Dynamic Data with Entity Framework... using [ScaffoldColumn(true)] to show a public property via metadata ...

... it just doesn't work, at all. I've tried for days, with all different combinations of frick'n stuff and it won't budge. There are certainly people out there who seem to be blogging about breezing through this sort of thing without seeing a glimpse of an issue saying things like "We all know that you can show public properties of ex...

Dynamically store lines of strings using C

I want to store lines of strings dynamically using C language. for e.g sadasdasda5245sdf fadfa6456 fasdf90-70=790 the number of such lines and the length of each line can be anything.Is there any way to store the whole thing dynamically. ...

Dynamically create table and java classes at runtime

Hi All, I have a requirement in my application. My tables wont be defined beforehand.For Example,if the user creates a form by name Student,and adds its attributes like name,roll no,subject,class etc.. then on runtime,there should be a table created by name student with columns name,roll no,subject,class and also its related class and ...

How do I dynamically add points to a Google Map when the bounds change?

I can currently place static points in the map window: var latlng = new GLatLng(lat, lng); map.addOverlay(new GMarker(latlng, markerOptions)); And I know how to get the bounds of the window. I can also code a page that will take the bounds and return the points that are inside them in any format. The problems I have now: Does the ...

Problem with Entity Data Model in Dynamic Data Web Site

I'm trying to set up a dynamic data entities web site, exactly following the MS walkthrough, but I can't register my model. My web site is called 'DynExtensions', and the model gets generated in the namespace 'DynExtensions.App_Code', but this namespace is not visible in the rest of the project, i.e. I get a compile error if I add a 'us...

Can I combine fields via Linq to Sql

I'm new to Linq to Sql, what I would like to achieve is to create a single read only property on the Entity class that is a combination of multiple fields, specifically I want to create a name field that combines- title, forename and surname. I can see how to do it by changing the .designer.cs file but know I'm not supposed to touch tha...

Is it possible to change/restrict values of dynamicfilter in asp.net

I need to restrict the values that are available in a DynamicFilter control for a gridview. The table that is being filtered will only show values that are available to the currently logged in user based on a where clause. I want the filter controls to use the same where clause I am using dynamic data for this project. Is this possibl...

How do I store changing data into a database?

I made an application to take the now playing title and artist from an internet radio stream, and I have it displaying in plain text on this page: http://thelisthq.net/z1035.php The output is simply a php 'echo $variable' command, but $variable is constantly changing, so how do I store each different value of $variable into a database....

Insert on Dynamic Data Website gets all records from database table

Hi all, We are currently using Dynamic Data website for one of our project. we have found that Insert page was taking much time to load and on analysis we have found the LINQ datasource is fetching all the records for the current table when the insert page is loaded. I have found this through OnSelected event of LINQ datasource on the I...

How to change workflow for parent-child tables using routing with dynamic data?

I am making a ASP.Net Dynamic Data website where I have one table, Orders, and another table, OrderLines. The Orderlines table has an FK-relationship back to Orders. This means that one Order may contain zero or more OrderLines. The default workflow offered by Dynamic Data will let me do this: Go to the list of Orders, click "add ne...

Update command not working in Dynamic Data Details view.

I have just create a very basic Dynamic Data web application using Entity Framework, and when I click the edit command from the GridView, to open a Details view, edit some fields, and click the Update link, nothing happens. My question is what could cause this update to do nothing and are there any tips for diagnosing it? MORE INFO ...

A generic method to set the length of a dynamic array of arbitrary type in c++

I am doing a project converting some Pascal (Delphi) code to C++ and would like to write a function that is roughly equivalent to the Pascal "SetLength" method. This takes a reference to a dynamic array, as well as a length and allocates the memory and returns the reference. In C++ I was thinking of something along the lines of void* ...

Edit in Dynamic Data using SP

Hi all, We use Dynamic data website for editing a database. We have customized the edit functionality to use Stored procedure instead of default LINQ. This SP is returing a inetger value. How should we catch the return value from the SP in the edit page which is still using LINQdatasource? <asp:UpdatePanel ID="UpdatePanel1" runat="ser...

DataBinding: 'DynamicClass1' does not contain a property with the name 'EmployeeID'

i have used aggregate function in List Page of dynamic datawebsite. When it execute it gives me, DataBinding: 'DynamicClass1' does not contain a property with the name 'EmployeeID'. <asp:GridView ID="GridView1" runat="server" DataSourceID="GridDataSource" AllowPaging="True" AllowSorting="True" CssClass="gridview"> ...