
Plugin architecture in C using libdl

I've been toying around, writing a small IRC framework in C that I'm now going to expand with some core functionality - but beyond that, I'd like it to be extensible with plugins! Up until now, whenever I wrote something IRC related (and I wrote a lot, in about 6 different languages now... I'm on fire!) and actually went ahead to implem...

difference between static and dynamic libraray in xcode for iphone

what is the difference between static and dynamic library in xcode?? and why apple dont allow us to make dynamic lib??? ...

Translate makefile to produce static libxxx.a instead of dynamic libxxx.dylib

I am compiling a library (http://www.antisphere.com/Wiki/tools:anttweakbar) but issuing "make" with its included makefile on my mac produces a dynamic library (.dylib). I would much rather have a static library so that I can deploy it with my app. Is it easy/possible to translate the flags in the makefile to produce a static library? It...

CMake: how to produce binaries "as static as possible"

I would like to have control over the type of the libraries that get found/linked with my binaries in CMake. The final goal is, to generate binaries "as static as possible" that is to link statically against every library that does have a static version available. This is important as would enable portability of binaries across different...

Building and Using a DYLIB in Xcode

I'm trying to build a .dylib in Xcode. Currently the .dylib builds, but when I drag the .dylib into another project and try to #import one of the headers (Seeker.h) in the .dylib, I get this error: *: No such file or directory Seeker.h: No such file or directory The project is available as an Xcode project here. I can confirm...

Conversion between library types

I know how to convert a static library to a dynamic library: gcc -shared -o sofile.so -lafile.a Is there a way to do it the other way around, such as converting a dynamic library to a static library or to an object file? Meaning: I have mydynamiclib.so and I want either it in one big object file myobjectfile.o or one big static librar...

Distribute static/dynamic library to Linux via .deb

I have created a static and dynamic library that I want to distribute. How should I make my .deb file so the headers are put in /usr/include/, the libraries in /usr/lib/, etc. ...