
How do I execute sql text passed as an sp parameter?

I have a stored procedure with an nvarchar parameter. I expect callers to supply the text for a sql command when using this SP. How do I execute the supplied sql command from within the SP? Is this even possible?- I thought it was possible using EXEC but the following: EXEC @script errors indicating it can't find a stored procedur...

Debugging long dynamic sql in SQL Server 2008

Hi, I have some dynamic sql statement which bombs under certain conditions, so I am trying to debug it. it gets built like so: declare @sql varchar(4000); ... select @sql = '<part1>'; ... select @sql = @sql + '<part2>'; ... select @sql = @sql + '<part3>'; ... begin execute(@sql); select @ec__errno = @@error if @ec__errno != 0 b...

constructing dynamic In Statements with sql

Suppose we need to check three boolean conditions to perform a select query. Let the three flags be 'A', 'B' and 'C'. If all of the three flags are set to '1' then the query to be generated is SELECT * FROM Food WHERE Name In ('Apple, 'Biscuit', 'Chocolate'); If only the flags 'A' and 'B' are set to '1' with C set to '0'. Then the fol...

Dynamic access to tables from another database inside an user function

I have an user defined table function in SQL Server that aggregate data from several tables including a couple of tables of another database. That is done hardcoding the name of the database in the queries, but we want to make the database name configurable (because our databases usually share the server with the databases of other appli...

How to join dynamic sql statement in variable with normal statement

I have a quite complicated query which will by built up dynamically and is saved in a variable. As second part i have another normal query and i'd like to make an inner join between these both. To make it a little more easier here is a little example to illustrate my problem. For this little example i used the AdventureWorks database. ...

Debugging dynamic sql + dynamic tables in MS SQL Server 2008.

Hi, I have a messy stored procedure which uses dynamic sql. I can debug it in runtime by adding print @sql; where @sql; is the string containing the dynamic SQL, right before I call execute (@sql);. Now, the multi-page stored procedure also creates dynamic tables and uses them in a query. I want to print those tables to the console ri...

Dynamic SQL to generate column names?

I have a query where I'm trying pivot row values into column names and currently I'm using SUM(Case...) As 'ColumnName' statements, like so: SELECT SKU1, SUM(Case When Sku2=157 Then Quantity Else 0 End) As '157', SUM(Case When Sku2=158 Then Quantity Else 0 End) As '158', SUM(Case When Sku2=167 Then Quantity Else 0 End) As '167' FROM Ord...

What is happening in this T-SQL code? (Concatenting the results of a SELECT statement)

I'm just starting to learn T-SQL and could use some help in understanding what's going on in a particular block of code. I modified some code in an answer I received in a previous question, and here is the code in question: DECLARE @column_list AS varchar(max) SELECT @column_list = COALESCE(@column_list, ',') + 'SUM(Case When Sku...

Getting results in a result set from dynamic SQL in Oracle

This question is similar to a couple others I have found on StackOverflow, but the differences are signficant enough to me to warrant a new question, so here it is: I want to obtain a result set from dynamic SQL in Oracle and then display it as a result set in a SqlDeveloper-like tool, just as if I had executed the dynamic SQL statement...

Dynamic SQL to query an Adventureworks table

I am trying to see a list of tables from Adventureworks DB from "Person" schema in Sql Server 2008. I developed teh following SP, but after running it as follows it gives me error "Incorrect syntax near ')'". Do you know how I can revise this SP or exec statement? CREATE PROCEDURE [getTableNames] @SchemaName VARCHAR(50) AS BEGIN SET ...

Getting 'The argument 1 of the xml data type method "modify" must be a string literal' while inserting a attribute in xml

Trying the following code. But getting 'The argument 1 of the xml data type method "modify" must be a string literal' error. searched alot but cant find any solution for this problem SET @Path = '/@ParentNodeName/@NodeName/child::*' SET @x.modify('insert attribute status {sql:variable("@status")} as first into (' + @Pat...

Is there any Sql Query builder library for .Net?

Something like this. http://code.google.com/p/squiggle-sql/wiki/Tutorial. This is required for cases where It is required to build complex sql from the user input from UI. Currently in the project I am working is using String Manipulation which looks ugly and is difficult to maintain. ...

Dynamically assembling SQL queries in Java

What is the best way to assemble an SQL query with join conditions dynamically? I don't want to hard code the query for each different condition on a webpage or a set of webpages. Is it even feasible? I got as far as being able to assemble simple queries but i got stumped when i needed to insert join conditions, i.e. how to figure out d...

Dynamically changing databases in SQL Server 2000

At work we have a number of databases that we need to do the same operations on. I would like to write 1 SP that would loop over operations and set the database at the beginning of the loop (example to follow). I've tried sp_executesql('USE ' + @db_id) but that only sets the DB for the scope of that stored procedure. I don't really wa...

Run time insert using bulk update ,giving an internal error?

Hi , I am trying to make a run time table named dynamic and inserting data into it from index by table using bulk update,but when i am trying to execute it this error is coming: ERROR at line 1: ORA-06550: line 0, column 0: PLS-00801: internal error [74301 ] declare type index_tbl_type IS table of numb...

Why can't we use strong ref cursor with dynamic SQL Statement?

Hi ALL, I am trying to use a strong ref cur with dynamic sql statment but it is giving out an error,but when i use weak cursor it works,Please explain what is the reason and please forward me any link of oracle server architect containing matter about how compilation and parsing is done in Oracle server. THIS is the error along with co...

SQL Dynamic query for searching

I am working on a problem that I'm certain someone has seen before, but all I found across the net was how not to do it. Fake table example and dynamic searching. (Due to my low rating I cannot post images. I know I should be ashamed!!) Clicking the add button automatically creates another row for adding more criteria choices. (Note...

Is it possible to run an alter on all my database objects to test them

I'm in the course of doing some schema migrations, and would like to know if it's possible or advisable to run every stored procedure, view and function in my database as an alter statement to "compile" them all to make sure nothing is completely broken. ...

Dynamic query runs directly but not through variable, what could be the reason?

Here is my scenario, I'm creating a dynamic query using a select statement which uses functions to generate the query. I am storing it into a variable and running it using exec. i.e. declare @dsql nvarchar(max) set @dsql = '' select @dsql = @dsql + dbo.getDynmicQuery(column1, column2) from Table1 exec(@dsql) Now it produces the many...

How do I get an stored procedure output into a variable inside a function in T-SQL?

I've got a task which can be only accomplished by construction a QUERY at runtime and executing it with sp_executesql. The result has to be a boolean (0/1 integer) value which I need to return as a result of the function. The only way I found to capture an SP's output is "INSERT INTO [table] EXECUTE [sp]" query, but functions forbid thi...