
ibook, stanza like ebook reader app implementation for iphone

Hi, any hints to implement ibook, stanza like iphone app? as ibook used private api then how about stanza, kobo? any documentation or sample code to refer? Thank you all... ...

Spring MVC ebook

Could anyone suggest a good ebook for spring 3 mvc and osgi? thx ...

Best way of creating graphics-heavy, cross-platform, eBooks?

I have been working on converting graphics and layout heavy books (created in Adobe InDesign) into cross-platform eBooks with non-standard functionality (embedded video, audio, interactivity, etc). Exporting from InDesign to EPUB or other similar formats don't seem to work very well with the types of books I work with. There are all ki...

Recommended way to store a book on iPhone?

I'm looking to store an entire book on an iPhone. I wanted to make the book searchable - it's a reference text. I'm also looking to break the book into chapters, or sections, etc. so that I can add a Table of Contents that the user can browse, and click to go straight to a particular chapter. At first I thought about using SQLite to ...

Articles for share point

I am C#.Net developer i like learn share point,where i have to begin , is it possible to learn share point without knowledge of asp.net , and also i need some articles nad ebooks about sharepoint2007 for beginners , how long take to learn share point. ...

Online reader for Adobe Content Server protected books

hi, We are building a web application - library for selling drm protected books in epub and pdf formats. THere should be a feature to read books online without possibility to print them. Does anyone know a component / application (possibly flash) that could be used for online reading, than can interact with drm protected content and als...

How does DRM work for eBooks?

What would be the scheme you recommend to use for an iOS app? Thanks. ...

ebook with mysqli prepared statement

Have somebody some info about ebook witch cover mysqli and prepared statement ... I want it for print not online tutorial... ...