
which version of ucdetector is compatible with easy Eclipse with fedora operating system.

hello friends, I am using the easy eclipse on fedora Linux system. I have to configure the ucdetector with easy eclipse. which version of ucdetector is suitable with this.Please tell me the solution. Thanks in advance.................. ...

Had anyone managed to get amaterasERD working with Aptana Studio?

Hey. Call me dumb but I can not get amaterasERD working with Aptana Studio under OS X.Is this doable? I have Aptana 2.04. I've installed amaterasERD, GEF, EMF, UML2 and AmaterasUMLExtension. No joy. Am I wasting my time? ...

installing eclipse ide 3.5 for android development

i got the error 'org.eclipse.wst.sse.core 0.0.0 missing when i tried to install the adt plugin for android ...

Sysdeo Tomcat DevLoader - Hot deploy of java class causes whole application to restart

Hi, I am using sysdeo tomcat plugin 3.2.1 with eclipse 3.5.1 (Galileo) and tomcat 5.5.23 on windows XP. I can get tomcat plugin working in eclipse, and have extracted into [tomcat]\server\classes. I have also updated the context and now it has this entry: <Context path="/myapp1" reloadable="true" docBase="F:\Work\eclipse_...

How do I get the resources of a working set?

I know that Eclipse working sets are very flexible and customizable. They are made of elements which implement IAdaptable Which can be anything. However, in many (most) cases, working sets are used to define a set of resources. In case these elements can be seen as resources (e.g. IJavaProject), is there a universal (or formal) way to p...

What is the Mac download site for the PLUG-IN version of Eclipse PHP Development Tools (PDT)?

What is the Mac download site for the PLUG-IN version of Eclipse PHP Development Tools (PDT)? I have Adobe CS5 Flash Builder on Eclipse and would like to use the Galileo php as a plug-in. Thank you! ...

Is there an Eclipse C# Highlight, Code Completion plugin

I need an Eclipse 3 plugin for C# syntax highlight and hopefully code completion. I am running both Mac and Windows versions of Eclipse. I have evaluated "Improve C#" but it seems to be not working. ...

can my eclipse rcp and plugins be used by other parties?

Hi all, If I develop my application using eclipse RCP and my own eclipse plugins, can other people copy and paste my plugins and used in other application? thanks ...

Eclipse -vm option trouble

I'm having trouble setting up a new eclipse installation with the -vm option. I'm using the eclipse.ini file below (which has worked in the past). I need this for the m2eclipse plugin. Currently, if I include the -vm option eclipse fails to start. Any idea what the problem is with this? -startup plugins/org.eclipse.equinox.launcher_1.0...

Getting an image into blackberry through webservice

Hi, I would like to know how to get over an image in to blackberry from webservice. I have used the below code in the webservice to encode the image into bytes and convert them in to string byte[] toEncodedBytes = System.Text.ASCIIEncoding.UTF8.GetBytes(pngFile); string strimage = System.Convert.ToBase64String(toEncodedBytes)...

PHP Dev Tools (Eclipse Plugin) -- Installation Error... help?

I have already installed WEb Tools, PyDev, and the default Eclipse installation for Ubuntu 10.04 (using "sudo apt-get install eclipe"). I'm now trying to install PHP dev tools plug-in for Eclipse, and I'm getting this error msg: Cannot complete the install because of a conflicting dependency. Software being installed: PDT SD...

Is there a SWT debugger/spy?

I'm trying to debug my SWT dialog (in an Eclipse plugin.) I'd like to find out why the layout is the way it is, and where the borders are between the controls. I've seen the SWT Spy plugin (, but I'd like something more graphical. I'm basically looking for something similar to the way the WebKit de...

PyDev problem staring project

I have downloaded the zip archive (my only option) and installed it as suggested by unzipping into the dropin folder. When I try to start a project the problem occurs: "Plug-in org.python.pydev was unable to load class org.python.pydev.ui.wizard.project.PythonProjectWizard" I've googled and the only suggestion is to re-download and re-...

is there any Eclipse plug-in for WYSIWYG html editing/creating ?

it's a very easy question maybe, but i can't find any "working" plug in for WYSIWYG (what you see is what you get) HTML editing ,you know like dream weaver i'm developing a web site which is a mix of php and python, coding is comfortable but designing is very hard with out such a plug in thnx :) ...

Temporarily disable Eclipse plugin

Is there a way to disable an Eclipse plugin without actually uninstalling it? (Eclipse 3.3 had a "disable" button but this is now missing from Eclipse 3.4+.) ...

eclipse - one IDE instance for all development platforms ?

Hi, The eclipse installation on my system can so far crank J2SE, Android and PHP projects. Any way to integrate "Carbide" and "badaide" into the same eclipse installation ? It is pretty annoying having 3 eclipse installations only for the different flavours. Thanks ...

Can I package my Eclipse extension so the right version is automatically installed?

Is there a way to build an Eclipse Update Site so that Eclipse 3.3 will install one version of my plug-in while Eclipse 3.4 will install another version? The feature spec allows for "optional included features" but I can't see how to make them conditional on the version of the target. Background: I've become responsible for an Eclipse e...

How to extend the Eclipse Java Editor to add coloured overlays

I have an idea for an Eclipse plugin which I've been toying with. I need to be able to extend the Eclipse Java Editor component and add coloured overlays to the code based on pluggable external metrics. Unfortunately there doesn't appear to be any kind of syntax highlighting extension point. Does anyone know how I might be able to exten...

Problem Installing older TestNG plugin on Eclipse 3.5

I'm trying to install TestNG 5.11 on eclipse 3.5 and gettign the following. eclipse.buildId=unknown java.version=1.6.0_19 java.vendor=Sun Microsystems Inc. BootLoader constants: OS=win32, ARCH=x86, WS=win32, NL=no_NO Framework arguments: -product org.eclipse.epp.package.jee.product Command-line arguments: -os win32 -ws win32 -arch x86...

[Java SWT] Eclipse plug-in binding CTRL+SPACE not working

Hello all I've to update an eclipse plug-in (an editor) from Eclipse 3.4.0 to 3.5.1 (Galileo). There is a problem with the content assist. Where I type CTRL+SPACE, nothing happen. But when I change the binding of CTRL+SPACE to another binding in Eclipse (Preferences->Keys), it works (CTRL+SPACE works for my editor). Here is the Liste...