
Creating an SVN repository from an eclipse java project

I'm creating a project under eclipse that is to be shared by several developers. The instructions I found for creating an svn repository said to: svnadmin create /var/svn/draw create a directory with my project on the server, make directories under it including trunk put all code under trunk. I copy in all the code, which is in src/ ...

Modeling software using Eclipse plugin

Hey all, I am brand new to modeling software (my greatest reference so far has been the Wikipedia page on UML). Are there any free tools that I can use with Eclipse to auto-generate diagrams? Thanks EDIT:Just to clarify, I am not necessarily looking for the 'right' solution, as I don't have a specific problem. I am just trying to s...

Google App Engine: WARNING: failed Server@3d484a8a: Address already in use

I just started learning about servers, and I am messing around with Google's App Engine. I am trying to get through App Engine's tutorial located here using Eclipse on Mac, but I am getting a problem that reads: Jun 24, 2010 4:35:08 PM info INFO: Logging to JettyLogger(null) via

Eclipse Spring IDE 2.3.2 plug-in vs. SpringSource Tool Suite 2.3.2

I'd like to play around with Spring for an upcoming JEE project. Is there any difference between the Eclipse Spring IDE 2.3.2 plug-in (in the new Eclipse Marketplace) and the SpringSource Tool Suite (available at SpringSource). More precisely: In my understanding, the Tool Suite is basically Eclipse 3.5 with a set of plug-ins. So the qu...

Eclipse XML editor in Flash Builder

Eclipse (at least the JDT package) comes with a pretty decent XML editor. Flash Builder (based on Eclipse), however, does not. Is there a way to install this XML editor into Flash Builder as a plugin? ...

Eclipse, Birt report tool

type Exception report message description The server encountered an internal error () that prevented it from fulfilling this request. exception javax.servlet.ServletException: java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: javax/servlet/jsp/tagext/TagSupport org.apache.jasper.servlet.JspServlet.service( javax.servlet.htt...

Eclipse Galileo Birt

While clicking on the Preview button or running the report in the web viewer Following ERROR is arising. cannot be cast to Caused by: java.lang.ClassCastException:

Using (Java) Eclipse abilities in other programming language

I use Eclipse mainly for LSL (linden Scripting language). The plug-in for this language does not provide things like templates or task-tag recognition. Is there any way that these kind of features in LSL-files (or any other generic file/code for that matter) can be used? ...

Eclipse Class Count Lines Plugin?

I need a plugin that can count the lines of code that a particular class uses. This includes the code within the particular class, and the number of lines of code in all the classes that it uses as well. (If it has an object from another class, the lines of code in that class need to be counted as well). I've found plugins that tell me a...

Generate webservice stub from wsdl in Java

I am working on eclipse plugin which will have a wizard. This wizard will be available form example from context menu while mouse right click on Java editor. The wizard will be responsible for collecting such information as: location of WSDL filePackage name When the wizard finishes, I would like to have stub of a webservice described...

How to launch minimal eclipse?

This my seem a little odd but I want to start eclipse (v3.5) in the most minimal version possible. Pherhaps just the core and the ui component without anything else. I'm new to eclipse Plugin Development so I don't really know if this is possible at all? I googled this topic but there seems to be no useful info out there. Perhaps someon...

Eclipse plugin for code generation

I have several classes like in the following example: abstract class AClass { boolean validate(){ return true; } } When another class extends AClass, I do it like this: class BClass extends AClass { @Override boolean validate() { if (!super.validate()) { return false; } // TODO validate return true...

Import GData library for use with Google App Engine

Hi everyone I'm having hard time trying to figure out how to import a Gdata library into my eclipse build to use with Google App Engine(Java) ...

Correction depends on Java Coding Standard

I use CheckStyle Plug-in for make my codes fit Java Coding Standard.The programme has lacking ability as the programme doesn't correct the errors on-time.I want to a programme which make my code correct on-time.Suppose that,I'm writing code then the plug-in warns me this line of code doesn't suitable for Java Coding Standard.In CheckStyl...

[Plugins] Eclipse & Sharepoint.

Hello All, I wanted to check with you guys if anyone knows an Eclipse plugin that can integrate SharePoint onto it. I did a lot of research and couldn't find any. Thanks a lot in advance! Regards. ...

Ligthweight SQL editor for Eclipse (Helios)

Is there any simple SQL editor plugin for Eclipse? By simple I mean, the editor does NOT connect to any DB, does syntax highlighting and preferably formatting sql is a bonus. ...

ColdFusion debugging problem in Eclipse (Break points not hit)

Hi, I am trying to get the debugger (CF extension for Eclipse) working for last few hours. And struck in strange situation. My settings are listed below ColdFusion 8 Eclipse 3.4 I set up the RDS & modified the JVM.config settings and verified the connection & debugger, both returns successful in test run. But When i attach a debugg...

Why when i am closing a JFrame window that was launched from an Eclipse plugin the whole Eclipse framework stops also?

I have created an Eclipse plugin that adds a button at the menu bar and when you click the button a new Java GUI applications is starting(the application was implemented with the support of awt and swing library frameworks). My problem is that when i am closing the Java GUI application(click the "X" icon at up-right) then the Eclipse fra...

Adding eclipse UI form to a AbstractDecoratedTextEditor

I am trying to add a form in the lower half of text area in AbstractDecoratedTextEditor but the form shows up in the right half of the editor by default. Is there a way to have the form displayed in the lower half of the editor without writing a text editor from scratch and adding the text area and form in a grid layout ? This is the cla...

Architecture-Specific Eclipse Plug-in Fragments

I need to target both win32.x86 and win32.x86_64 architectures when building an RCP plug-in that uses OS.getRegOpenKey(...). The types of the arguments for the method are different for the two architectures. I understand now that there is no straightforward way to have an x86 or x86_64 fragment (depending upon the build) override a met...