
Exception seem in an eclipse GMF application when file not present in workspace

I am developing a GMF application . In this situation , I start my workspace and load a file in the workspace . Then I close the workspace and then delete the file from the workspace . After that, I try to restart my application and restore the workspace . Of course , now since the file does not exist , there are going to be exceptions ...

Problems with Data Explorer in RCP application

I embedded the Birt Report Designer in my RCP application, and I am able to open and save report designs easily, but there are some problems with the Data Explorer View. None of the New... menu items appear in the context menu (all of the other context menu items appear). For example Data Sources should have a menu item "New Data Sourc...

Microsoft equivalent of Eclipse RCP

I have heard positive things about Eclipse RCP (Rich Client Platform) - does Microsoft has similar plugin UI framework available? I found an article from the marketing director where he states: "An organization that is 100% Microsoft probably won't/shouldn't consider Eclipse RCP." A colleague pointed out that this artic...

Eclipselink read complex object model in an ordered way

Hi, I need to read a complex model in an ordered way with eclipselink. The order is mandantory because it is a huge database and I want to have an output of a small portion of the database in a jface tableview. Trying to reorder it in the loading/quering thread takes too long and ordering it in the LabelProvider blocks the UI thread too...

RCP update site for multiple platforms

I've got an RCP application built for several platforms. The target with delta pack is set OK, Product Export Wizard works OK, PDE ant build works OK. But the Update Site project creates the updates only for the single platform - the one I use for development actually (win32). I expect the update site to include all the dependencies from...

Eclipse warning: "<methodName> has non-API return type <parameterizedType>"

My co-worker and I have come across this warning message a couple times recently. For the below code: package; import com.mycompany.product.dao.GenericDAO; public abstract class EntityBean { public abstract GenericDAO<Object, Long> getDAO(); // ^^^^^^ <-- W...

Eclipse RCP File Explorer

Is there a good Eclipse RCP file explorer out there? I need a platform independent file explorer which should be extensible through plugins. I only found File Arranger , wich seems to be outdated. I just ask cause i want to develop such an explorer, but it wouldn't make sense if there is already a solution out there. ...

Datanucleus 2.x AND Eclipse RCP 3.4

Hi, ANYONE using Datanucleus ( with ECLIPSE RCP? Eclipse DOES NOT recognize Datanucleus has a PLUGIN, with versions of DN newer than 1.1.0m3 :-( The JARS i currently use, and the LAST ONES being recognized has plugins by eclipse (copied directly to \eclipse\plugins folder) are from datanucleus-accessplatfor...

Need to validate a scientific spreadsheet written in Java

I need a validation framework, for an app written in Java, Eclipse RCP. The UI is a simple spreadsheet with many input fields and many output fields. The user input needs to be validated, for example: Thresholds for numerical fields Required fields for certain operations Context-sensitive help based on the validation results Multi-fie...

Are the contents of a fragment visible outside the host plugin?

I have never worked with plug-in fragments before. I thought that by creating a new class within a fragment and exporting the package that contains it in the fragment's manifest, I'd be able to access that class from another plug-in that already has a dependency on the host plug-in. However, I cannot seem to make this work. Are the conte...

Why does first call to,String,File) take 5 seconds on Citrix?

While debugging slow startup of an Eclipse RCP app on a Citrix server, I came to find out that,String,File) is taking 5 seconds. It does this only on the first execution and only for certain user accounts. Specifically, I am noticing it Citrix anonymous user accounts. I have not tried many other types of ...

Eclipse plugin development for Eclipse

Hi, how do I start to develop a plugin for Eclipse? I need a tool which isn't out there yet for my further development... so my main concerns are: -How to add a perspective? -How to add menu items? -How to add a view into the "Show Views" menu? -How to add to the preference pane? -How do I get information, like * where is the work...

Can't finish Eclipse Plug-in Project Wizard when choosing RCP

I'm trying create a RCP Application with Eclipse, but I can't get past the 'Content' screen of the New Plug-in Project Wizard. When I select 'yes' for "Rich Client Application, Would you like to create a rich client application" it disables the Next and the Finish Button. I first thought it is due to my target platform which is Eclips...

How to do keybinding in eclipse rcp?

How to do keybinding in eclipse RCP? I mean how to use key sequences in your Ctrl + something or Alt + something.....? ...

Remove items from SWT tables

This is more of an answer I'd like to share for the problem I was chasing for some time in RCP application using large SWT tables. The problem is the performance of SWT Table.remove(int start, int end) method. It gives really bad performance - about 50msec per 100 items on my Windows XP. But the real show stopper was on Vista and Window...

How to interrupt Eclipse RCP shutdown

I have a plugin into an eclipse rcp application. I need to detect a scenario whenever a particular perspective is closed or if the application is closed and based on the outcome, I may need to cancel the closing of the app or perspective. If I had access to the application's WorkbenchAdvisor class, this would be trivial. As a plugin t...

How to attach a combobox in a status line in eclipse rcp application.

I want to insert a combobox with 3 messages in my status bar in eclipse rcp application.Please tell me how to do it. ...

how to register a selectionProvider for the Viewer from a superclass

I have a View which extends a View provided by another plugin like this: public class View2 extends some.other.package.View1 { public void createPartControl(Composite parent) { super.createPartControl(parent); //I want to do this, but I can't because its private //getSite().setSelectionProvider(tre...

Eclipse building - exclude from jar packaging but include into final product...

Hi, I am using a Derby local (embedded) database for one of my RCP projects. The database is located within the project folder structure in eclipse and is checked to be included in the build. My folder structure in Eclipse is: projectname I I- src I I- database I I I I-project database here I I I- icons ... The Eclipse...

Web-based clients vs thick/rich clients?

My company is a software solutions provider to a major telecommunications company. The environment is currently IBM WebSphere-based with front-end IBM Portal servers talking to a cluster of back-end WebSphere Application Servers providing EJB services. Some of the portlets use our own home-grown MVC-pattern and some are written in JSF. ...