
Two Eclipse UI Form sections that grab excess vertical space and fold properly?

I'm trying to create an Eclipse Form that has three foldable sections, one fixed size and two others that should grab all the remaining vertical space in the editor window so, that when one of the bottom sections is folded, the other one would fill all the available space. I have read the forms article, tried many variations of grabExce...

How to communicate between views in Eclipse RCP?

In Eclipse RCP, I am creating views for the Perspective using IPageLayout.addView(...) But this way I don't have a reference to the view. Therefore I don't know how I can tell ViewA to update ViewB. What's the best pattern to use here? ...

How to add a menu by Right clicking a particular object in the GUI? (In Eclipse RCP)

I wanted to add a right click menu, by selecting a column in my GUI. Any suggestions how to do it? ...

Buckminster RCP simple project materialization

After watching the webinar, skimming over the BuckyBook PDF, and following the Eclipse RCP build tutorial, I still don't know how to materialize a simple RCP plug-in project from CVS into an eclipse workspace. Does anyone have an example with a CQUERY and an RMAP file, for a simple one project workspace? ...

Eclipse 3.5: Implementing my own context menu for a MultipageEditorPart --> no viewer involved

Hello! :-) In my current RCP-project i use a MultipageEditorPart. It has various pages, with simple SWT composites on it. The composites contain some Text and Combo elements. When the user right clicks onto the editor page, I want a context menu to open. This menu holds a command for creating a new editor page, with a composite on it. ...

Best way to build update site for RCP app

I have an RCP app, consisting of: A main plugin A "framework" plugin A product definition file The product definition file lives in the main plug-in (is this a bad idea?). The product definition is based on "plug-ins", and has a dependency upon all the plug-ins in the workspace. Now, I want the user of the RCP app to be able to upda...

How to order actions in menus in Eclipse RCP

If I add action within an extension point thus: <action class="com.mycompany.MyAction" id="mycompany.myaction.MyAction" menubarPath="actions" /> How can I control its ordering programatically? It looks like they are simply ordered alphabetically according to their ID. I don't want to have to gi...

Confused about IAdaptable with IActionFilters

I'm confuse about IAdaptable and related classes. Which class is the adapter, the adaptee, the adaptable type? [Context] I have a context menu for entries of a table/tree viewer. Certain actions in the context menu must not be visible depending on the state of the respective object in the viewer (i.e. attribute value of a row in the ta...

Confusion over Eclipse SWT ViewPart and its Toolbars?

I followed roughly the recipe in this blog entry Which looks like that the image appears left to the minimize/maximize icons The thing is, if I don't assign an image to the action, then the item doesn't appear in the header, but in a separate to...

Why do you have to define dependencies twice in Eclipse RCP?

I have an Eclipse RCP plug-in project, called proj.a. I have another Eclipse RCP plug-in project, proj.b, which has a product definition file in it. This project uses depends on the proj.a plug-in. When I change proj.a, say to include JUnit tests, the dependency to JUnit is automatically added to the build path of proj.a. But when I ...

selectionChanged() of IActionDelegate in not getting invoked

I have an action class which I would like to enable depending on the file extension. I have written this logic in the selectionChanged() of the action class. But when I start my eclipse, and click on the file for the context menu, this method is not getting called. And when I click on any action, there after any click on the file invoke...

nested Composite in MultipageEditorpart doesn't react on mouse listener...

Hi! :-) I have an RCP - Projekt where i add some swt composites to a MultipageEditorpart as pages. I added a mouseListener to the Compositeclass, but when i click on the Editor... nothing happens. What am i doing wrong? ...

Unable to draw Composite in OwnerDrawLabelProvider

I have a TableViewer widget with a single column, where each row in the table's contents is a Composite with a number of child widgets. The column has a label provider that is a subclass of OwnerDrawLabelProvider. The label provider is supposed to render the Composite children in the table cell, but when paint() is called, nothing is r...

Session management between thick client and server?

My application is a Eclipse Rich Client and I would like to add authentication and authorization features to. My Users and roles are stored in a database and my application also has a web based admin console which lets me manage users and roles. I am leveraging Spring security on this admin console. So here's my requirement: I would ...

IAdapterFactory for expensive adaptable?

In our RCP application we have views which require a C, and use an IAdapterFactory to get there from an A and B. The problem is that while A->C is fast, B->C is much slower (e.g., a database or file-system look-up) and should be done in a UI job. We thought about using a CProxy or LightweightC and asking the proxy or a service for the ...

Eclipse RCP or e4 to build GUI for desktop application?

I have a Java desktop application running from the command line. I need to put a rich GUI on it and Eclipse RCP would be ideal, except there are some problems with it - especially the learning curve. The Eclipse RCP book is out of date (written for Eclipse 3.1). I don't know how up-to-date and complete other resources for learning Ecl...

How can I embed Clojure in an RCP application

I am currently using javascript to add scripting to an Eclipse RCP application, but I would prefer to be able to use Clojure. However, I have run into classpath difficulties because while Eclipse can find the Clojure classes, Clojure itself can't. The plugin activator's start method: public void start(BundleContext context) throws Exce...

Launching an SWT window/process from an RCP app

Ok, I have a(n) RCP application (that I didn't write), and an application I've developed using just SWT. What I want to do is basically import and launch the main method of the SWT application with arguments, such that it runs in another window, like it's another process. The argument I want to pass is a complex data structure that I d...

Eclipse RCP app with MVC

Is MVC achievable in RCP? If so, what frameworks are out there to achieve MVC in an Eclipse RCP app? ...

Recommendation for Rich Client Platform for CRUD application

I will develop a desktop application for asset tracking. I am considering Eclipse RCP and Netbeans Platform. I have only Swing experience but SWT will not be a problem for me. One more option is developing with flex on Adobe Air. I know flex but no air experience (they are much similar) Speed which one is faster to develop as a RAD Le...