
Eclipse RCP: Right aligned search field in toolbar

Hi, I would like to have a right aligned search field in the toolbar of an Eclipse RCP application. I already created the text field as ControlContribution and the respective search action in the ActionBarAdvisor class: protected void fillCoolBar(ICoolBarManager coolBar) { IToolBarManager toolbar = new ToolBarManager(SWT.FLAT | SWT.R...

Using JFace databinding with Hibernate: is this possible?

Our project is an Eclipse RCP application using Hibernate as an ORM. I recently learned about JFace databinding, in which the GUI and data models can be synchronized automagically. I put together a short test implementation along the lines of Lars Vogel's excellent JFace Data Binding Tutorial and was fairly impressed with the framework...

How to create new Eclipse RCP project using maven2?

How to create new Eclipse RCP project using maven2 (preferably m2eclipse)? I read that there's plug-in for Maven that have idea about Eclipse. (Maven Eclipse Plugin) And then it looks like I need to find some Maven Archetype to create Eclipse RCP project, but I could not. At this point I am in doubt if I go right way. I just want to u...

How to find components within IWorkbenchPart?

I'm writing a plugin for a poorly-documented Eclipse RCP application and I need to add a listener to what I believe is a TreeViewer within a view. I have access to the IWorkbenchPart representing the view, but how can I get the TreeViewer it contains? I'd guess I need a method to return the child components (i.e. something equivalent t...

How to initialize a toggle button's selection state in a view's toolbarin an eclipse rcp

I contributed a toggle-style toolbar contribution to my view in my RCP. Now, i want to know how to set the button's state (since it's a toggle button) from my view. Or, at least, how to initialize it's state after the view is loaded (the toggle state can vary, its not static) I tried to call from my view: getViewSite().getActionBars().g...