
How can I add the external jar to the eclipse rcp application?

I tried to add the apache vfs jar file as the runtime dependency. Even though it throws the below error: java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: org.apache.commons.vfs.VFS at org.eclipse.osgi.internal.loader.BundleLoader.findClassInternal( at org.eclipse.osgi.internal.loader.BundleLoader.findClass(BundleLoader.ja...

Adding External jar ti the eclipse rcp

First I have created the plug-in project using "plug-in from existing jar archive". and I added this plug-in in my eclipse rcp application through "plug-in.xml --> dependencies --> required plugins --> add . When i doing so and run the application, it not even recognise the eclipse core apis and it throws the error like: !SESSION 2009-...

change type of fields in emf editor

Hello, I'm using EMF to let the user create a model using a generated editor. In the editor properties, in one of the properties of the model I want the user to click on "..." button instead of using string value. after he clicks the "..." button i will open a dialog that I created for him to pick from a list. How do I change the proper...

How to use viewActions with Commands?

Hi, I've learned that actions in Eclipse-RCP should not be used and instead commands should be used. The problem is if I try to use the ExtensionPoint org.eclipse.ui.viewActions(makes little icons on top of views, see Image) only Actions can be defined there. Is there a way to use commands with this ExtensionPoint? If that is no...

Where to store "global" data in Eclipse RCP Application?

I'm a beginner with Eclipse RCP and I'm trying to build an application for myself to give it a go. I'm confused about how one actually goes about handling model objects. None of the examples I can find deal with the problem I'm having, so I suspect I'm going about it the wrong way. Say I need to initialise the application with a class t...

regenerate ecore after schema changes

Hello, I have a schema in xsd file. once in a while a new version of the schema is created, and I need to update my .ecore (and .genmodel). How do I update them, without deleting them and re-generate them. I have made some manual modification to the ecore, and i want to keep this modifications. Ido. ...

Where should Eclipse third-party plugins be stored?

We have an Eclipse RCP product, which means it depends on a number of Eclipse plugins (for the UI etc). We have set up a reference Eclipse ("target") to supply the latter. Our product also depends on a number of third party plugins. Is there a standard location for these to be put? We have a few of our third-party plugins in the /plugi...

Finding a process from Java

In Java or via some Eclipse plugin, is it possible to find a process by name without dropping down to native code? Specifically, I want to determine if a web browser is running and let the user know they may need to restart the browser. I know native code is always an option but I want to avoid setting up another JNI library if I can av...

Eclipse Editor Plugin: please how to obtain the raw text calling somthing like .getActiveEditor().getEditorInput()

Hello, please can you help me to catch the buffered text present into the editor, I have this code: System.out.println( Workbench.getInstance().getActiveWorkbenchWindow().getActivePage().getActiveEditor().getTitle() ); System.out.println( Workbench.getInstance().getActiveWorkbenchWindow().getActivePage().getActiveEditor().getEditorInput...

Eclipse RCP: Using different JUnit version (4.3.1) than shipped with eclipse galileo (4.5.0)

Hallo, I have the following situation: We are developing an Eclipse RCP Application and want to switch from Eclipse 3.4 to Eclipse 3.5. Our JUnit-Tests are using JUnit 4.3.1 and we have a launch configuration to start our test suite. I think I don't need to go into more details here. The problem is: Running the tests with Eclipse 3....

Removing popUpMenus from CNF (Common Navigator Framework) in Eclipse.

Hello all, I have been partially successful at removing almost all the popUp menus from the Commons Navigator Framework simply by configuring the plugin.xml file. There are 2 menus that refuse to go: group.edit and group.reorganize. My plugin.xml config looks like this: <extension point="org.eclipse.ui.navigator.viewer"...

Plugin: how to get all the types available in my eclipse Workspace?

Hi, I'm writing an eclipse plugin, and I want to get all the types that are available in my workspace, like when pressing Ctrl+Shift+T, but in a list or array. How can I do it? ...

Eclipse perspective switcher as in google chrome or riena

Hi! Does someone know how to implement eclipse perspective switcher so that each perspective shows as a separate tab on top of the window? Menubar should be inside tab content, below tabs, as seen in google chrome. I saw Replacing the Perspective-Switcher in RCP apps and Creating your own Perspective-Switcher - A first try but it...

create a new java file in eclipse plugin

I'm creating an eclipse plug-in. I have a string with java code, and I want to save this code to a project. I used the IFile to create my file. Is there another way that is better for saving java code? Ido ...

Eclipse RCP: How to access internal classes of plugins?

I want to use the default XML editor (org.eclipse.wst.xml.ui) of Eclipse in an RCP application. I need to read the DOM of the xml file currently open. The plugin doesn't offer any extension point, so I'm trying to access the internal classes. I am aware that the I should not access the internal classes, but I don't have another option. ...

Can I add a multipageeditor to a multipageeditor

I have an EMF project and i want to use the editor from the emf inside a multipageeditor i have created. Can I do it? or should I change the multipageeditor from the emf to regular editorpart (keep just one editor) ...

How Do You Upgrade From Eclipse Ganymede to Eclipse Galileo?

I have written an RCP application that contains numerous plugin-ins I have created using Ganymede version 3.4.2. I want to start using Galileo. When I try to execute my RCP application from the Workspace I created using Ganymede I get lots of errors like the following: !SESSION 2009-09-09 10:41:33.907 --------------------------------...

Vertical ruler in RCP applications

Eclipse text editors has this nice vertical rulers at both sides where bookmarks and annotations are shown with little dots, so that you navigate real quick to the line. I've got to do something similar, but not with the text editor, - with some large list or a table. How would you go about it? Is there anything in eclipse RCP I can re-u...

Disable plugin contributions in eclipse RCP Application

Hi - I frequently had this problem and didn't find a solution yet: Whenever I write a new eclipse RCP based application and include plugins from the eclipse platform, I 'inherit' UI contributions from some of those plugins. Most of this contributions (Menu entries, keyboard shortcuts, property pages) are useful but sometimes I'd rather ...

How to adjust the width of master details screen ratio in Eclipse RCP?

I am using MasterDetailsBlock on my FormPage. I would like to adjust the screen width for the master and details part of the form. I had been searching around and haven't found a way to do it. The documentation seems to suggest it is doable through the SashForm, but I do not see how. It will be great if I can use percentage ratio, like ...