
Eclipse "this compilation unit is not on the build path of a java project"

Hey, The problem is I cant get autocompletion to work on eclipse. Im working on the project on svn. I set up projet in eclipse by going into File->Import->Checkout As a Project->New Project Wizard. I choose Enterprise Java Application and its being downloaded. And everything seems to work fine exept I dont get autocompletion but message...

Package not found in jsp

i have added new project in my workspace which is having 2 projects A and B respectively. now i have added third project C in build path as well as in project reference of A. i am using some package* of C in Project A's test.jsp but while importing* package i am getting error as Package not found. how i can access package ...

Is there a styleguide for developing SWT applications?

I'm not a proficient GUI developer, and I have no talent for design. Is there a comprehensive style guide for developing SWT applications? I'm especially interested in standards for developing layouts, what margins and spacing between controls to use, font sizes and stuff like that. ...

Installing an Eclipse Plugin that you've compiled from Source?

I've successfully compiled js-test-driver plugin from source ( and I am attempting to install it on Eclipse 3.5.1 Galileo. I understand how to install a plugin from an update site; I even understand how to install a plugin from an Archive. But what is the trick to installing a plugin ...

Compiling JS-Test-Driver Plugin and Installing it on Eclipse 3.5.1 Galileo?

I downloaded the source of the js-test-driver from: It compiles just fine, but one of the unit tests fails: [junit] Tests run: 1, Failures: 1, Errors: 0, Time elapsed: 0.012 sec [junit] Test FAILED I am using: - ANT ...

Eclipse RCP - Editor in Perspective

How would I go about inserting an editor inside of a perspective? ...

Insert code template in eclipse on mac os x (ctrl-space not working)

How can insert code template in eclipse on mac os x? ctrl-space is not working :( ...

Require() and include() not working in Eclipse for code assist and autocomplete

I just started using Eclipse PHP. I finally figured out how to turn on auto complete code assist. My problem is that when I use require or include, those variables in those files aren't showing up. Example, code1.php <? $test = 'hi'; ?> code2.php <? require('code1.php'); ?> When I am editing code2.php, $test variable doesn't sh...

Eclipse shortcut for commenting jsp, xml code

In IDEA, we can comment/uncomment lines in java as well as html,jsp, xml files with the same keyboard shortcut combination. I tried doing that in eclipse but was not able to comment out lines in html,jsp and xml files. Is there a way to do it in Eclipse? Also I would like to know whether bulk comment is also available for non-java files....

Create Eclipse Project from Android Git

I've downloaded one of the open source Android Applications (the music application) from the Android git, and I'm trying to create a new project from the source. Creating a new project using that existing source doesn't work giving me an "invalid description error". Any help? ...

How can I tell Eclipse to warn me when I compare Strings with == instead of .equals()

I know that when comparing Strings, you should use .equals() not == and I understand the reasons for this. However I do sometimes forget and compare strings with == by mistake. I would like it if Eclipse (being much smarter than me), would warn me by doing one or more of the following: Underlining my mistake with a wiggly red line and ...

Eclipse: How can I make Ctrl+F11 work no matter which file is being edited?

Ctrl+F11 is the "Run" keyboard shortcut in Eclipse. But for me, that only works if a Main class is active in the editor. For any of the other 100+ java files in my workspace, eclipse pops up a dialog, complaining "Editor does not contain a main type". This makes the Ctrl+F11 shortcut nearly useless. I either have to press Ctrl+Alt+T, n...

Configure Eclipse to use VS.Net shortcuts?

I've started doing some Python Programming using Eclipse. However, I'm a .Net programmer and I'm use to the keyboard shortcuts in VS.Net 2008. Is there any quick way to reconfigure VS.Net to use the visual studio shortcuts. I've found this other question, but the suggested methods don't work. I've installed CDT and selected the Visua...

Scala project does not automatically build in Eclipse

I copied the examples folder from to the src folder of a scala project. But the source files will not compiled unless I change them manually. "Project/Build automatically" is checked. I'm using the Scala Eclipse Plugin 2.7.7-final How can I achieve that this works like in java projects? ...

SVN client integration into Eclipse

I had integrated a Subclipse plugin into the Eclipse to perform SVN related operations. I had successfully checked-in, checked-out and commited my project to the SVN. But now when I am trying to commit or update my project, it is showing the following error org.tigris.subversion.javahl.ClientException: Unsupported working copy format ...

when developing using eclipse or netbeans, do you use phpmyadmin to admin mysql?

When developing using eclipse or NetBeans, do you use phpmyadmin to admin MySQL, or is there a plugin that makes things more integrated? ...

How to use a compiled Clojure class in Eclipse with Counterclockwise

I created a basic hello world class in eclipse with clojure and counterclockwise and I'm able to compile it with clojure no problem. (ns ca.ckovacs.test.helloWorld (:gen-class)) (defn -main [greetee] (println (str "Hello " greetee "!"))) I see that this generates three classes in my /classes folder: helloWorld__init.class...

Eclipse J2EE plugin

I want an Eclipse J2EE plugin which I can install directly from Eclipse. I searched about it on Google and found some ones but couldn't figure out how to download them directly from Eclipse. One plugin I found was WTP but couldn't find the location of the WTP repository that I can enter in the Eclipse's Software Update tool. I am usin...

C++ IDE for Linux and Integration with Source Code Control Systems

Possible Duplicate: C++ IDE for Linux? I usually program on Windows with Visual Studio, and I use Perforce for Source code control. Recently I ported a large application (250 kLOC) to Linux and was looking for something similar to Visual Studio to program in on Linux. What I wanted in the C++ IDE was three things: integrated s...

Using Eclipse for C programming?

I want to examine and modify some open source programs written in C. Is it sensible to use Eclipse for this purpose? If so, what plugins should I add? What "gotchas" should I be aware of? If not, what FOSS C IDEs do you recommend for coding C on a linux box? Emacs, while undeniably powerful, is not to my taste (I'm more a mouser than a...