
Adding method/variable declarations to org.eclipse.jdt.core.dom.CompilationUnit

Hi, i am trying to add method or variable declarations to org.eclipse.jdt.core.dom.CompilationUnit, but I can't figure out how to achieve that. If I am using CompilationUnit.types().add(...) the element is added as a sibling, not as a child element. I've really searched a lot now, but I don't believe it's such a big deal. Thanks for ...

Why eGet() in EMF returns Object rather than EObject?

I am working on some code using the EMF framework in Java, but it is really hard to use, e.g. I cannot implement OCL-like query API on top of EMF which would be type-safe. One of the reasons is that eGet() for a EStructuralFeature return just an Object, not EObject. So anything I would write must use much of null checking, type checking ...

How do I configure Eclipse's Subversion config file to use my private-key?

Hi, I'm using Eclipse and the Subversive for SVN control, in Windows. I've also installed TortoiseSVN. The SVN repository I'm using is utilizing a svn+ssh scheme, and there is no way to change that. Now, there's a file in %APPDATA%\Subversion\config that I need to edit to perform SVN interaction in Eclipse without typing in the passwor...

Eclipse: How can I set the {user} variable ?

I'm using Eclipse (v3.5.2 to be exact), and the several of the plugins I'm using use the {user} field to populate various things (for instance, Egit puts the username and email address in commits, and the StatEt plugin for R puts the username as the Authour tags in roxygen Rd doc files.) However, On my system my username is meaningless ...

Eclipse Memory usuage in Windows Vs Linux..

Can someone please give me the details about the Eclipse memory usage in Windows XP and Linux? I heard Eclipse consumes less memory in Linux compared to Windows? Is it true? What ever the OS is, IDE will look for some amount memory so how will it vary with OS? Related Question: Eclipse memory use ...

How to install the GlassFish 3 server adapter with Eclipse Helios 3.6

Question as stated in the title: how to install the GlassFish Server Adapter on Eclipse Helios 3.6? ...

(Error) GlassFish: publishModule kind= 3 deltaKind=2 1 WebApp

I run Eclipse 1.6.0, and Glassfish V3 back end. The program run fine, the console give no error. However the error log always show this weird error. The application name is WebApp GlassFish: publishModule kind= 3 deltaKind=2 1 WebApp An exception stack trace is not available. Here is the Session Data eclipse.buildId=unknown java...

My delete key won't work in Eclipse in OS X.

My delete key isn't working in Eclipse in OS X. However, Shift-Delete deletes. Delete works elsewhere, so a setting must have been unwittingly changed. Any idea what it is or how to fix it? Restarting Eclipse didn't help. ...

Project in Eclipse that builds a jar used by another project in Eclipse

I have several projects open in Eclipse. One of them is the main app, and others build jars used by that main app. How do I make it so that when I hit F3 on a method call in the main app that it takes me to the source in the other project instead of taking me to the class file in the Libraries list? I got it so that it shows me the so...

Newbie - eclipse workflow (PHP development)

Hi all - this is a bit of a newbie question but hoping I can get some guidance. I've been playing around with Eclipse for a couple months yet I'm still not completely comfortable with my setup and it seems like every time I install it to a new system I end up with different results. What I'm hoping to achieve is (I think) fairly standa...

how do I get eclipse to use a different compiler version for Java?

It seems like this should be a simple task, with the options in the Preferences menu for different JREs and the ability to set different compiler and build paths per project. However, it also seems to simply not work. For example, I have my JAVA_HOME set to a jre for Java 1.6. It's still not clear to me how Eclipse uses this, but it app...

How to propagate .java file change to .class under eclipse, tomcat & stripes

Hi, i'm new to java and i got some problems. i'm developping a web application using the framework stripes on tomcat 6.0. I'm working with eclipse EE on windows. i successfully managed to get the stripes example application (called Bugzooky) up and running on my tomcat server. I imported the .war file and stripes libs in Eclipse. Here is...

Using Subversive to move the head back one revision

Using Eclipse/Subversive I commanded it to delete a branch of mine. Unfortunately it also took the liberty of wiping out my trunk folder. SVN isn't my strong suit so I am trying to figure out how to get Subversive to move it's head back one revision so the trunk/branch that was deleted re-appears again. Anyone have any ideas? Thanks! ...

Why does eclipse break when the .project file is hidden?

Why does eclipse break with the error "Could not write file: M:\workspaces\eclipse\project.project. M:\workspaces\eclipse\project.project (Access is denied)" when the .project file is hidden (on the Windows file system)? Note: This happens w/ other files as well. Steps to Reproduce: 1. Install the latest eclipse, I am using eclipse-jee-...

How to use EMF to read XML file?

EMF = Eclipse Modeling Framework I have to use EMF in one of my class projects. I am trying to understand how to use EMF to do the following: Read XML, Get the values into objects. Use ORM to persist the values in objects to database. - Done Get data from database using ORM and generate XML. I need to do all of that using: EMF (no ...

Eclipse Galileo won't start after OS X update to 10.6.3

Hi All, I have just updated os x to 10.6.3 and no Eclipse won't start the logs show the following error, but I can't figure it out. Can anyone shed any light? !SESSION 2010-03-30 10:06:38.244 ----------------------------------------------- eclipse.buildId=M20090917-0800 java.version=1.6.0_17 java.vendor=Apple Inc. BootLoader constants:...

How to host eclipse plugins(cheatsheet)???

Hi, I have developed a eclipse plugin (cheatsheet), packaged in jar format. Can anyone tell me how to host that plugin publicily or in tomcat server so that remote user can install it through the given URL, using the Install Software menu ? I don't want to copy that plugin in eclipse's plugin folder i want to install that... ...

Format PHP Source Code on Save with Zend Studio for Eclipse

I would expect this option to exist in PHP -> Editor -> Save Actions but the only thing available there is to "remove trailing whitespace"... It's available in JavaScript -> Editor -> Save Actions but not php :( Is there a plugin that will let me do this? ...

J2ME Development: Netbeans vs Eclipse

I have to develop a J2ME application that will take advantage of Bluetooth technology to communicate with other instances of itself on other mobile devices. I know that both NetBeans and Eclipse offer an integrated environment to develop J2ME applications. Which one is more mature and stable? Which one offers better tools? My applicat...

Using a third party lib in an annotation processor with eclipse

Hi, maybe I do not see the wood for the trees, but I made an AnnotationProcessor and embedded it in eclipse. Works fine so far....but what if I need some 3rd party libs? I don't see any option to add those jars to the classpath. How/Where do I configure that in eclipse? Many many thanks! ...